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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Four months later•

~DeVonte POV~
"Nigga you're bugging," I said to Chris as we played the game. We been at my apartment playing the game for two hours now. My baby girl was in the room watching a movie I think.

"DeVonte Brown," Kiya called my name and I knew I was in trouble already.

"Ouuu la la what did you do?," Chris said laughing. I slapped him in his head and ran to the room before he could hit me back.

"Yes bae."

"Who is dabaddie.asia on Instagram?," she asked and I dead froze. Asia from the party; shit.

"She's nobody. Why you tripping?," I asked sounding confused.

"Nigga don't play dumb with me. If she's nobody, why is she asking to meet up?" I shrugged my shoulders and walked out of the room acting like nothing happened. It's been months since I've talked to Asia so why is she hitting me up now. I got back on the game with Chris but I barely got 15 minutes in before Kiya said something.

"You ain't shit. I see why Chanel broke up with you. Once a cheater, always a cheater," she said throwing my phone at me and walking out my door, slamming it. She don't pay rent here so I don't know who gave her permission to slam my shit.

"What did you do now?"

"I ain't do nothing. The girl I cheated with this summer hit me up and I don't know why."

"Ouuu she probably pregnant but then if she was, she probably already had the baby. OMG WHAT IF YOU HAVE TO PLAY BABY DADDY NOW," Chris ran around the apartment, exaggerating.

"Nigga shut up. Don't wish that on me."

"Seeee this is why there needs to be more loyal niggas like me," he said taking a bow. Who does he think he is?

"Whatever," I said, "let's go get sum to eat."

~Jasmine POV~
"Girllll, I just can't get over how cute this promise ring is," she said admiring the ring on my hand. For our one year anniversary, Chris had gave it to me.

I'm actually really grateful to have him in my life because he's the only nigga who's been loyal to me; taught me how to love again. When I was 7, my parents abandoned me and left me to live with me grandparents. My uncle moved in for a little bit when I was 10 and he used to molest me at night or when my grandparents weren't there in the day. I didn't tell them about this until I was 15 and when my uncle came to visit one Christmas, my grandfather literally chocked him out until he passed out; I haven't seen my uncle ever since. I still live with my grandparents and I'm very grateful that they take care of me but I'm mad excited to go to NYU so I can get out of this state.

"Umm hello," Chanel said snapping her fingers.

"Sorry boo, memories just started flooding my mind," I said as I cried.

"Why are you crying sis?," she asked hugging me.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered.


"Shh, my grandparents don't know yet. I swear I was on birth control but I don't know what happened Chanel. I don't know how I'm gonna do this," I continued to cry on her shoulder.

"Does Chris know?"

"Not yet. I was thinking about telling him on our date tonight." She continued to hug me and rub my back. Chanel is the only person who knows my full life story and we've had our ups and downs but I'm so happy I have a best friend like her by my side. We cuddled up in my bed and watched movies for the remainder of the day until Chanel's phone rang.

"Omg my sis is having the baby," she said and we got up and rushed to the hospital. I'm so happy for my girl Alia to have her son and especially when she has somebody as great as Mykel by her side.

~Alia POV~
I came home this weekend because my due date was in four days and I wanted to be close to family when it happened. I was over at Mykel's house when I got up to get a water bottle.

"Bae, I told you to put more water bottles in the fridge," I yelled to him as I bent down to get some waters out of the cabinet. I felt a liquid running down my leg and I knew it was time.

"MYKEL, MY WATER BROKE," I said panicking. I was beyond scared for this baby to come because he was my first kid. Last month, Mykel and I set up a nursery for the baby at his house and when we're at my mom's house, he'll stay in my room with me.

"Please call my mom and them," I said in between contractions while we were driving to the hospital. My hospital bag and the baby's hospital bag was at my mom's house so I needed her to bring it.

"Bae are you-," Mykel started but I cut him off.

"MYKEL I AM IN PAIN AND IM NOT OKAY SO DON'T ASK," I yelled at him because these contractions were killing me. We eventually got to the hospital and they examined me to see how dilated I was.

"Okay mom so you're 6 centimeters dilated so we're going to get you to start pushing soon. I'll be back to check up on you in a few. Here you go dad, you'll be wearing this," the nurse said handing Mykel some scrubs. We waited a while until I was fully dilated and then it was time to have this baby. I prayed before I started pushing and then we began the process.

"Push now mom."

"1...2...3. Push," they said again and it hurt like hell. I was crying and screaming because I decided to do this naturally; how dumb of me. Mykel was holding my hand the whole time which made it a little bit better.

"One more push," I pushed one last time and I heard crying.

•Two hours later•
"Hey mama's baby," I softly spoke to my son as he was eating. I swear I've never known love like this until this little human was born. People were allowed to visit the baby and my family as well as Kel's family came to see our son. Now it was just Kel and I spending time with him.

"Bae you did amazing. I love you," Kel said kissing me.

On this day, April 27th, I wholeheartedly fell in love with Isaiah Kairo Robins. He got his middle name after my dad. I already know he's gonna be a momma's boy.

🥺little Isaiah was finally born. I'm not focusing too much on Jasmine's pregnancy because I'm probably gonna end the book before she has the baby anyways😙

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