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Three months later my stitches have finally healed and I'm just left with four scars. I've been hanging out with Michael more often. Behind Darry's back of course because I know how much he hates him.
I learned from a girl at school, Sandra, that that god awful stomach feeling I got around Michael was butterflies. It means I like him apparently. I didn't think I did but Sandra was convinced it was true love. I mean I left out the part he stopped me from jumping because maybe she wouldn't be so fond of our friendship then.
Today Michael was going to pick me up and take me to Bird Creek. In his words 'to honor the fact you've lived three months since you nearly jumped.' I don't know if he expected me to return to the bridge to finish the task he had interrupted but I never planned on returning. Why would I jump when Michael gave me that type of euphoria I felt on the edge of that bridge, looking down at that water.
His black car pulled up in front of my house and that feeling I hated returned. "I brought a picnic. How long can you be gone?" Michael was very understanding when it came to rules I had to follow. I loved that about him.
"Darry works until seven."
"Six thirty it is then." Michael reached across and opened the door for me. "M'lady."
"You're weird," I laughed and buckled. I had forgotten how to get to Bird Creek which is one reason I never returned if I'm being 100% totally honest. Those butterflies weren't as pleasant as real butterflies. Rather they're more like moths.
Me and Michael sat in the center of the bridge and ate our lunch. He packed sandwiches and some fruit. We sat on a checkered blanket with the basket between us. Once I finished my sandwich I laid back and looked at the clouds. They were slightly gray. I loved looking for shapes in the clouds. Me and Momma used to go cloud watching all summer before she died. I missed her. I know she'd like Michael and be proud of me.
Michael had put the basket back in his car and now it was just us on the blanket. Nothing between us. Honestly I wanted to reach out and grab his hand that gently sat by his side. But I didn't dare.
I closed my eyes and thought of Mother. I missed her so much.
I felt warmth on my arm and realized Michael had beaten me to the handholding. I moved my hand over a bit so he could reach and he interlocked his fingers with mine. I didn't say anything. Usually I would protest this from anyone else but I liked holding his hand. It was comforting.
Michael didn't say anything. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back a little tighter. "Just like saying your name."
I smiled and turned my head to look at Michael who was already staring at me. "You're very pretty Aidelaide." Oh my god he remembered my full name.
I smiled wider and he smiled. I looked back up at the sky but I knew he was still looking at me. "I think it's gonna rain," the light gray had turned into a more prominent almost black.
Michael sat up and got onto his knees, making no effort to let go of my hand, and looked at the sky. "Yeah. We should head back anyway it's four thirty."
"I don't have to be back for another two hours," I did not want to let go of his hand any time soon. "We can stay until it starts to rain. We won't melt."
Michael shrugged and laid back down, closer this time. "Aidelaide."
We just laid there on that stupid bridge I secretly hated for another hour until the clouds finally let way to the heaviest rain Tulsa had seen in lifetimes. The rain felt like needles and it pelted me and Michaels skin. I stood quickly, just a bit too quick and was face to face with Michael. (Though he was significantly taller than me, you get the point.) Michael didn't skip a beat and wrapped his arms around my waist. We stood in the very painful rain for a moment. I liked the way his cologne smelled and the way his eyes looked and the way the water dripped off his eyelashes. This was better than holding his hand.
"You're very pretty," Now I thought those butterflies would make me collapse. Before I could respond he placed his hand on my cheek.

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