Chapter 1: the league

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Izuku stared at the ceiling of his dark room. The night sky filling in the small window in his room. He was bored. He ran out of books to read and it was to late to do any research.

Izuku heard a glass shatter outside his closed bedroom door.

"Stupid Shigaraki must be pissed off again." He said to himself. He was forbidden to go on dangerous missions. His father made that rule clear.

Izuku was strong both mentally and physically. He clearly out preformed everyone in the league. It was hard to believe that such a boy was quirkless.

He started to hear the ruckus from downstairs in the bar.

He got annoyed. Yes Shigaraki was only four years older than him, but he acted like a child. Izuku got himself out of bed and walked into the hallway. His room was the first one in the hall and closest to the staircase leading to the bar.

He walked down the stairs and walked into the bar.

"All might shall suffer. This hero society needs to end," Shigaraki's raspy voice let out. A few cheers could be heard out the small group that sat around the room.

"Izuku!" Toga said jumping out her seat and running to Izuku with a knife in hand.

Izuku grabbed her wrist and removed the knife unfazed. "Toga, when are you going to learn that you can't cut me." He sighed.

"But you would look so cute with a cut here or there."

Izuku had pale skin that clearly showcased his freckles. His glowing ruby red eyes could easily hypnotize others with just a look. His green hair with black undertones completed the whole look.

He was very attractive and he knew it.

Izuku smirked and he put Toga in a in a position that had her back facing his chest and him having her in a version of a choke hold. He wasn't hurting her in anyway though.

"We wouldn't want to damage the work of art though. Father would kill you." He released her from the hold. She picked up the knife and walked back to her seat.

"What do you want? You never come down at this hour," Shigaraki said clearly annoyed.

The two didn't like each other as soon as they meet. Shigaraki saw Izuku as competition for All for One's attention while Izuku saw Shigaraki as a child.

"I was bored and I heard a ruckus in here," Izuku sassed.  The blue hair male rolled his eyes.

"Sorry if I disturbed your beauty rest," he teased.

"You are forgiven. You know how hard it is to keep eye bags from forming. They would truly mess up my look," Izuku smirked.

"I hate you brat."

"The feeling is mutual."

"I'm sorry we were making too much noise Izuku. I forget that your room is the closest to the bar," the misty guy, Kuroguri, apologized. He was respectful to everyone and was like the mom of the group.

"Thanks. Can I have a water?" Izuku asked.

"Sure thing." Kuroguri tossed him a water bottle having Izuku catch it.

"Thanks. Now I'm heading to bed."

"Boss wants to have a meeting in the morning. 10:00 am to be exact," Kuroguri said cleaning glasses again.


Izuku left the bar area and went back to his room.

He took off his black hoodie leaving him shirtless with his black jogging pants.

He crashed onto his bed and drank a little of the water.

"Must be a new mission. Wonder who I'm going to research now?" He asked himself.

Izuku placed the water on his night table near his bed and set the alarm on his phone for 8:00.

He feel alseep with the moonlight lighting up the room.


The alarm roared, waking Izuku up. He was used to getting up early but he still hated alarms.

He got out of bed and went change into some running clothes.

Since he never went out on missions, he could go out and not have to worry about pro hero's seeing him and going after him.

No one knew that the most feared villain had a son which made Izuku seem more normal.

His lie would be that he was living with his dad who worked a lot. It wasn't a complete lie but it still worked in emergencies.

It was after sunrise but the sun wasn't completely up yet.

Izuku ran around a couple blocks, saying hi to random people. A few girls and even a few guys would try to go up to him to get his number but he turned them all down. He didn't want to involve anyone in his villain life.

He was born and raised a villain, but he still had a somewhat caring heart.

He eventually got back to the 'abandoned' building and sneaked back into his room.

It was 8:50 and he still had a while till the meeting.

He quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned the sweat off of him.

He changed into his villain suit once he got out, black pants with a button down black shirt. He would always keep the top two buttons undone, elevating his attractiveness.

He quickly towel dried his hair and got ready for the meeting.

He put on his black choker, bracelet, and multiple rings. Lastly , he put on his chain earring that went from the earlobe to the top of the ear on his left ear.

On his right ear however was a large, ruby earring. It seemed to have like a water droplet effect. It matched his cunning eyes.

He looked down to his rings. On his index finger was this one ring that had a large emerald stone embedded into it.

It was his mother's wedding ring. It was the only item he had of hers.

A knock sounded at the door.

"You ready kid?" It was Kuroguri's voice. 

"Yeah. I'm ready."  Izuku opened the door. Kuroguri was in his villain attire as well.

"I'll warp you there since he wants you to be there early."

"Alright. Send me in."

Kuroguri warped Izuku to his father.

They were in a large dark warehouse somewhere no one knew. The only one who knew where it was, was Kuroguri but it was only to portal people to and from.

"Hello my son," All for one said welcoming Izuku.

"Hello father. I'm guessing there is a new mission."

"You know it. I'm pretty sure your going to enjoy this one too." Izuku saw his father smile.

A few moments later, the room was filled with villains waiting to here about the new mission. They all sat down on whatever they could find.

"Good morning everyone. I put together a plan that would corrupt the hero society from the inside out." Everyone was intrigued.

"How can we do it from the inside?" Shigaraki asked.

"By having someone be a spy."

Izuku looked at his father. 'What is he scheming?' He asked himself.

"We need someone the heroes don't know about, go in and give us information that can't be gathered from online sources and battles. We need someone to go in and learn personal things about these heroes."

Izuku admired his father's way of planning things. It was truly amazing to see his plans come to life.

"This person is going to get into the UA hero course and pose as a student there. Izuku is the perfect person to play that part."

"What?" Izuku said out loud.

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