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Excuse mistakes‼️

~Alia POV~
Ya girl was finally five months; one month away from finishing her second trimester. College hasn't been half as bad being that I'm pregnant. Tayla and I have grown closer over these few months and she's always there when I'm having my morning sickness episodes. Guess who been trying to hit me up?

Alex cheating ass. Talking bout some she's sorry for leaving me for my crazy ass "bestie" and I definitely blocked her; I don't know why I didn't block her before.

"Baby momma, you going to class?," Tayla asked me and I said no. I finished most of my work so I was getting ready to go home for this two week break. "I'm heading to the cafeteria though to probably get some Chick-fil-A. Want anything?," I asked her and she nodded her head no. "Igh later babes."

I went to the cafeteria with my small suitcase because when I got my food, I was headed out. Mykel was coming to pick me up because his overprotective ass doesn't want me to drive; like I'm pregnant not cripple. I ordered my food and as I was waiting for it, somebody tapped my shoulder. I recognize that fuckboy scent anywhere, "how may I help you Zay?"

"Well damn I just wanted to see my baby momma. Give daddy some sugar," he said trying to kiss me but I punched him in his chest. "I just wanted to see my child and baby momma damn."

"You're a joke," I laughed and got my food.

"Well I thought you may wanna know that I'm transferring schools so keep my seed safe," he retorted tryna rub my belly.

"You ain't want him anyways so stfu and leave me alone. I can care less if you move schools or not because an independent bad bitch like myself remains untouched and unbothered; she don't need no for the streets nigga," I said getting my food and walking to the parking lot to get in Kel's car.

"Hey ba-," he started but I cut him off.

"Kel I'm not in the mood so drive and leave me alone to eat."

"She definitely ain't getting none," he laughed like something was funny as he started to drive. By the time we got to the house, I was knocked out and I'm guessing Mykel carried me into the house. He didn't tell me he was bringing me to his house; I thought he was taking me to my momma's house but when I woke up, Ky was sitting next to me poking my cheeks.

(A/N: Mykel's daughter is Kymira but people called her Ky or Kya; they're both her nicknames)

"Hi gorgeous. Where's your daddy?," I asked her and she pointed to the bathroom. He came out with his towel wrapped around his waist and these hormones were lowkey making me horny. "Go in Aunty Braelyn's room and tell her that Lia and daddy need to have a grown up talk," I said to her and she smiled before leaving the room.

"Baeeeeee, I want some," I begged.

"Some what girl? I'm going to sleep," he said trying to play.

"Baby please."

"I'll have that ass crippled and pregnant all at once; don't play," he said smiling and I got mad because I really wanted some. "Igh I'm going to make something for Kya to eat and then I'm going home to see my momma."

"If I give you some, will you spend the night with me?," he asked coming up behind me and rubbing his dick against my ass on purpose. Ohh, so now he want some? I was already going to spend the night with him but I just know how to get my way.

"Okay fine," I said acting innocent. Next thing you know, here come my wifey coming through the door.

"Uh un y'all not having no grown up talk with me and Kya in this house," she said before slapping my ass. She knew that was gonna make Kel mad cuz he chased her around the house trying to attack her with pillows so I put on my best acting skills.

I sat on the couch and started crying. "Baby what's wrong?," Kel asked as he stopped attacking Braelyn.

"You keep chasing my wifey and it's upsetting me and my son," I continued to fake cry but he caught on and mushed my head. Braelyn had been ran to her room and locked the door.

"Y'all play too much damn," his annoyed ass said. I laughed and pulled him into me as much as my belly would allow. We lounged on the couch as Kya came to join us during our movie. Soon, I heard light snoring and my baby, Kya, had fell asleep. I started to get tired again and I drifted to sleep as well.

"How the hell did you even find my crib yo?," I heard muffled yelling which awoke me out of my sleep.

"I heard you have some bitch around my daughter that I carried for 9 months Mykel!," I heard a lady voice yelling. I turned to see Kya was still sleeping but Kel wasn't on the couch with us anymore. I walked to the front door and saw this pretty girl at the door but she looked tired and worn out.

"And this who you got around my child and you got her pregnant too? You deadass for the streets Mykel. If I was you I would leave him cuz he gon do you wrong. Probably just a piece of pussy anyways," she said turning to me. This made me wonder what Mykel did to her to make her this angry.

"You just a sad bitch because what kind of mother abandons her daughter? AT FIVE MONTHS," I said back.

"Shut the hell up because you don't know the whole story and you wouldn't be talking if you did know the whole thing," she flicked Mykel off before walking off. "And I'll be back tomorrow for my daughter," she yelled, getting in her car.

"Mykel what was that?"

"Nun man just leave it alone," he said shoving me to get by. I know this nigga did not.

"Now you don't have to do all of that cuz I ain't do shit to yo mean ass," I exclaimed going into his room to grab my bag.

"Man where you going?," he asked and I ignored him. When my Uber arrived, I put my slides on; I ignored him the whole time while I was waiting for this car.

"Maybe my side nigga will treat me better than this," I said leaving his house and walking down the block to get in my Uber because I left
my car at the college. He get on my nerves for real🙄

⬇️*Keliana, Kymira's mom*⬇️

⬇️*Keliana, Kymira's mom*⬇️

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