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^^They are so fine😍😍^^

Excuse mistakes‼️

~Chanel POV~
It's been a few days and my mom is finally leaving for Cabo with De's mom, Kim. Of course they're best friends but I think De and I definitely became best friends first.

"Aight daughters, ya thick mama is out," she yelled throughout the house. This lady always yelling.

"Bye mama," Alia said hugging her.

"Later. Keep my grandbaby safe and don't make any stupid decisions. I'm already too young to be a grandmother," she hugged her back and laughed.

"Later ma. Have fun and don't come back with a boyfriend," I said and kissed her cheek.

"Yea yea. Maybe I'll come back with 4," she smirked and I shook my head. "And you don't be doing no nasty shit when you go on that road trip with ya friends. I love you daughters but IM OUT."

Alia and I laughed and we went up to my room. I'm so happy my sis and I have developed a good relationship because I remember them days when I could not stand her.

"I love you sissy pooh," I said out of no where and she smiled.

"I love you too chile."

The gang and I are going on this road trip tomorrow like who goes on a road trip on Tuesday? I pulled my suitcase out of my closet and started packing. We were going for three days and coming back on Friday. De and I haven't talked since last Friday at Chris' apartment so we're not on the best of terms right now.

"So how is this trip working out if you and De aren't on speaking terms?," Alia asked as she watched me pack.

"Girl I don't even know. I mean we can be cordial but we not bouta be all buddy buddy because he hasn't even made an attempt to apologize and it's been 3 days already," I replied and she shook her head.

"Girl this week would have been my first break as a college student and I can't even go out and drink or none," she sighed while rubbing her stomach.

"You're not even legal but anyways, when is your next appointment and hold up, how come you haven't talked about this baby daddy of yours?" I turned to face her.

"Chanel I swear he was such as good best friend and he always checked up on me but as soon as I told him I was pregnant with his child he gon say I was trying to trap him like what. We were supposed to use a condom but he said his pull out game was strong so I just went with it," she sulked.

"Niggas really ain't shit. How he wanna get his dick wet but don't wanna own up to his responsibilities?," I said getting mad. This reminded me of my dad because he walked out on my mom and I resented him ever since.

"He had pressed bitches coming to my dorm and everything," she said and we laughed. "But it's cool though cuz imma be a great mother to my baby unlike my birth giver was to me."

"As you should sis, as you should," I said and went back to packing. After about 2 hours of getting distracted, I was done packing. Alia fell asleep on my bed so I left to go get us something to eat. I decided on a Dominican spot because I've been craving Hispanic food. As I was walking into the store, my head was down in my phone and I bumped into somebody.

When I tell you this man was fine ouu chile he was fine asf. "Watch where you going damn," he said.

"I'm sorry jeez," I rolled my eyes and he smirked.

"I'm fucking witchu. What's a fine beauty like you doing out alone," he smiled and I rolled my eyes. Who says that?

"Umm I'm an independent woman so I do a lot of things alone," I said with a straight face.

"Did you learn how to walk on your own too shit cuz you obviously don't know how to do that right," he retorted and laughed. I really didn't see anything funny.

"Whatever." I was next up in line so I ordered my food and waited to be called to pick it up. As I was in the waiting area, the same boy walked up to me.

"Why are you stalking me?," he asked.

"Nigga I came over here to get my food so get. I think you're stalking me," I retorted. He smiled but shut up.

"Chanel," they called my name and I went to get my food.

"Chanel? That's a pretty name. I'm Khalil but call me lil," he said as he walked up to get his food because they called his name right after mines.

"I'm not gon be calling you nun because I'm not gonna see you again after this," I nonchalantly said.

"Ohh you play hard to get; nice," he said holding his hand out. I looked at his hand and then back at him.

"What do you want?"

"Your phone of course, so I can put my digits in and take you out sometime," he cockily said. Niggas these days. I gave him my phone because why not. As soon as he finished putting his number in, Alia called me.

"Girl, where you at?," she yawned.

"I'm on my way now. I was getting us food." I hung up and Khalil walked me to my car.

"I'll text ya baby," he smiled and walked off. Even though I don't know who this man is, I feel like he's gonna cause a lot of problems.



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