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Excuse mistakes‼️

•One month later•

~DeVonte POV~
Last summer was a hell of a summer but I enjoyed every bit of it with Chanel. We were together 25/8; everywhere you saw her, you saw me and vice versa. This past month of school has been boring asf; nothing new.

"So that's basically the plan," Chris finished his speech.

"K cool," I said even though I was barely listening.

"Imma hit you later," I told him while dapping him up. We had different first blocks. I walked into my first block and saw the last person I wanted to see. When did she get transferred to my first block?

"Hey DeVonte," Jayla said nonchalantly.

"Umm hey."

"How you and ya lil boo thang doing?," she asked.

"We straight," I replied before the teacher started talking.

"You're late," Mr. Derol said to this new girl. I'm not even gon hold you, shawty was bad asf. If I didn't have Nel, I would've been all up in that.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?," she whispered as the teacher started giving instructions.

"Nah you straight ma," I lowly said and she blushed. Damn!

"Partner up with somebody of the opposite gender. The point of this project is to test your responsibility and compatibility when you are presented with difficult tasks. You will have one month to raise this baby ...," we listened as the teacher gave us all the details about this project on raising a fake baby. Shit, beats me.

"Umm, I'm new here but I wanted to know if you wanted to partner up?," the new girl asked.

"Sure, I guess. What's your name ma?"

"It's Kiya."

~Chanel POV~
"Nah, I'm telling you he was eyeing her but maybe I'm tripping. It's just hard to trust him after this summer," I rant to Jasmine as we ride home. Chris and De had to stay back for basketball practice so Chris let Jas use his car to take us home.

"Yea, it is hard to trust people again; especially after they do the same shit over and over," she said as she turned the radio on. We vibed to our music the rest of the way home.

As soon as Jasmine dropped me home, I called my sis.

Me: Hey sissy pooh, how's that college life treating you?

Alia: Girl it's only been a month but I mean it's cool or whatever; been running into some new boys.

After about a good two hours of talking to my sis, my momma came home and I went downstairs to help her with dinner.

"Hey baby. So you know that my birthday is coming up and I'm thinking about taking a trip with my lil bestie westie," she smiled and I laughed. Who says that?

"So where do you and Aunt Kim plan on going?"

"Probably Cabo," she said after putting the chicken in the oven.

"Well as long as you be on your best behavior and keep them legs closed, we should be good," I mumbled the last part.

"Little girl, I'm grown. I know how to keep my legs closed unlike you who be doing nasty shit under my roof," she said and smirked. Whatever.

Speaking of nasty, I should go call De. I haven't really talked to him other than this morning. When I called him, he didn't answer. I'm tired of people not answering my calls.

~Kiya POV~
Damnnnn, this man is fine asf; lemme get a luh taste of that chocolate.

"Girl, I know you hear me talking to you," he said snapping his fingers in my face. "Your baby needs you."

"For one don't put yo fingers in my face; there's other places for them to go," I paused, winking at him, "and gimme my child."

I grabbed the silicone baby from his arms and cradled her. We named her Bella in honor of my late grandmother. I always wanted to name my first child after my grandmother because she was my everything when my mother gave up on me. I always vowed to be a good mother to my kids whenever I have them; unlike my malicious mother. I felt a hand brush my cheek and I flinched.

"Chill mamas, a tear was slipping," he said softly. "You used to get hit on or sum?"

"I really don't wanna talk about it," I said as I put the baby on the couch and walked to the restroom.

Part of the reason that I moved schools was because my ex used to hit on me and when my father found out, he raged. My father beat that boy so good you would've almost thought he was dead. I didn't wanna be around any of that negative energy anymore so my dad and I upped and moved to a new state; plus, he needed a new job anyways.

I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed tears rolling down my face. I try to be strong every time but something is always popping up.

I wiped my tears and walked out of the bathroom. "I would like to be taken home now."

He didn't even ask questions which made me happy because if I started speaking, it would've been done for. When we pulled up to my house, he finally spoke.

"You too beautiful to be crying and to be letting these bitch made niggas get to you."

I smiled, "thanks De."

I'm dead shipping this relationship buh he still with Nel so 🥱

De and Nel?


De and Kiya?

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