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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Alia POV~
Y'all it's finally my birthday and we finna turn up. I'm only turning 19 today so we not getting too lit and plus I'm pregnant anyways.


"FUCK IT UP IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BITCH," I sang as we twerked. We was too busy getting lit, we didn't even notice when our momma came in.

"Y'all can't be twerking without y'all momma now," she said twerking with us. This lady is crazy. When the song was over we all sat on my bed cuz bitch I was tired. My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Kel calling me.

"Hey baby girl. Happy birthday," he said smiling into the phone.

"Thanks Kel. Where's Kya?," I asked and he gave the phone to her. "Hi baby."

"Hi Lia. Happy birfthday," she said in her little cute voice.

"Thanks baby."

"Oh so she get a baby but I don't bet," Kel said acting hurt. He's such a big baby. Every time Mykel calls me, I get to talk to Kymira and she has grown on me. I'm mad happy because I get to meet her today in person.

"Igh imma see y'all later. Love y'all," I said before hanging up. I say love y'all a lot because I got love for both of them even though it's only been two months; not in love just got love if that makes sense.

"Ouuu not her talking to her man and daughter," Chanel said and my mom laughed along with her.

"Whatever y'all. Aren't we supposed to be going to the mall to get sum for us to wear to the dinner tonight?," I asked Chanel and she nodded. We got off the bed and left the house.

"Girl who got you giggling like that?," I asked Nel cuz she been in that phone since we got in the car.

"Girl it's Khalil. He play way too much," she laughed and continued typing away on her phone. Of course it is. We got to the mall and shopped for a good two to three hours. I'm happy I got my hair and nails done yesterday because as soon as I leave this mall, I gotta go to this doctor appointment, go home take a nap, and then get ready for dinner.

Fast forward to doctor appointment and after•
"Okay mom, well the baby is looking good," the doctor said to me as she rubbed the gel over my stomach and I smiled. "I understand that you don't want to know the gender of the baby like this so I'll give you the envelope and you can take it from there."

I'm hella excited to find out the gender of my baby although in my dreams, I always see my dad and this little boy but I've never had a brother so I'm guessing it's my son.

"Thank you so much," I tell the doctor before walking out of the room. I hand the envelope to Chanel and go use the bathroom before we leave. "Igh let's go. I'm tired as hell," I said getting into the car. The drive home was silent because I wasn't really in the mood to talk. When I got home, I changed my clothes and laid in my bed. As soon as I was getting ready to fall asleep, my phone rang.

"What do you want?," I answered not even looking at the caller ID.

"Oh I see you need some dick to set you straight," I heard my baby's voice. We not official yet but we been talking.

"I'm sorry Kel. My baby and I are just tired and I wanna get a nap in before I have to get dressed for dinner," I said putting my phone down because I didn't feel like holding it.

"Fine baby. Imma see you later," he said.

"Igh kel kel. Tell my wifey I said hi," I replied referring to Brae brae. We have a good bond because we talk over the phone a lot and we went out together one time.

"Don't be calling me that gay name Alia and I'm not telling Braelyn none of that gay shit. You my wifey and my wifey only," he said before hanging up. His jealous behind.

*Few hours later*
"Sissy Pooh wake up," Chanel woke me up coming in my room with her makeup done. "It's 6 so time for you to get dressed." I got up feeling my lunch coming up. I have barely been getting sick during this pregnancy but it happens from time to time. Thank god my hair was wrapped up in my bonnet. When I was finished throwing up, I brushed my teeth and then got in the shower.

After my shower, I did my makeup and then finally got dressed. "Aww baby you look beautiful," my mom said as I walked downstairs. I ain't gon lie, we was all looking like a couple of baddies and beautiful, black goddesses. I told my mom thanks and we all got in the car to head to the restaurant. I talked to my dad earlier before I fell asleep and then he told me happy birthday in my dream.

When we arrived at the dinner, my heart almost melted. There was my wifey, Braelyn, my baby, Mykel, and finally little Kymira. When she saw me, she ran over to me and I picked her up.

"Hi lia," she said smushing my cheeks and I swear I wanted to cry from how cute she was. "Hi baby. I'm so happy I get to finally hold you and kiss you," I said kissing her cheek.

I walked over to Brae and hugged her while she grabbed my ass. Y'all this girl is so gay, I promise. "WIFEYYY looking THICC," she said and I spun around. I saw Kel standing there and I hugged him because he was looking salty.

"Hey baby momma. Happy birthday," he whispered in my ear before kissing my neck.

"Alright enough of that, let's eat," my momma said while holding Kya. We had a REALLY good dinner because  we laughed and talked the whole dinner; really just getting accustomed to each other's company. Kya was on my lap basically the whole time which I honestly didn't have a problem with.

"Desert time," my momma exclaimed as the people came out with the cake. It read, "Happy birthday Alia" at the top and "be my girl?" at the bottom. I looked at Kel and smiled and of course ya girl said yes; this man treats me amazing.

"Now cut the cake," Chanel said while recording. I cut the cake and the inside was blue; I immediately started crying because I knew it was my gender reveal combined with my birthday. "How did y'all get this done so quickly; we just got the envelope today," I said as Kel wiped my tears. They explained to me how they all got it planned out as we sat back and enjoyed the cake and each other's company.

"Congratulations ma, you'll make a great mother. Happy birthday again baby," Kel whispered in my ear before kissing me.

I can honestly say this was one of my favorite birthdays.

^Her birthday fit (she's obviously not prego in real life so imagine her baby bump

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^Her birthday fit (she's obviously not prego in real life so imagine her baby bump. Sorry)

Long chapter; I know😴

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