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~Alia POV~
I had just got off the phone with my momma when Chanel called.

"Ight momma. Enjoy the rest of your trip in Cabo. Tell Kim I said hi. Love y'all," I said before hanging up. Chanel had called me like three times now so I knew sum was wrong.

"Hey sis, sorry I was on the phone with momma, what's up?," I asked, obviously concerned.

"Alia he's such a freaking player. Once they cheat once, they definitely gonna do it again and I should've listened to that," she said crying and I immediately knew De bitch ass did sum. I admired their friendship when they were besties and I always said I wanted a friendship like that but that first time that he cheated, I just knew it was never gonna be the same. Chanel and I talked for two hours even though we were just together yesterday; she really had a lot to get off of her chest.

"Well boo, I'm about to go book me another room so I'll talk to you later. I love you," she said before hanging up. Well, it's time for me to go take a walk and get sum to eat. I like to take a walk every two days just to keep active and get fresh air for me and my baby.

Today, I decided to walk on another route and I came across a park. I sat down on a bench and just watched this group of guys play basketball. This one fine nigga kept eyeing me but I ain't pay him no mind. I was scrolling through Instagram when the basketball rolled up to me and I stopped it with my foot.

"Thanks for stopping the ball ma," the fine one who was staring at me said as he picked up the ball. He threw the other guys the ball and sat next to me.

"May I help you sir?," I asked. 

"My name is not sir but I saw you staring at me so I just had to come talk to you of course." I smirked and continued scrolling down my feed.

"Igh bet you gon curve me like that?," he asked and I looked up at him.

"What do you want from me ..."

"Mykel," he said, finishing my sentence. "If I make this three pointer, you gotta leh me take you out."

I knew he wasn't gonna make it so I agreed and he smirked. I carefully watched his play and after some time of stalling, he finally made the shot and it actually went it. I laughed and got up to continue my walk.

"Uh un don't be running now. Lemme get ya number so I can take you out," he ran up to me and gave me his phone. I put my number in.

"Alia? That's a cute name or whatever. See ya tomorrow night at 7. Send the addy," he smiled before walking away.

"Baby, what did ya mommy get herself into," I talked to my baby as I ran my hand over my stomach. Even though I didn't want this baby at first, I'm excited to find out the gender and get to know him/her. I walked out of the park and walked to a close by Jamaican restaurant to get food. While I was waiting in line, my phone dinged.

Mommabear🧸❤️: ya momma is bad ain't she? {8:54 pm}

Mommabear🧸❤️: ya momma is bad ain't she? {8:54 pm}

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Me: Yassss mama slay on these hoes😘{8:56 pm}

Mykel: don't forget to send the addy beautiful and a pic for your profile pic. Imma call you when I get in the house so make sure you answer ya shit 👅{8:54 pm}
Me: Sir bye😽 {8:57 pm}

"Alia," they called my name and I got my food before heading out and walking home. I love where my neighborhood is because it's close by to a lot of stores and stuff so I could walk instead of driving all the time. When I got home, I ate and took a nice, long shower. As I was getting dressed, Mykel FaceTimed me.

"Ya just met me and you couldn't last a few hours without me, how cute," I said into the phone.

"Yeaaa, I can't leave my baby momma alone. You there alone?," he asked and I was curious if he knew about my pregnancy or not. I mean I was only two months so my bump wasn't really showing.

"Why you wanna know?"

"Ight fine, it ain't my business baby momma."

Mykel and I talked for the remainder of the night and I got to know him better; he's pretty ight I guess. As I was falling asleep, I heard him say, "good night ma, sleep well and don't squish my baby."

"mhm," was all I got out before I knocked out.

"Alia, Alia," I heard my name being called as I walked through the clouds.

"Dad?," I questioned because it couldn't be him.

"Yes baby girl. I just want to let you know that I'm so, so proud of you and I wish I can meet my grandson but everything happens for a reason," he said.

"Thank you dad. I love you and miss you so much," I started tearing up.

"I love you baby girl. Now go out and be the amazing woman that I raised," and with that, he vanished.

I woke out of my sleep softly sobbing and I heard somebody speak.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?," Mykel said and I was honestly surprised he was still on the phone. I think I fell asleep around midnight and it's 4 am right now. That was my first dream about my dad in a while.

"Mykel, why are you still on the phone and why are you up?," I tiredly asked, ignoring his question.

"Cuz I had to make sure my girl was straight and I can't sleep so I'm on the game."

I got up to pee and then I got back in bed to at least try to go back to sleep.

"I know you going back to sleep so imma mute myself so the game don't bother you. Sleep well babygirl," he said and then it got quiet. I may actually be able to be with this man for real y'all; as long as he's accepting of my child.



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