Avengers ~ The Aftermath

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Prompt: Everyone coming back in Endgame.

*Spoilers will occur*

Warnings: Endgame Spoilers,

Words: 2216


Peter's POV

I walk calmly into the high school I haven't seen in five years. It hurts.

The pain is still there from Mr. Stark's funeral. I look to the side and see Ned. The organ in my chest beats faster as my stomach drops.

I embrace him into a hug, doing our secret and well-made handshake. We both break down a little, tears welling up.

There really was no school that day. It was more just see everyone again. After school, I webbed my way over to the cemetery.

I stood over his grave.

Anthony Edward Stark

Incredible man he was. The pang in my chest still radiates through my bones as I stare longer at the name.

He was the only father figure I had next to Uncle Ben. Mr. Stark sacrificed everything for us. Pepper, Morgan, the Avengers, himself, it should've been me.

"You know, it's not your fault kid, " I hear a deep voice say from behind me.

I glance back and see Sam with a sad look.

"He deserves to be here. To be with Pepper and Morgan, being Ironman. Settling down with his family in a house in the woods next to the lake. It's not fair to him, " I say getting more and more upset as I rant, "If anyone should be dead it should be me! I could've done something right? It doesn't always have to be the good guy making the sacrifices, "

My vision blurs as I grow more and more hysterical. Sam says nothing and pulls me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder.

"This is how it's gotta be, " he says and we stand there in the pouring rain.

Steve's POV

I softly sway in the middle of the living room as slow music played on the stereo

Peggy in my arms. Her head against my chest. I look back at everything. My childhood, Bucky, Captain America, the Avengers, Tony, Thanos.

I think how we lost our two most beloved Avengers in this battle. Nat and Tony. There is a slight pang in my chest at the thought of him.

I also look at the life I have now. The love of my life is here. In between my arms. Smiling with that bright red lipstick and brown eyes beaming. A ring with a diamond on top. I have a golden band around my index finger. Showing our trust for one another. Our promise. Our vow to love and cherish each other.

Like how I vowed to keep my country safe. Then Sam pops up in my mind. I have him that shield. He is now Captain America. He now is protecting this country one swing at a time.

While I stay here. Living the life I only ever dreamed of.

Okoye's POV

"It's good to have you back, your Highness, " I say as I now to the throne.

"Good to be back, General. Now tell me, who led the throne while I was away?" T'Challa asks and I shake my head.

"Nobody, Sir. This was one a memorial for you in hopes for your return. And now you are here to lead Wakanda, "

He smiles, "I have missed this, " he says standing from the chair that has such high standards. "Bring it in, " he says and gestures me into an embrace.

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