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Excuse mistakes‼️

~DeVonte POV~
Today was the day we were getting on the road and I was hella excited. I really need to make up with Nel but I had to set Kiya straight first. That Friday after I left Chris' apartment, I went to Kiya's house and talked to her. We established that we're just friends but that things may happen at times.

"Yurrr come outside," Chris said into the phone and I walked out of the door making sure everything was locked up. Everybody else was in the car; Chris and Jasmine in the front and Nel in the back. Of course we had to sit together but that's good for me. I threw my bag in the trunk and then hopped in the backseat.

"What's up family," I said. Everyone responded but Chanel; she was too busy giggling at her phone.

"Hello, I said hey," I snapped my fingers in her face and she pouted.

"Hi and don't put ya fingers in my face," she retorted turning her attention back to her phone.

We're about an hour and a half into our drive and the girls have been listening to everything from Coi Leray to Whitney Houston.

"Aight, give me the aux cord," I said unplugging Jasmine's phone from it.

"Bitch I will hurt you," she exclaimed and Chris laughed; I didn't see anything funny to be honest.

"Little girl shut up."

"Nigga I'm older than you."

"By what? Three months so shut up," I said playing my rap playlist.

"I'm like come and put that pussy on me, don't be running from me," Chris rapped to Jasmine while she was up there blushing hard asf.

"IF I LIKE, I SPEND MONEY ON IT, GET WHATEVER FROM IT," I rapped out loud, looking at Nel.

"Boy bye," she laughed and playfully shoved my shoulder. This is like the second time she's talked to me this whole ride; she been too consumed in her phone.

"HEART TELLING ME LIKE FUCK BITCHES, FUCK NIGGAS, AND FUCK LOVE," Nel sung her heart out, flipping me off.

"Oh so it's fuck me," I said smiling and she shrugged. I decided to pass Chris the aux cord so he could start his playlist although we got similar taste in music. I texted Nel because I didn't want Chris and Jasmine to hear our conversation.

Me: I miss my babygirl and best friend so I just wanna say I'm sorry for kissing Kiya. I know you don't trust me after this summer but I have been trying to do better. {2:47 pm}

MyBaby🥺❤️: De I know. I miss my bestie pooh too but you just don't understand how hard it is to trust you right now. All I wanted was an apology and explanation. {2:50 pm}

Me: Aye don't be calling me that gay shit but do you forgive me? {2:51 pm}

MyBaby🥺❤️: Yes bestie pooh😂 but don't fuck up again cuz I'm done after that. {2:51 pm}

I locked my phone and put it down. "Gimme kiss," I mouthed and she kissed me.

"UH UNNNN, WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?," Jasmine's big-headed self yelled causing Chris to look at us through to mirror and smirk.

"I see you my boy," Chris said and I just shook my head. Nel leaned into me and laid her head on my chest. I'm happy to have my baby girl back. Ever since Kiya came, it's like I can't catch a break. After a few minutes, Nel fell asleep but her phone kept going off. I didn't wanna be intrusive but I looked at it and some nigga named Khalil was texting her. I shook it off and put her phone back down; I'm not jealous or insecure like that.

"WE MADE IT BITCHES," Chris exclaimed in his gay voice. I can't with this fool.

~Chanel POV~
After De and I made up, I fell asleep on his chest and didn't wake up until we made it to Savannah. Most of the ride there, I was texting Khalil and getting to know him; he's a pretty cool guy to be completely honest. Who says I can't have friends?

We walked into the hotel and got our rooms. "Chris, why did you book De and I in the same room even though we weren't cool at the time?," I asked him and he smiled.

"I got superpowers like that and I knew y'all were gonna make up."

"They do it every time anyways," Jasmine mumbled and De was about to say something to her before I stopped him.

"Ight well we're going to the room. I know it's only 4:25 right now so text us the plan," I said grabbing our room key and walking off with De. When we got up to the room, De was tryna get me to shower with him but I told him we'll get to that later so he got in the shower.

While he was in the shower, his phone kept going off so I walked over to the bed and looked at it and of course Kiya was texting him. I opened his message thread and read some of their messages from earlier on today.

Kiya: Rate my outfit

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Kiya: Rate my outfit. I'm going out with my bestie today. Wish you were here to go out with instead😔

De: Damn best friend looking good. These hoes could never😹I rate it a 20/10. Where you going in that though?

Kiya: To mind my business of course. You're not my nigga😏

De: You wish I was though. Bet I had them panties wet after our kiss😼

Kiya: Sir bye😂I'll talk to you later bestie pooh

De: igh later best friend

Ohhh but it's a problem when I call him bestie pooh; bet that shit up. De finally got out the shower after 20 minutes.

"Baby what you wearing to go out?," he asked as he looked through his bag for clothes.

"Nigga shut the fuck up talking to me. GO TALK TO YA MF BESTIE ABOUT IT," I yelled getting angry.

"I know you did not read my messages," he lowly gritted through his teeth. Funny how he immediately knew what I was talking about.

"You a pussy ass bitch and when they told me to not date my best friend, I should've listened."

"Yea like you always do cuz you obviously have no brain of your own," he said and I swear I almost stabbed him.

"FUCK YOU DEVONTE," I yelled and walked out of the room door; purposely slamming it.

I don't know if I still want them to be together🤷🏽‍♀️

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