"Aidy it wasn't a girl," He gasps at his words.
"Aidy it wasn't a girl. I wasn't doing it to hurt you or because you weren't good enough anymore. Aidy I did it because I was so damn confused."
"When?" It didn't make sense.
"The night Darry caught us. When we were supposed to break up. My buddies came over, we got drunk again. I kissed one of them," I wondered which one of the three boys got the honor of kissing my boyfriend. "Aidy i'm not one of them."
"One of who?" I felt this conversation taking a sharp turn.
"One of those fa-."
The stabbing.
The socs.
The word.
"Michael where, where were you on November 6 of last year?"
"That word, those boys. It was you guys! You tried to kill us!" This was a totally ridiculous theory but his voice, if you only heard it. It was identical theirs. He sounded just like them. I'd heard that word jabbed around at my brother so many times, but I'd heard it from this voice once before. I knew it.
"What are you talking about?"
"When me and Pony got stabbed, what led to us meeting, you did it. How did you end up at the bridge with me anyway? It's far outside of town. It was January and that bridge is closed. Why were you there Michael?"
"I was going for a walk."
"Michael that bridge is a twenty five minute drive. It was six in the morning. You didn't walk there alone."
"You biked there," He accuses.
"I was not in a good state of mind then Michael, I was on the other side of guard rail ready to jump! That is not comparable."
"Who said I was. I walked there to be alone. I found you about to jump."
"It all makes sense," I laugh a little. Not a funny laugh, a realization laugh. "On the bridge. That day. If, somehow, by chance you found me without following me there. How did you know my name?"
"What are you talking about?" He yells.
"You knew my name before I told you. I was back to you, and you yelled out 'Aidy. Aidy Curtis?' You knew me. How? Michael make it make sense!"
"You have to trust me. I'm not a stalker-murder-psychopath." But through these months the signs were flash red but I was so blinded by first love, what I thought was first love, anyway. I was so stupid.
"I can't trust you," Just to check off my final box I swing open his closet door, he tries to stop me but i'm quick enough, and shuffle to the back where a madra shirt hangs, collecting dust. Sure enough the bottom is covered with dried red-brown blood. "Defend this one."
"I hurt myself," His hands slap against his thighs as he gives up.
"Really? Because I remember that night, it haunts my nightmares every night. This shirt. Your face. It's so clear now." Before I leave I just can't help but say one last thing, "Ya know Michael, I never expected the person that caused my nightmares, to help me through them." And left; I ran until I reached our porch.

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