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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Michelle POV~ (just sum quick)
"Everybody will be here for dinner Chanel; that's the end of it," I told her as I walked into the kitchen to start dinner prep. We opened presents earlier and the girls got me some shoes, clothes, and jewelry. She rolled her eyes and walked to her room. This girl keep trying me like I won't strangle her and then call the cops acting like I don't know what happened.

"Hey momma," Alia said coming into the kitchen. My baby was getting so big; she was already five months. She walked over to me and hugged me for a little while and I knew she needed the comfort at the moment. I rubbed her back as I heard soft sobs and I had a feeling I knew what it was about.

"I just miss my father so much. People don't understand how good he was to me and how he became my best friend after my mother left. I hate that my child is not going to have a father-," she started.

"Sorry for cutting you off but what about Mykel?"

"I haven't talked to his trifling ass in a week. He tried to call and text me saying how Kya missed me too but I can always talk to her on her tablet or Braelyn's phone." That night she came home upset but I didn't know it was about Mykel and she's barely been talking or eating all week.

"Well you know how I do my dinners big so they're already invited and y'all can hash it out then," I told her and she smiled before walking out of the kitchen.

"The best Aunty in the world has arrived," Kim yelled walking through my front door.

"Did I tell yo ass you can come in my house?," I asked while mugging her. She laughed and came over to hug me. "Girl get."

"Hi aunty," Chanel said all happy coming down the stairs like she didn't just have an attitude with me. "Mommy was being mean to me so I'm happy you're here now," she continued on while looking at me. I almost punched her in her throat but I "don't condone violence."

"Anyways where is my son?," I asked referring to De and Nel's whole face changed as she walked into the living room.

"He'll be here later. He didn't wanna come but I told him I would beat that ass if he don't and he said if Kiya can come then he's fine with it," she said and I laughed.

I don't exclude anybody from my dinners so Kiya can come if she likes. I haven't heard much about her but I do know that De has been hanging out with her more because that's what Kim told me. We continued to cook because it was 2:45 right now and dinner was at 6:30. Hopefully this dinner goes good but I have a feeling that something is going to go down.

~Alia POV~
I had just got out of the shower and was looking for something comfortable to put on. Michelle wants us to look decent but ya girl is pregnant so imma look half decent, half comfortable. As I was attempting to put my pants on, I heard someone knocking on my door and it was only 5:45 so I knew no one was here cuz who really shows up on time. "Come in."

"You looking sexy as always," he said and I turned around to face him cuz my back was to the door.

"What do you need?," I immediately snapped at him because I was already frustrated that my jeans were not buttoning.

"Damn I just came to apologize ma."

"Where's my baby?," I asked referring to Ky.

"She's downstairs with Braelyn. That's besides the point tho. I came to apologize. I'm sorry for catching an attitude with you it's just seeing Kya's momma makes me mad and I just took it out on you which wasn't cool. Braelyn would not give me a break about how wrong I was and I was tired of hearing her nag but I did realize that I was in the wrong plus I don't want my baby momma being mad at me this Christmas," he said coming up to me and rubbing my belly.

"Okay Mykel," I said just irritated at this point. I was grateful for his apology but right now probably wasn't the best time to talk to me because I was two seconds away from screaming and crying.

"Okay what's wrong cuz you never this quiet?," he asked sitting on the bed pulling me onto his lap.

"Damn near broke the bed," he laughed but I punched him in his chest. I was trying to get off of his lap but he held me in his grip. "Baby I'm playing, I'm playing. What's up with you for real?"

"Mykel my pants won't fucking fit and you're sitting here making jokes like LEAVE ME ALONE," I yelled as my tears started falling, "like I know I'm fat already; let me be jeez."

"First off, you're beautiful. The most beautiful pregnant woman ever because you're glowing baby. You are NOT fat just because you can't fit into your jeans, that's just what comes with pregnancy ma," he finished as he rubbed my back. I would never cry over something like this but these hormones are crazy and I'm already emotional because I miss my dad.

"Thanks bae," I said getting off of his lap. He slapped my ass mad hard. "Oww nigga damn." He laughed and came into my closet to help me find something else to wear.

"Igh y'all, guests are getting here so come downstairs," my momma yelled up the stairs.

I'm ready to get this over with.

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