Chapter 12: panic

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The next morning Izuku walked to school like normal, but without his headphones.

He was still jumpy at sudden noises but he knew it would go away eventually.

"Hi Izuku!" Uraraka said surprising him.

His body jumped at the sudden noise. He wanted to crawl away and cover his ears.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" She asked seeing him jump. She looked into his panicked red eyes.

"Honestly, no. My mental state isn't the best right now." He couldn't tell her about the soundproof room. He couldn't tell anyone about it.

"Me and Todoroki tried calling you a few days ago. Tilly picked up the phone. She was kinda rude," Uraraka went on saying as they walked towards the school's front entrance.

Izuku chuckled a little. Toga was really protective at times. "Sorry about her. She just wanted to help me. That's just her personality."

"Izuku, are you in an abusive household?"

Izuku stiffened a little. "I mean I get made fun of by my other cousin a lot but we do it to each other."

"That's not what I mean."

The conversation was interrupted by Kirishima walking seeing the two near the school's entranced.

"Izuku! You're back. We missed ya buddy," he smiled welcomely.

"Hey nerd I finally came up with a nickname to call you. How about Deku?" Bakugo growled. He was standing next to Kirishima.

"Whatever," Izuku shrugged. He kept walking forward and into the building.

The three that were left looked at each other, breaking character.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Bakugo asked.

"No clue. Is his mental health that bad?"

Izuku walked as fast as he could to the bathroom. His stomach was hurting still from where Shigiraki had kicked him repeatedly.

He walked to the bathroom and into one of the stalls. He raised his shirt and saw the large, dark, bruise on his stomach stretching to his side.

"Damn it," he said. Looking at it made it only hurt worst.

He walked out the stall and looked himself in the mirror.

"What am I doing with my life?" He turned on the water in the sink and washed his face.

The bathroom door opened and walked in Todoroki.

"Izuku, you're back," he said in his usual monotone voice.

"Yeah." Izuku took a paper towel and wiped his face to get all the rest of the water droplets off.

"You're hurt aren't you?"

Izuku went wide eyed. "I don't know what you're talking about Todoroki."

Todoroki put his hand on Izuku's waist. Izuku was shocked by the action but also flinched as he got close to the bruise.

"Pull up your shirt Izuku. I won't take no for an answer," Todoroki commanded.

Izuku grabbed the bottom of his button down shirt and slowly lifted it. Todoroki saw the never ending bruise on his stomach and side.

"Who did this to you?"

"Why do you care?" Izuku snapped.

"Cause my father abuses me. Both mentally and sometimes physically. He abused my mother and my siblings."

Izuku went silent. Dabi had told him stories about Endeavor and how he was like a flaming trash can.

"Please Izuku, who did this?"

"No one of importance," he said looking away.

Todoroki sighed. "I can tell you are not in your usual state of mind. You're not as confident as you usually are."

"Just give it a few days. I'll go back to normal soon," Izuku sighed grabbing his things.

"This isn't the first time isn't it?"

"Todoroki. I'm warning you. Don't get to deep into my life. You'll only get hurt."

With that Izuku walked out the bathroom.

Todoroki sighed looking to the mirror himself. "But you're hurting yourself in your own life."


The day seemed to drag on. Nothing interesting was happening. Izuku was bored.

He looked up to the clock in the classroom and saw that the day was almost over.

He didn't want to go back to the league yet. He couldn't.

"Izuku?" Aizawa said calling on the boy.

The two of them had came back today.


"Stay after class please."

Aizawa didn't give any more information and dropped the conversation at that and went back to teaching.

Izuku thought about what he would need to tell him. 'Did Todoroki tell him about the bruise?!' His mind clouded everything that wasn't that thought. How would he explain it? How much did he tell him? Izuku started to panic.

He couldn't hear the cries of his classmates calling him.

He blocked out noise. It was like putting him back into the room. He closed his eyes and saw himself there. He wanted to open his eyes back up but he couldn't. He was stuck.

He felt a soft touch on his arm. It was someone coming through the smallest opening.

"Izuku?" He slowly opened one of his eyes and saw Aizawa standing next to the boy.

Everyone's attention was on him. "Sorry everyone," he apologized.

Aizawa felt the boy shake in fear still.

"Uraraka bring him to recovery girl. He needs to rest."

The girl got up and ran over to Izuku.

"Come on Izuku. I'll call your family to tell them about your panic attack once we get to the nurse's office."

Uraraka helped him up and they walked to the hall.

"Whatever you do, do not call them." Izuku let out.

Uraraka was set back at the request but she didn't want to dig deeper into the matter.


Izuku was lying down on one of the couches that there in the nurses office. Recovery girl had to leave the room for a while welcomed Izuku to stay as long as he needed.

Izuku was thankful that she never saw the bruise on his stomach.

A soft knock sounded at the door and walked in Aizawa.

Izuku sat up from the couch. "Mr. Aizawa," he said acknowledging him.

"You okay?" He asked blankly.

Izuku let out a sigh. "Yeah. Just mentally out of it still."

Aizawa patted Izuku's head. "I just wanted to thank you for saving me. I don't remember much but I know you dragged me out of the mess. I know you are going to make an amazing hero one day."

Izuku smiled at the compliment. "Thanks. My father thinks other wise. He said that it was a dumb move to save you. He was afraid I was going to get hurt," he lied at the last part.

"Everyone gets hurt. That's a part of life. You should be proud of yourself, no matter what."

Izuku smiled. "Thanks Mr. Aizawa."

"You're welcome, problem child," he smiled.

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