The funeral

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Michael slowed the car and looked me. I felt so weird sitting in his passenger seat holding his shirt to my stitches-less knife puncture wound. "731 North St. Louis Avenue."
"Yep," Before I could even open the door I saw Darry throw open the screen door. His face said enough to scare me. I didn't want to leave the car and honestly wanted to tell Michael to keep driving. I brought myself to open the door but I stayed up against the car. "Darry." I was going to introduce Michael but his name wouldn't really matter to Darry as he pounded his face in.
"Aidelaide Elizabeth Curtis," Okay my full name is Aidelaide. I haven't been called it since I was five so I didn't find it necessary to bring up.
"Darry this looks bad I know," I look up at him as he stands about in inch away from me. "I was at Bird Creek Bridge and my stitches came out so Michael drove me home."
"Why is he shirtless?" Darry drills his eyes so deep into Michael.
"He gave me his shirt to stop the bleeding."
"Screw off before I make you bleed," Darry pounds the roof of the car with his fists and Michael speeds off. "What I thought -" He makes some very friendly gestures at the already gone car. "What were you thinking Aidy!" He grabs my shoulders. My stab wound on my shoulder fills with a pain I had forgotten. He notices my wince and lets up.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I just kind of left this morning and that's where I ended up."
Soda watches from the porch. He looks betrayed and scared and sad. Everything I hated seeing in Soda. "Hey kiddo." His voice so shallow the wind just takes it away before it can fully reach me.
"Hey Soda," I try to smile but my wound hurts. That weird feeling in my gut I had with Michael had went away and the pain took its place.

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