A/N: Y/N is attending Midtown high school, and she's new and extremely shy. She awkwardly bumps into Peter Parker, sparking a new friendship. . . or relationship. . . I don't know
Words: 1309
You shove your notebooks into your backpack, as you push up your glasses.
"You ready, Y/N?" You hear your Mom ask, as she drives you into your new school's parking lot. You smile and answer, "Yes! I did some review over the school, and it's really good. Apparently, it's really big on science and technology." You say and begin to rant about science and nanotechnology.
"Y/N?" You hear your Mom interrupt you softly, you look over and frown, "I was nerding out again, wasn't I?" You say and look down to fumble with the small ring on your finger. She hooks her finger around your chin, forcing you to look up. "You'll do just fine," she says and kisses your forehead, "Now, go and meet up with Principle Morita."
You nod and wave goodbye, and immediately as you close the car door and walk towards the door, you are hit in the face with social anxiety. You hug yourself, as you walk into the building with your head down.
"So your locker number is three-hundred seventy-five, here is your schedules, and welcome to Midtown Tech, Ms./Mr. Y/N L/N!" Your new principal says happily. You smile with a nod and walk to your locker.
As you are walking down the hallway, you accidentally bump into another student. You drop your books. "OH! I am SO sorry!" You hear the boy you bumped into apologized, as you both bend down to pick up the books and papers.
"It's okay," you say quietly, you stand back up, and he hands you your books. You look at him, he's cute. Chocolate brown eyes, with light brown hair, thin line, accompanied by a razor-sharp jawline.
No, Y/N, you just met him. You don't even know his name.
You blush and smile softly at him, "I'm Peter. Peter Parker," he introduces himself and rubs the back of his neck, "And with is Ned and Michelle." he introduces his friends behind him. You nod at them and they give you a tiny wave.
"I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N." You say, and he smiles, "Y/N," he repeats, and the bell rings. "Well, see you later, Y/N!" he says and we all rush to class.
You slide through Biology and Spanish with ease. Everyone is really nice and friendly.
The lunch bell rings, and I grab my lunch box to head for the cafeteria.
You look for places to sit. At your old school in California, you normally sat with the weird, yet well-known kids. You all would talk about anything artsy, sciencey, techy, pop-culturey. You were life-long friends with them, but your Dad got stationed here in Fort Hamilton, the Army Base.
"Hey Y/N!" You heard a voice call for, you turned and saw Peter and Ned waving you over. You smile, and walk over, "Hey," you say shyly. "You're shy," Peter notices, and you look up and nod, "Yeah, I am sorry," You say, and Peter shakes his head, "Don't be, it's cool," he says, and your face flushes red.
You take out an apple and munch on it. "According to the article, "Jurassic Genome," what is "junk DNA"?"
You hear Ned ask Peter and Michelle, "DNA that does not code for proteins," You answer subconsciously, they look over and they all say, "Join our Decathalons team."
You smile, this move is going better than expected.
You begin to walk home, it's only a couple of miles away. You happily hold your new yellow, Decathalons jacket in your hands with a smile.
Then the thought of Peter pops up, he was handsome, and sweet, and kind, and friendly, and awkward, and funny, and nerdy, and No Y/N! You can't like someone you just met.
You continue walking home, and a random hand sneaks around your mouth. You let out a muffled scream and squirm around trying to get free of the man's grip.
"HEY!" You hear someone yell, its voice was familiar, a little high pitched, almost like a fifteen-year-olds and with a terrible Queens accent.
Someone in red and blue spandex came spinning down webs. They look like nylon strips, long-chain polymer knits and its forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary adhesive properties.
Jeez, I'm nerding out now!
I have heard of this guy around town. Spiderman was it? We don't have him in Sacramento.
Spiderman slings his webs towards the guys back and pulls making him fly backward; releasing me.
I sigh, and slowly step away, adjusting my glasses and gripping my backpack. Spiderman webs the guy upside down against the brick wall and tisks at him. He turns to me and dusts me off. I feel like I should've flinched or backed away. But, I didn't, being around him feels natural and good.
"You okay, Y/N?" he asks, and I furrow my brows, "How do you know my name?" I ask, and he stutters, "Uh . . . I-Uh, I mean, Ah, you-you see," then he just hops away.
Only five people here really know my name. Mom, Dad, Peter, Ned, and Michelle.
Mom and Dad are currently at work. Too thin to be Ned. The voice too deep to be Michelle. So, it has to be . . . Peter.
You walk to school the next morning and run into Peter. You see him shove something quickly into his backpack.
"Peter, can I talk to you?" You ask, and he looks over with a surprised and shocked look but attempts to hide it. "Uhh, yeah, s-sure," he stutters, ugh, so cute, wait Y/N stop!
We stop right under the homecoming sign, and he looks at me nervously. "You're Spiderman," I say lowly, I hate confrontation, I can basically feel my social anxiety raise higher and higher. He rubs the back of his neck to wipe away the sweat, he looks around for an excuse. But, since I'm here at school early, there is no one. "Why would you say that?" he asks, trying to be confident in his words.
"Only five people in the state know my name," I begin to explain, "My parents were at work when I was attacked, Spiderman is way too thin to be Ned, and his voice was too deep to be Michelle. That only leaves you left." I say, and he looks down.
"Mr. Stark's gonna kill me," he mutters to himself then says, "Okay! I am!" he whisper shouts, "Just don't tell anyone." and I smile, "Don't worry, I can keep a secret," I say and wink.
He sighs in relief, "So, now that we're sharing secrets, anything from you?" he asks, and I shake my head, I mean, I like you.
"Wait what?" he asks, and I turn, "What?" I ask, "You said, that you liked me." he says, and I mentally facepalm myself. Of course, I said that out loud, I can feel the blood rush all over my face and down my neck. I chuckle nervously, "Yeah, I do," I say shyly, "Good," he says and pulls me closer to him, "Cause I need a Y/H, with H/C, and E/C, that wears glasses and is shy and really smart and funny and kind," he begins to list a whole bunch of characteristics.
"Okay, okay, I get it," You chuckle, "Yes, I'll go to homecoming with you," you say with a smile. He smiles back at you. He leans in and goes to kiss you cheek, but you turn your head and you get a kiss on the lips.

AVENGERS ONESHOTS (requests are closed)
FanfictionThis book will consist of a collection of one-shots, drabbles, preferences and what not, of the Avengers. Tony Stark (Robert Downey jr.) Steve Roger (Chris Evans) Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) Thor Odinson (Chris Hemswort...