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I been forgetting about Chris and Jasmine sooo here's a little chapter for them I guess. Excuse mistakes‼️

~Chris POV~
It's been a hot little minute since the old gang hung out together. DeVonte is always busy with this new Kiya girl from school and Nel always wanna have an attitude with him so I just been kicking it with my baby girl.

"Baeeeeee. BABBBBBYYYYYY," Jasmine yelled. I swear my baby mad impatient; she don't even give you time to answer.

"I'm coming girl," I said as I walked into my room. "What ya want?"

"To talk to my man jeez. Is that too much to ask?," she pouted. I laid in between her legs on the bed, laying on her stomach and placing my hands around her thighs.

"You know I love you girl right?," I asked breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yea bae I do know. I love you too. Thanks for staying loyal. I just miss the four of us hanging out like old times. We had such a good summer and now it feels like everything is falling apart," she let out.

"I know baby. It feels strange. De and I barely been hanging out unless we got like basketball practice or games," I add. "I know you and Nel still close which makes you happy and as long as my baby happy then I'm good."

"Awww that was sweet but yea bae, I can't be around these fake hoes nowadays who wanna be ya bestie so bad but quick to turn on you."

She ain't lying. I'm actually really happy that I got this girl in my life; I really wanna make her my wife and mother of my 6 kids someday.

"Bae, how many kids you want?," I asked out of the blue.

"Like 2," she answered honestly. I laughed.

"What's funny baby?"

"I was hoping to have 6 ..."

"Boy quit playing. You better find you another baby momma cuz yo head already big so imagine 6 of yo big-headed kids popping out of me. YOU'RE BUGGING," she laughed and I smacked my lips.

She started playing in my hair which was making me sleepy but I had another plan in mind. She knew what she was doing but not today. I started tugging at her shorts and her hips automatically rose up a little bit; she was ready for this.

I went up to her ear and whispered, "let daddy get a lil taste of that sweetness." I started kissing on her neck which made her moan like crazy.

"Bae please," she barely got out because I was sucking on her titties; pleasuring her. After sucking on them titties, I kissed my way down her stomach until I reached her v-line and then stopped.

"What ya want bae?," I asked before continuing.

"Baeeee quit playing please. Just eat it already," she whined.

"Say please," I smirked. I love messing with her.

She pouted, "please daddy." I immediately started licking and sucking on her clit; instinctively swirling my tongue around her lil sweet spot.

"OMFGGG. MORE PLEEEAAASE," she started pulling my head closer to her. I started eating that bih like it was my first meal of the day. Jasmine tried pushing my head away because she was close to cumming but I smacked her hands away.

"BAEEEEE please ... please bae I can't take it no more," she gasped as she came. I ate her through that orgasm and all.

"Baybehhh you taste good girl," I said as she sat there trying to catch her breath. Ohh, she thought we was done. I started stripping from my clothes and she bit her lip.

"I know you want all of this girl but my girlfriend wouldn't approve of this," I said with a straight face and she looked mad.

"Leave me alone. I don't even wanna do it no more," she said and I laughed at her salty ass.

I dragged her ass to the end of the bed and slid all 8 inches inside of her before she could protest. Shit, her thang was nice and wet already so that made it easy.

"You done with that attitude?," I said while thrusting in and out of her. She ain't answer so I pulled it out.

"Yesss bae okay now stop playing," she rolled her eyes. I thrust all the way back into her and she gasped.


"You. Done. With. That. Attitude," I said after each thrust.

"Mhmmmm," she couldn't even get out. "Bae omg I'm gonna cum."

"Naw, answer my question properly," I said pulling all the way out.

"Yes I'm done with the attitude daddy. Now can I please cum?," she asked referring for me to put it back in and I did. Shit, I didn't care how long it took as long as I fucked the attitude out of her even though a nigga was ready to bust.

After another 5 minutes of stroking, we both came and ian even gon lie; shit felt good. This the first time we did it raw as we both got tested and she on her birth control now.

"So how it feel to do it raw bae?," I asked her as we were getting in the shower.

"How did it feel to get ya dick wet?," she asked me; completely ignoring my question.

"Shit was fye ain't even gon lie," I smirked and she smiled. "Well there's your answer."

After our non-sexual shower, we got in my bed and put a movie on. Tomorrow is Sunday so I gotta take her home only because it's a school night.

"Bae I really wanna marry you someday," I said and I felt her smile into my chest.

"Same bae, same," she said before closing her eyes.

*Just a little look into their relationship. They cute or whateva*

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