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Excuse mistakes‼️

(Excuse the time jumps)
One month later•

~Chanel POV~
"Khalilll, quit playing nigga damn," this nigga kept tryna chase me around the house cuz I stole some of his fries and messed with his twists. Like jeez, acting like a big ole kid.

"IF YALL DONT QUIT RUNNING IN MY HOUSE," Ms. Lynda, his mom said. Yea, I met his mom during Thanksgiving time and she's a really cool person; she's like my third momma.

"Sorry momma, lil keep messing with me and I'm just trying to eat my food in peace," I said hugging onto her leg like a little kid.

"Man ain't nobody messing witcho stupid as- behind," Khalil said cuz his mom gave him that look. I stuck my tongue out at him and we walked back to the table to finish eating our food.

Y'all, senior year been hard but cool so far. We go on semester break tomorrow which means we only got 5 more months of school; yah get into it. Chris, Jasmine, and I hang out a lot more and De been fake since he started dating Kiwi or whatever her name is. Khalil and I are together 24/7 now; that's my slime. I'm excited for Christmas because Alia's coming home again since we haven't seen her since November.

"You gon do my twists over since yo bean headed ass wanted to mess them up," Khalil said sounding salty.

"Stop cursing in my house damn," his mom said hitting him on the back of his head. She kissed my cheek and his before leaving to run errands.

"Fine I'll do them over bestie." One thing that I love about Khalil is his hair because I love to do hair and he be letting me do his twists or braids all the time. After we finished eating, he put on a movie and I redid his twists. He was falling asleep while I was doing his hair so I decided to mess with him. I carefully grabbed my water bottle and dropped some water on his face which made him jump up.

"Yoo you play too much and my momma ain't here now to save you," he said picking me up and tackling me on the couch while tickling me.

"OKAY OKAY LIL, I'm done playing just stop," I begged because he been tickling me for a good thirty seconds. He stopped tickling me but he was now towering over me, looking into my soul. "What lil?"

"Nun, I mean when I first met you at that restaurant I knew you were fine but I quit tryna shoot my shot after you and ole dude was together or whatever," he said still towering me but I been broke eye contact cuz who y'all thought was bouta do soul staring; not Chanel. He moved my chin so I was looking back at him and he leaned in to kiss me. After a few seconds, I pulled back.

"Lil," I whispered as I leaned up and kissed him back. His lips were nice and soft; tasted like strawberries too shii.

"Uh un not my babies kissing. Now stop alladat, I'm too young to be a grandma," Ms. Lynda said walking into the house with shopping bags. Well, I see she got her Christmas shopping out the way. Khalil's dad was at work so he'll be getting in later.

"Sorry mommy," I said as we got off the couch. I'm such a big baby around her. "Well we needa get some shopping done for Christmas so I'll see you later," I said to Ms. Lynda, kissing her cheek and walking to Khalil's car. A few seconds later, he came into the car and started the engine. I bit my lip looking at him drive; I never realized how sexy it was until today.

"I been knew you wanted me girl," he said smirking. Here he go with his light skin shit.

"Sir bye. I'm saving myself for the right person," and as soon as I said that he busted out laughing. What's so funny? It's the truth.

"I know you playing but if that's what you're claiming, lemme change that," he licked his lips and placed his hand on my thigh. Shii, what he tryna do? Naw, lemme stop; I'm "saving" myself.

We continued the ride to the mall; listening to music and vibing.

*Just a filler*

Y'all feeling Khalil and Chanel?

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