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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Kiya POV~
It's been two weeks since De and I were assigned our baby project and honestly, we've been great parents. It's Saturday today so De and I are going to the mall. Yes, I know he has a girl but it's not like I want him or anything.

Boybestie🔐💛: Girl come outside {2:11 pm}
Me: Coming {2:14 pm}

"Hey girl," Chanel said as I got into the backseat. Who knew this bit- girl was coming?

"Hey y'all," I said back in the most friendliest way.

"Bae can we stop at McDonald's please?," Chanel asked in a whining voice.

"Yea bae," he replied before she leaned over and kissed him. Ughhh. I put my AirPods in and turned my reggae playlist on because it always gets me in a good mood. My mother's side of the family is from Kingston, Jamaica so it runs in our family.

Boybestie🔐💛: What's up with you? {2:48 pm}

Why is this nigga texting me. I paused my music as Chanel looked back at me. "So do you like this new area?"

"Yea it's cool. Keeps positive vibes."

"Oh so are you single?," she asked out of nowhere. Nosy bitches. I was getting ready to tell her mind yours when my phone dinged again.

Boybestie🔐💛: Chill out girl. You cute when you mad tho 👀. {2:53 pm}

I laughed at the text; I can't stand his ass.

"Bae who are you texting that got you smiling like that. You should be keeping ya eyes on the road," Chanel exaggerated.

"Alright baby."

Today is going to be a long day.

~Chanel POV~
They must think I'm stupid or sum. Of course when I heard that De was going to the mall with his "friend" Kiya, I had to tagalong. After all, he is my man.

"Imma stop for gas real quick," De said pulling into a gas station. This nigga is just so fine when he driving. He pulled up to the gas pump and got out, leaving his phone on the seat. He's so smart.

I opened his messages and saw the last person he texted was Girlbestfriend👀💛

I had a feeling I knew who it was and as soon as I saw that "come outside" text, I knew it was Kiya. Something felt off about her but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I turned to the back to face her.

"Um I know you and De got this lil baby project to do or whatever and that's fine with me but I feel like y'all getting a little too close," I got out.

"Okay. Trust and believe girl, I don't want De. If I did, I would've been had him," she said; mumbling the last part.

"Speak up please and thanks hun," I said sarcastically before rolling my eyes. De got back in the car and I knew he sensed the vibes were off because he asked if everything was good.

~DeVonte POV~
These females acting mad weird like they had a good talk when I left to pump gas. I swear I was only gone for a good 2-3 minutes. I texted Kiya and asked if she was straight.

Girlbestfriend👀💛: I'm fine. Get ya girl tho cuz her mouth is hot

The rest of the ride to the mall was silent and I did nothing to disrupt the awkwardness. As we arrived at the mall, Kiya got out the car first and slammed my door. I immediately got out after her, before Nel got out the car, and walked up to her.

"Girl chill out," I said.

"I'm chilling DeVonte," she said, calling me by my real name, which she never does.

"Stop calling me by my government for I—," I started but got cut off.

"For you what?," Nel said, coming out of nowhere.

"Nothing," Kiya said before walking into the mall.

"Yo what's your deal with her?"

"Nothing Nel, chill out. I can't take all this attitude from two females in the same day bruh," I retorted.

"Nigga shut up. Take me home," she yelled getting back in the car. I wonder who taking her home cuz I drove all the way to this damn mall and I definitely ain't driving home right now. Her uninvited ass was the one who wanted to come in the first place.

I walked into the mall, leaving Nel salty ass in the car. I know she thinks I want Kiya but that's her fault for not having no trust in me; I thought we put last summer behind us already. Maybe I did mess up once but I promised to never do it again; we're human right?

I called Kiya five times before she picked up. "What do you want bruh?"

"If you wanna be mad at Nel fine but watch that attitude with me. I'm already not in the fucking mood to deal with both of y'all today," I retorted in a calm tone, "now, where are you?"

"Finding a mans," she laughed. She wanna have jokes; bet.

"That's why imma find a new baby momma goofy," I retorted.

"You know you can't find a baby momma as fine as me; don't play."

"You ain't lying," I mumbled, licking my lips like she could see me, but she chuckled.

"I'm at Forever 21," she said before hanging up.  Women always gotta be mad difficult. As soon as I walked into Forever 21, Nel called me.

"It's cool. I see how it is. I took an Uber home because my so-called boyfriend left me in the car to go see his little bestie," she calmly said into the phone. You see what I'm saying?

"It's not even like that bae." After I said that, she hung up. Literally could never win.

I walked further into Forever 21 and saw Kiya cashing out. Damn, she must've knew what she wanted cuz I ain't never seen a girl shop that fast. I walked up to her and the cashier lady instantly started eyeing me.

"Hey. I'm Hailey. You're cute," she said, chewing on her gum extra hard.

"Thanks, his girlfriend thinks so too. Now ring my stuff up please," Kiya stepped in before I could say anything. Girlfriend? Yea, she bugging. The lady gave her a nasty look but went back to ringing up the clothes. After she gave Kiya her receipt, we walked out of the store and to the food court. We ordered some Chinese food and found a table to sit at.

"Girlfriend?," I asked when we were finishing up eating.

"Yea. Nel of course smartie," she sarcastically said back. "I'm only the baby mommas; not for long tho," she said, getting up from the table to throw her trash away.

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