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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Alia POV~
Ever since that night after the party, Zay has been distant. I really hope he's not one of them guys who fucks and ducks but he's acting like it. Ever since the beginning of this week, I been starting to feel sick and nauseous all the time. Tayla keeps saying that I'm eating and acting like I'm pregnant but I could never be.

"Did you do Professor Brown's paper?," Tayla asked me while she was typing on her computer.

"I haven't even been able to go to class all week. I knew I should've started her paper last week instead because now I may not have time to finish it," I said referring to the 10 page paper I had to write. I literally just got into college and I got 10 page assignments; I love it here🙄

I got up to go to the bathroom because my lunch felt like it was coming up. I heard a knock on the front door and then people talking.

"Let it out babe," Tayla said coming in the bathroom behind me to hold my hair back. I got up and brushed my teeth.

"Who was at the door?," I asked when I was done.

"You'll see." When I walked out of the bathroom I saw the last person I wanted to see.

"What do you want?"

"Lemme talk to you real quick," Zay said sitting on my bed. Tayla grabbed her purse and walked out of the room.

"I know I been distant and I'm sorry for not checking up on you but why haven't you been in class all week?," he asked actually sounding concerned.

"I never said you had to check up on me but there's something called a phone; you could've at least texted or sum damn and if you must know, I've been feeling sick since last week."

"You mean ... since we?," he trailed off. I nodded my head.

"Umm well I hope you feel better. I gotta go," he said instantly getting up and leaving. Okay, weird? I laid back in my bed and let sleep take over my body.

What felt like a few hours later, I heard the door open.

"I'm back bae and you're taking this now. Come on get up," Tayla said turning the light on in the room.

"Girl, what time is it?"

"It's 7 pm. Now go take this test," she said throwing the pregnancy test box at me. What do I look like to her? I'm not pregnant.

"I know that face and I know that you're in denial," she retorted. I just went into the bathroom and took it so she would shut up.

After 15 minutes of waiting, Tayla checked the test for me because although I knew it was going to be negative, I still had my doubts.

"Biitcccch, you're prego," she exclaimed and smiled. No way in hell. Why is this bitch smiling? I felt tears staining my face.

"Tayla, I literally have my whole college career ahead of me. HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO RAISE A BABY?," I started yelling.

"You better get Zay to help you cuz this was his fault and that's the only option boo because I know you will resent yourself if you do anything else to this baby," she comforted me, rubbing my back. We heard a knock on the door and Tayla got up to open it.

"SO YOU SLEEP WITH FEMALES MANS NOW?," this ghetto ass girl came into the room yelling. I wonder who she yelling at cuz I definitely know it ain't me.

"Zay don't want yo broke, dirty bitch ass. He want me that's why he be in my bed every night," she laughed. I know this bitch did not.


"If he's supposedly your man, why was he in my bed last week? Last time I checked, I had him moaning my name BITCH," I put extra emphasis on the last word. She put her hand to her chest like she was offended or sum.

"See I would get rowdy but you're not worth my time so get the fuck out please," I said sarcastically. Of course, she had to make a dumb ass comment which got her punched in the mouth.

"GET OUT," Tayla yelled and pushed her out of the room before slamming the door. "Hoes these days," she said rolling her eyes.

Lord help me because this is not what we're doing this year.

I texted Zay.

Me: Control your hoes cuz I almost fought one today. You lucky I got this baby in my stomach or I would've beat her ass.

B.A.N (A/N:it means bitch ass nigga if you were wondering)

B.A.N: Whose baby?

Me: Yours nigga

B.A.N: Naw, I don't know who you been sleeping around with but don't be putting no baby on me

Me: You hell bruh. Don't talk to me ever again.

B.A.N: Gladly

This why I can't stand these dumb niggas; they don't never wanna take responsibility for shit. Since I got to this college, I only slept with one boy and that's been Zay.

"I literally hate this nigga," I expressed my feelings to Tayla.

"Girl they ain't never shit. That's why I'm gay," she said which made me laugh. I spent the rest of the night trying to type up this paper, find a doctor to go to, and chilling with Tayla.

Welp, now how am I gonna tell my momma and Nel.

A/N: When Alia says momma, she's talking about Michelle, her stepmom. They just have a really good bond so she calls Michelle her real mom. Her biological mom left her and her dad when she was younger.

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