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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Jasmine's POV~
After we left the hospital, I took Chanel home and then went home to get ready for this date. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I wasn't afraid that Chris would leave me but I was afraid of what he would think because I don't want to ruin his dream of playing basketball. Chris and I decided that our date color tonight was black so I looked through my closet and found a black shirt with some ripped denim jeans and I'll pick a pair of shoes when I'm done with my hair.

I showered and got ready because we were supposed to be going out for 8 and it's 7:45 right now. I finished my hair around 7:30 so I was just sitting in my room waiting for Chris. I heard a knock on my room door and I said come in.

"What's up sweet pea? You've been distant," my grandpa said sitting on my bed.

"I don't know grandpa. I just feel like everything is moving too fast and I'm messing up. I'm not getting enough time to do everything," I said emotionally.

"Jasmine you're only 18 and you've been through a lot of shit already that nobody should have to go through. You're such a strong girl just like your mother was and wherever she may be, I know she'd be very proud. So whatever mistakes you did make, I know you'll be strong enough to get through them," he said kissing my forehead. "Oh and have fun with your little boyfriend tonight. Tell him I'm not too old to pop a cap in his ass."

"Thank you grandpa," I said laughing as he walked out of my door. They met Chris a few months back and they actually liked him. I just think my grandpa is scared for me to be in a relationship because of what went down with my uncle.

🔐🥺Husband💍❤️: I'm outside bae {7:59 pm}

I walked out of the house, telling my grandparents bye. I love living with my grandparents but three more months and I'm out this bih.

"Hey gorgeous," Chris said coming out the car to open my door. I kissed him before I got in the car. Tonight, we were doing an amusement park and then I was spending the night at his house. We listened to music on our ride to the amusement park and when we got there, Chris was mad excited.

Every time we go to an amusement park, it's like he's 10 again but seeing him happy makes me happy. I would normally be up for competing with him on these games but I was just thinking about telling him about this pregnancy that I was out of it. We played a few games and rode a few rides and I just wasn't feeling it but I didn't wanna ruin the night.

"Bae, what's wrong? You're not being your normal goofy self that I'm used to so talk to me," Chris said as we were standing in line to get a churro.

"Chris I'm fine," I said as they called us up to order.

"Hi, I'll have two churros and a funnel cake. What do you want Chris?," I asked him and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"I thought one of them churros was for me and I'll share the funnel cake with you."

"You're not getting none of my food so what do you want?," I asked again because he must think I'm playing.

"Man get me a churro," he said handing me his card and walking off. Okay?

"I'll have another churro, thank you." I waited for my stuff and when I got them, I went to the car and Chris was in there. I handed him his churro as he started the car. He tried to reach over and grab a piece of my funnel cake but I slapped the shit out of his hand.

"Damn fat ass, fine," he said catching an attitude. I mean, works for me because he'll leave me alone and I really don't wanna be bothered anyways. We made it to his apartment and he got out and left me in the car. Mad much. I got out and walked through the front door. He was already in the room changing so I put my stuff down and changed into one of his shirts and some biker shorts.

"You can't have an attitude with me forever so what's your problem?," I asked getting into bed and cuddling up under him. He didn't answer; he just kept watching the TV. Might as well get this over with.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered and he sat up. Well damn I was laying on you but okay.

"What you say?"

"I'm pregnant," I mumbled and he put his face in his hands. He pulled me into him and just held me.

"Well that's one out of six; five more to go," he said and I hit his arm.

"Stop playing. How do you feel about this for real Chris?"

"I don't want it. Abort it or sum," he said and I immediately wanted to break down in tears.

"Bae, bae, bae I'm playing. Don't cry. You look so cute when your bottom lip quivers though," he said and winked at me.

"I hate you," I said and turned my back to him.

"Bae you know I always say I wanna marry you and have kids with you. This one maybe came a little earlier than expected but I'll drop everything if I have to just to be here for this baby. I don't care what anybody has to say; it's you, it's always been you, and it will forever be you my sexy baby momma," he said laying behind me and rubbing my stomach.

"Did you tell your grandparents, baby?," he asked after a while of silence.

"No but I have a feeling my grandfather knows and he will most definitely tell my grandmother his assumption."

He started rubbing my ass but I knew what he wanted because he does this every time, "you know they say pregnant pussy is the best," he whispered along my neck. Y'all see why I'm pregnant now; he never stops.

"Boy leave me alone. Your child and I are tired," I said turning around to face him. He sucked his teeth and I laughed. I kissed him and said, "I love you."

"I love you too baby momma."

They are like my favorite couple❤️

Should Jasmine and Chris get their own book?

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