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Excuse mistakes‼️

~DeVonte POV~
It's been three weeks since we had this baby project and I'm actually sad that next week will be the last week that we have to work on this project. Kiya and I have gotten closer this past week because Nel has been acting distant as well as the rest of the group.

"Your shorts really are a comfortable fit to sleep in no cap," Kiya said, walking into the living room. My mom had left for work already so it was just us here. I can't wait until I turn 18 next month so I can move out. Don't get me wrong, I love my momma but I'm ready for my own space.

"How'd you sleep sleepy head?"

"Fine and how did you sleep baby daddy?," she asked smirking.

"I slept fine. Now where's my baby?," I asked referring to the silicone baby. Kiya and I have been treating her like she's our real daughter.

"Tryna skip school and have a chill day with ya baby momma?"

"Uhhh sure why not," I replied back as she searched the fridge for sum to eat. I mean it is Tuesday; who wants to go to school on a Tuesday?

Yes, Kiya did spend the night but that was only because I couldn't leave her in the state that she was in.

I was driving home from basketball practice when I stopped by a park for fresh air.

Nel and I had an argument that day and plus Chris was being distant. As I was walking through the park, dribbling my basketball, I saw a familiar person sitting on a bench with her face in her hands. When I approached her, she was crying. I sat down on the bench and spoke, "what's wrong ma?"

She immediately shot her head up and turned her back to me. "Kiya, talk to me."

"DeVonte I'm fine. Leave me alone," she said sniffling in between words. I grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face me.

"I know my bestie and I know that she doesn't cry for no reason so talk."

She explained to me how her ex contacted her from an unknown number and said when he found her, he'd kill her. Bitch made nigga. I hugged her because that was what she needed in the moment. She cried harder into my chest and I sighed. I only knew this girl for a good three weeks and my heart was breaking for her. I don't even know her ex but I hate that nigga already.

"De, my dad wasn't home so I couldn't even tell him and even if he was, I'd be too scared to," she let out. After she calmed down, we walked to my car and I drove to my house.

"You know I'm not staying here right?"

"Oh but you are; I'm not hearing none of that. I don't want you out of my sight right now," I said back opening my bedroom door.

By the time I was done remembering last night, Kiya was sitting next to me on the couch with a bowl of cereal in her hand.

"Why are you staring at me goofy?," she laughed.

"Cuz you're mad beautiful. Way too beautiful to be letting niggas get you down," I said speaking from the heart.

"Boy quit playing. You got you a whole girlfriend so stop flirting with ya fine baby momma," she said and smirked. I can't with this girl.

"Our project is ending next week and we have to give baby Bella back. I'm gonna miss her," she pouted after a while of silence. I moved closer to her on the couch so that I was right next to her.

"Sir why are you so close? My man would not approve of this," she said with a serious face. I rolled my eyes and moved back to my original spot cuz she stay playing. I know I got Nel but Kiya is fine asf; if Nel wasn't my girl I would've been dated Kiya.

She started laughing, "y'all niggas are mad sensitive." She got up from her spot and sat right on my lap. Oh shit. She wrapped her arm around my neck and said, "you know I was playing jeez. You need to stop getting mad cuz you got a girl anyways. I'm pretty sure when this baby project is over you'll quit talking to me so chill."

"I don't know why you catching an attitude because the best part of this project was getting to spend time and build a friendship with you," I retorted, grabbing her chin to face me. She instantly pushed my hand away and got off of me. "Don't ever touch me like that."

I was about to go off when I remembered her past. Fuck. The day just started and it's already going bad. I gave her 30 minutes to herself before I went into the room to check on her. She was laying on the bed watching a movie.

"Kiya I'm sorry. I keep forgetting about your past." She didn't answer. I sat down on the bed next to her and she turned to face me; teary eyed.

"De you don't understand how much pain that nigga caused me. He makes it so hard to trust anybody ever again and to know that he's still after me is just getting to my head. Why should somebody like him have so much power over how I go forward in my life?," she cried and I pulled her closer to me, hugging her.

"Kiya I've been trying to tell you this girl. You are too beautiful to be letting these people get to you and as long as you have me present in your life, I'll try my best to be here for you."

She looked up at me and smiled. Before I realized what I was doing, I leaned down and kissed her. At first, she resisted but then she gave in and her lips were soft asl. She pulled away and ran her tongue along my bottom lip.

"I would really take you right here," I whispered along her neck as she gasped. She pushed me away and smiled.

"Anyways, what are we doing for the rest of today baby daddy?," she asked.

*I ship them butttt this man is still in a relationship sooo*

Should he break up with Nel and get with Kiya?

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