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Excuse mistakes‼️

•One month later•

~Chanel POV~
It's finally the Friday before we go on our first break of the year. August and September were okay I guess. After that argument at the mall, De and I didn't talk for a little while but after he finished that baby project with Kiya, we've been trying to rekindle our bond. His birthday dinner was last week and I didn't even go to that because we weren't cool at the time. My baby finally 18 though; a grown man.

"Hey baby girl," De said coming up behind me and hugging me. I turned around and kissed him.

"Aye aye aye, stop all that PDA," Chris said walking up with Jasmine. He dapped De up and I hugged my bae, Jasmine.

"Fucking cockblocker," De mumbled under his breath.

"Hey baby momma," Jasmine said kissing my cheek.

"Back up off my girl like that yo," De said grabbing me by my arm and hugging me. I really love this man even though he did that little thing over the summer, I still love him.

"Okay well me and my baby momma needa get to class so later baby," I said kissing De and Chris kissed Jasmine while slapping her ass.

"Nigga you can't be talking about PDA and you over here grabbing up on Jasmine stupid," De said as they turned and walked off. "Shut up."

"Soooooo how are you and De doing?," Jasmine asked me as soon as we were far away from the boys. "I definitely think he's doing better because he's hanging out with us more but how is he doing in the relationship?"

"He's definitely doing better and I think it's because he hasn't been hanging out with Kiya as much. I mean he's still moving a little suspicious but definitely doing better. You thought he was gonna leave me for some fake baby momma yea okay," I went on. She laughed and shook her head as we walked into first period.

The school day went by fast and I was happy to get home for break. Alia is coming home this weekend and I'm excited to see her with her little belly. About a month ago, she told us she was about 3 weeks pregnant so now she's almost two months. When ma first heard about this, she was not happy. However, she said she'll always support Alia because she's like her daughter and she doesn't want to leave her stranded like my grandmother did her. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 17 and my grandmother kicked her out. This is part of the reason why my mother and grandmother don't get along now.

"Bae come on. You always take so long to get to this car girl," De complained as I was walking to the car with Jasmine.

"Bye baby momma. I'll call you later; my boyfriend is tripping," I said to Jasmine as I slapped her ass before she walked away.

"Girl don't be grabbing up on her," De said pulling me close to him and grabbing my ass hard asl. "Okay okay," I laughed.

Before we got in the car, this girl walked up to us. "You for the streets. How you feeling my best friend one minute and then back with this girl another," she exclaimed directing her attention to De.

"Excuse me," I retorted.

"Ohhh you ain't know that ya man was kissing on my best friend Kiya and saying how he wanted to be with her."

I didn't even believe this girl so I got in the car and slammed the door.

"What is your problem yo? Don't be slamming my doors like you pay for shit," he angrily said.

"Do you or do you not wanna be with Kiya and don't even lie to me," I lowly said so that I didn't get mad.

"Chanel I don't want nobody but you. Yes, maybe I kissed her but that was one time by mistake," he said.

"Oh so your lips mistakenly fell onto hers right? Makes sense," I scoffed.

He rolled his eyes and pulled out of the parking lot. The ride home was silent because I didn't wanna talk to him and he certainly wasn't making any efforts to talk to me. He doesn't understand how hard it is to trust him after his slip up and he's making it ten times worse with this Kiya girl.

When he pulled up in front of my house, I instantly got out of the car and ran inside of the house so that I didn't have to hear his bullshit.

"Nel you good?," Alia asked but I just walked into my room and locked my door.

I really don't know if I still wanna be with this man. He's been my best friend for the longest and if he still truly wanted me, he wouldn't kiss or have eyes for another girl. This is reminding me of the Elijah and Amiya situation. I'm so happy that bitch transferred and Elijah dropped out; worked out well for me.

"Lord, what do I do?"

Ummmm yea.

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