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April 25, 2021. I'm finally finished. I have NEVER completed a book and I'm beyond excited right now. I have to go back and edit but it's complete. 31 chapters, thousands of words, and many lessons.
If your reading this, thank you so so much.🤍

Hello! To anyone keeping up with the story of Aidy Curtis, thank you. This story means a lot to me and for people to actually see it means the world. I just wanted to show my gratitude to my readers. Anyways, thank you and I hope you continue enjoying this story.

"Oh come on Darry please," I pleaded.
"Aidy I said no. You remember what happened when Pony walked home alone from the theatre. Them Socs jumped him. You're thirteen Aid, and a lot weaker than the rest of the gang. We aren't risking it. Ask Steve or Two-Bit if they'll drive you. If they can't it's a no."
"Pony will you go with me? Them Socs ain't messed with you since Johnny killed Bob. Please, Darry. We'll be fine."
"I'm doing something with Johnny that night, Aid. Just go another night they play the same movie all month long."
"What's she asking about now?" Sodapop comes in the kitchen from the bathroom.
"Movies this Saturday with some friends. No ride," Darry said, rolling his eyes.
"I'd take you but I work then I'm going out with Steve," Soda buttons up his DX shirt.
"I'll call Two-Bit."
"He was banned from the drive-in months ago, Aidy," Sodapop said between bites of cake. We usually eat cake for breakfast. Not very healthy but it's very tasty. Mom and Dad would kill us if they found out, if they were still here.
"It's Two-Bit Matthews you think he cares if he was banned. Besides there's the hole in the fence we always use. If Dallas weren't a part of the gang I'd say Two-Bit was the biggest criminal I know. He just doesn't get caught like Dally does."
"Go get ready and stop asking," Darry pushes me towards my room.
I go in the room and close the door. Me, Soda, and Pony share a room. Way it's always been. Darry got the big room that used to be Mom and Dad's. I don't mind sharing a room with them. Soda and Pony share a bed and I got one to myself. It's old and about one pillow fight away from collapsing but it works for now.
I dig through my pile of clothes on the floor. My dresser was broken when Two-Bit decided to tackle Ponyboy one day. He landed right on my dresser and broke a panel off. Darry said it was older than me and about to break away. I didn't mind. The gang is always messing up the house. They're like our brothers. Even with Mom and Dad still around they would come over to rough house and stuff. Most of them don't have good homes so we let them in. Doors are always unlocked and the couch is always empty, if Two-Bit ain't on it watching Mickey.
I find a black shirt and a pair of jeans. I pull off my shirt I wore to bed last night, it's one of Pony's old ones. I find one of Ponyboy's jackets and take it. He has a whole bunch and Darry refuses to get me a new coat. The sleeves go to my elbows basically and it's ripped up the back. Mom taught me to sew when I was young so I can repair it but it just looks dumb on me now.
"Hey Pony, I took your jacket for today. Bye guys love you!" I grab my bag and head outside before Pony has a chance to run after me. The guys go easy on me. Darry convinces them I'm still a kid. When Pony was thirteen he was saving kids from burning churches and going to rumbles. And he reminds me of that everyday.
I make it about halfway down the street when I hear someone running behind me. I always tense up when this happens. It's usually Pony, he does track. But it could be a Soc. The first time they got Pony they cut his neck pretty good. Left a scar.
"Aidy, just me," It's Pony.
"Sorry for taking your coat. Mines all ripped and too small. Darry won't get me a new one," I say. I sling my bag over my other shoulder and keep walking.
"Listen, Aid, Darry was the same way when I was younger. He even pushed me down once when I told him to not yell at Soda. Aid just don't end up like me. You know with the Socs and stuff." He nudges me and rubs my hair. "You look just like Momma."
"Soda tells me all the time."
"You do. Got her eyes and hair. And her smile too." Pony smiles.
"You got papa's smile. Darry's got his hair. Me and you got his eyes."
"I wish I had Papa's smile. It was so confident and happy and sweet. I think I have my own smile. Unique just like my name," Pony strides on with his shoulders back and head high with a mocking confidence.
"Where did dad get our names anway? Aidy, Sodapop, and Ponyboy."
"Your guess is as good as mine Aid," He puts his arm around my shoulder, pulls me in, and we keep walking to school. I wish me and Darry were as close as me and Pony are. I'm as close with Pony as Pony is with Soda. Most days I think Darry wishes I was never born. Just another mouth to feed, kid to dress, and another mouth to hear blab. Maybe someday he'd let up on me like he did to Pony once he got older.

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