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~Alia POV~
"Baeee, my momma gon hear us," I whined as my girlfriend, Alex, was kissing on my neck.

"Lemme just get a luh taste girl," she said, winking at me. Right on cue, my momma opened the door.

"GET YOUR SISTER RIGHT NOW FO I KILL HER. And stop all of this extra loving in my house damn," she yelled before walking out of my room. The hell that gotta do with me? I got off my bed and walked to Chanel's room. Before I could open the door, all I heard was moaning and rocking.

Nasty asses.

"Aye aye aye, momma said stop all this extra loving in ha house. Y'all lil fast behinds," I yelled through the door. I swear it got so quiet. Welp, back to my room.

This summer has been fun but interesting. I started visiting my dad's grave more. I just couldn't before because I didn't have it in me. Michelle, my stepmom, I've grown very fond of her as I call her my real mom. I'm so excited for college; we leave in two weeks.

"Hello? Bae? What you thinking about?," Alex spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing, just how I'm ready to go to college."

"Yeaaa, I'm ready to meet some new baddies," she said and I hit her in her arm, "damn, I was just playing."

Whatever. She thinks I don't know what happened over the summer but I'm just giving her time to tell me on her own before I bust her. I suddenly grew mad and didn't wanna talk anymore.

"I'm going downstairs. I'll be back," I nonchalantly said, getting off the bed. As I got to the living room, I heard soft sobs.

"Ma, what's wrong?," I asked wrapping my arms around her. Chanel was sitting on the other side of her, rubbing her back. I mouthed to her but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"We found out he was sick on this day," my mom said out of no where. I wanted to ask who but it all hit me and I started to get emotional; my dad.

"Ma, he loves all of us and I'm sure he's looking down on us; very proud," I said softly. I didn't want to cry in front of her because I was just starting to get strong this summer.

"I know he is," she said, slightly smiling. I excused myself from the couch and went upstairs; I couldn't hold it in any longer. As soon as I closed my room door, I started crying but I peeped how quickly Alex put her phone down.

"Why is it dark? Hello?," I heard a familiar female voice say through the phone. She's so stupid; it's like she wanted to get caught.

"Get out," I said lowly so that I didn't lose my temper.


"Alexandria, please get the hell out and do not come back," I repeated.

"Man shut up, don't act like you wasn't messing with ole dude this summer," she spoke up. I swear I wanted to slap her because her ass always making assumptions. I just closed my eyes and sat on the floor. I'll give this girl 10 seconds and she better be gone. I started counting.

10 ... 9 ... 8.

As soon as I hit 4, I heard my bedroom door open and slam. Ouuu Jesus, give me the strength. I walked to my bed, shut off my lamp, and laid there.

"Dad, I miss you; like a lot. I'm just ready to go to college and experience something new," I spoke to my dad as I slowly drifted to sleep.

~Alex POV~
"Did she know it was me?," my side piece said through the phone.

"I don't know tf, I don't care either. Lemme come over tho," I said more than asked.

"Whatever," she said and hung up. Strike one. Igh, imma show her.

See, Alia been suspecting things lately but the only reason I started cheating was because she couldn't keep her legs closed and she was always out with some guy; that's why she was never home every time I wanted to see her. This side piece tho, she bad asf.

"Yo lemme in," I yelled banging on her door.

"Are you the damn cops, chill," she said rolling her eyes. Strike two.

"Hey girl, I missed you. Lemme get some," I said while licking my lips.

"Bitch bye," she laughed. Strike three.

"Quit playing Kadina," I said while grabbing her by her neck. She just rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Oh that's that shit you like huh," I said aggressively.

"Sure whatever. Put me down fo I tell my bestie you cheating on her," she said.

"You dumb as hell."

"Yeah ight," she said as she grabbed her purse and walked out the front door. I tried to call Alia but she wasn't answering so I just kicked my feet up and watched TV until Kadina came back.

I'm having writer's block already😖I really don't know what to write. Sorry.

Keep reading though; it gets better.

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