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*Next chapter I'm doing a big time skip so bare with me. I think I'm getting ready to end this book. Excuse mistakes‼️

~Chanel POV~
"Ma I think we're waiting for Jasmine and Chris cuz they always late," I said laughing, "and Khalil and his family are also not here."

It's 6:27 and dinner is suppose to start at 6:30 but more than likely we're not gonna start until 6:45 cuz black people are always late. The guests who were here right now, were scattered around the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Kiya and De were sitting on the couch in the living room laughing it up like everything was cool. We haven't talked in over two months so I have no intention of talking to him today. The doorbell rang and I went to open it. It was Jasmine and Chris.

"Hey big head," Chris said hugging me. I hugged him back and then I hugged my baby momma.

"Hi baby momma," I said to Jasmine. They walked into the house and just as I was about to close the door, I heard another voice.

"Hi daughter," Khalil's mom said and she hugged me tight as hell. "Hi mommy, hi old man," I said to her and Khalil's dad, Kaymen. That's our little joke.

"Hello big head Nel," he said as they walked into the house. I saw Khalil smiling at me, "what?"

"Come here," he said pulling me into him and kissing me. Yea, we're together now.

"You look handsome," I said to him but before he could answer somebody said something.

"Yea I know I'm the most handsome nigga ever now come on, your mom is ready to start dinner," Chris ugly self said.

"Ain't nobody was talking to yo crusty ass," I mumbled while walking into the house with lil.

"What you say lil girl?"

"Nothing bestie," I faked smiled and ran into the kitchen before he could thump me.

"Chanel Walker, help me with getting these dishes on the table," my mother said. Now she doing a lot calling me by my full name. After we got the dishes on the table, we prayed for the food and everybody started taking out their own food.

"So what's y'all college plans, seniors?," Aunty Kim asked us as everyone got their food situated.

"I wanna go to NYU," I said and Jasmine agreed. We've been talking about it for a while now and we both wanna apply there. Chris was thinking about applying there too because Jasmine was going. Khalil doesn't wanna go to college; he wants to go to the army. Kiya and DeVonte don't know their college plans yet which made Aunt Kim eye him from across the table.

The way our table was set up, it was a long table with 7 seats on each side. This is how we were seated in order from left to right.

*On the first side of the table was: Kim, Michelle, Khalil, Chanel, Alia, Mykel, and Braelyn with Ky on her lap*

•On the opposite side (from left to right) was: Kaymen, Lynda, Kiya, DeVonte, Chris, and Jasmine•

The dinner was going by pretty good until the topic of relationships came up. Lynda asked if a woman should stay with a man even if he cheated on her.

"I believe that if the woman really loves the man, then she should stay with him," Chris said.

"I think that if the man really loved the woman, then he wouldn't cheat in the first place," I said looking at De.

"I think that if the girl doesn't come into the relationship with trust issues and isn't insecure, then the relationship should be great from the beginning," he shot back at me. Who the hell does he think he is. Before I could talk, Kiya said something.

"If the man steps out on the relationship it was probably for a girl who could treat him better because he wasn't getting what he was supposed to be getting," she said smirking at me. This bitch. By now, the adults were fully engaged in our debate; Lynda and Kaymen were lost but my mom and aunt Kim knew what was going on.

"First of all, you have no place to talk. He didn't even want you in the first place but you kept throwing your thirsty ass at him," I said honestly fed up at this point cuz she was tryna throw shade.

"Chanel," my mom warned but I ignored her. Khalil gripped my thigh under the table because I was shaking my leg so fast; I was heated.

"I don't throw myself at nobody; they gravitate towards me because I'm all that and I'm sorry that you're not," she shot back and I wanted to reach across this table and slap the shit out of her.

"NO WAY WILL YOU COME INTO MY HOUSE AND DISRESPECT MY DAUGHTER," my mother yelled and Kiya looked scared; as if she was used to this treatment but I really didn't care because she just disrespected me.

"See how quick you moved on, YOU A PIECE OF-," I started but he cut me off.

"A PIECE OF WHAT Chanel, I dare you to say that shit," De angrily said.

"WHAT YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO IS YELL AT THIS GIRL AND CURSE UP IN THIS HOUSE. You ain't grown DeVonte; watch yourself before I beat yo ass for real. I don't know where you get this behavior from but I ain't raise you like that," Aunt Kim said now looking angry.

"One man's trash is another's treasure," Khalil mumbled and De looked him dead in his eye.

"Naw one man's trash is still another man's trash cuz it's still trash at the end of the day," De calmly said back and it felt like he just shot daggers through my heart. I know he did not.

"Bae, please help me get upstairs because all of this yelling is stressing me out and I'm feeling lightheaded," I heard Alia say to Mykel.

"I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE YOU," I yelled. As Alia got up from the table to go upstairs, we were all too busy yelling that we didn't notice that she fainted until Mykel yelled, "YALL WE GOTTA GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL."

We got to the hospital and after a while the doctor came out, "Family of Alia Robins." We all stood up.

"Sorry to say, the baby did not make it," he said and we all gasped.


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