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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Mykel POV~
"Mykel, wake yo lazy ass up," my younger sister, Braelyn, said coming into my room. She was 18 and I was 22 so when my stepdad kicked her and my momma out, she came to my place and been living with me ever since. My momma moved into her own apartment but my sister still decided to stay here with me because she gets a little more freedom.

"There's someone at the door," she said walking out.

"And why couldn't you get it stupid?" I looked at my phone and saw that Alia was still sleeping. Baby girl fine asf; might have to wife ha someday. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to handle my hygiene; totally forgetting somebody was at the door. When I was done, I walked downstairs and saw Braelyn and Kymira on the couch. I walked over to the door and opened it but nobody was out there.

"I already got it kel," Brae said while feeding Kymira her eggs. "Keliana's mom dropped her off." Keliana is my baby momma and I don't know what happened to her but her mom, Kymira's grandma, is still present in Kymira's life.

"Hey dada's baby," I said picking up a smiling Kymira.

"Nigga she was eating damn," Brae said and I laughed; attitude much.

"Igh gimme ha plate and I'll finish feeding her," I grabbed the plate and took Ky to my room. Alia was finally up but she wasn't in the camera anymore; I guess she went to the bathroom.

"How was your day yesterday Ky?," I asked
my daughter. She smiled and put her thumbs up while eating her eggs. My daughter was born 4 years ago when I was 18. When I graduated high school, I didn't go to college because I wanted to pursue a music career and I was selling on the side; that's how I got this big house.

"Mykel?," I heard Alia's soft voice say and I unmuted my phone and answered. I tried to keep the camera on just me so she wouldn't see Ky.

"Thanks for staying on the phone with me but I'm going to get my day started," she said.

"What you doing today ma?"

"Probably gonna go get my nails done and go shopping for supplies for my um my friend," she said hesitating at the last part; she's definitely hiding something.

"Igh well go get cute for daddy," I smirked and she rolled her eyes, "I'll see you later."

"Later Mykel," she said hanging up the phone and I smiled.

"Who that dada?," Ky asked me.

"Somebody very special to me baby girl," I said to her as I found some more cartoons for her to watch.

"Who you going out with today sir?," my sister said plopping down on my bed.

"Get yo stank ass out my bed bruh," I said and she shoved my shoulder. My sister and I have a very close relationship; we always have.

"I'm taking this girl named Alia out. She pretty and I think she'll make a good wife to be honest," I said showing her the picture Alia sent me for her profile pic.

"Damn bro, she is fine asf

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"Damn bro, she is fine asf. I might have to wife ha myself," she said cheesing. Here she go with this gay shit again. "But naw for real though, just make sure she cares for you and of course Kya," she said referring to my daughter.

"Yea, I know Brae."

I spent the rest of the day with my daughter just chilling and texting Alia. I was mad excited for our date.

"Ky, go see what Aunty Brae is doing and go stay with her while daddy get dressed. Here, take your tablet," I said kissing Ky on her cheek before she walked out. It was 6:00 right now and I was picking up Alia for 7 so I decided to get ready.

45 minutes later•
"Igh y'all I'm out. Come give daddy a kiss Kya," I yelled through the house and my daughter came to hug me.

"Later Kel, enjoy ya date and be home before 11," Brae jokingly said, hugging me.

"Girl bye."

I drove to the address Alia sent me and it was at the top of the block; typical female but smart. "I'm here," I said into the phone. She finally came down the block and when I tell y'all she looked good asl, she looked good asl.

I opened the door for her and she smiled, " hey beautiful."

"Hey daddy," she smirked and got in the car. Lord, this girl.

"Girl quit playing. I'll take you right now," I said licking my lips and placing my hand on her thigh.

"So where we going Mykel?"

"Just sit back and relax baby girl; I got you," I said and the rest of the ride, we rode in comfortable silence. When we pulled up to this restaurant, she gasped as we walked in. "It's beautiful," she exclaimed.

We were seated and we got this guy waiter who kept eyeing Alia. "Do we got a problem? You can obviously tell she is on a date with her nigga so chill tf out," I said getting angry. Alia grabbed my hand from across the table I guess to calm me down. He took our orders and then walked off.

"So I didn't wanna ask earlier but I heard cartoons and like baby giggling in the background when we were on the phone so ..."

"Yes, Alia I have a four year old daughter and her name is Kymira. When she was 5 months old, her mother left her with me and didn't look back ever since so I can care less where she is. After high school, I started to pursue my career in music and I take care of my daughter like a responsible parent should," I said, leaving out the part about selling. She smiled and continued to sip her water.

"Well I guess I'll tell you some more about myself even though I went over the basics last night. So I'm in college; I just started and I got myself involved with the wrong person and ..." she trailed off sounding like she was about to cry.

"I'm assuming you got pregnant," I waited for her to answer. She looked up at me with glossy eyes and nodded. I went over to her side of the booth and held her.

"Well I definitely wanna be with you Alia and of course I have my daughter so I'll be willing to take care of your child as well cuz obviously they bitch ass daddy ain't gonna be there," I said and she kissed me; hmmm them lips.

The rest of our evening went by smoothly and I could say for the first time in a while, I'm really willing to be with somebody long term.

⬇️*Their date fits*⬇️

⬇️*Their date fits*⬇️

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