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That morning Michael was on our doorstep begging forgiveness. Darry was one word from beating his head into our porch but Soda was there ready to break anything up.
"I told you, you are not to touch my sister. You perv," He grabs the fabric of Michaels shirt into his fists.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Michael tries to wiggle away but Darry is stronger than anyone I know.
"Put the kid down Darry," Soda leans against the fridge.
He drops Michael and he stands on the porch silently.
"I wanted to! Darry he didn't force me he was just covering for me that's why he said that. For lords sake he did nothin wrong."
"Why would you Aidy? You're a kid. You're fourteen you have time and you wasted all that on this," He jabs a finger to Michael.
"I didn't waste anything. Yeah i'm young and I know it was probably a mistake. Darry give him a chance, have him over for dinner. Get to really know him."
"Fine, tonight. Six-thirty," He slams the door in Michaels face.
"Thank you," My voice is weak.
"You are one lucky kid," Soda remarks.
"I just want this to be over."

At six-o'clock Michael was back at our door with flowers and a very scared expression.
He went to kiss my cheek but backed away when Darry narrowed his eyes down on him.
The whole gang was over, except Steve. Pony and Johnny sat on opposite sides of the couch, Two-Bit was on the floor watching Tv, Dally was standing at the end of the hall, arms crossed, leaning against the wall. Soda was in the kitchen and Darry was burning out Michaels soul with his eyes.
"Dinners in thirty minutes, sit," Darry gesture to the kitchen table. "Tell me about yourself."
"Well," Michael shifted his eyes to me pleading. "I used to do football but I quit last year, broke my arm."
"Quitter?" Darry questions.
"No sir, my mom said I wasn't allowed to rejoin. Believe I really wanted to."
"Okay. What about school? Good student?"
"Yeah, only failed one class before. I corrected that though sir. I'm an honor student now."
"Any hobbies?"
"He paints," I say. "He paints. We paint together at his house."
"I'm asking him not you."

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