Chapter 46: offers

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"What do you mean Overhaul has a kid?" Pro hero rock lock said throwing his hands up.

A group of heroes and a few work study students from UA sat in a large meeting room talking about saving Eri.

Sir nighteye was the head of the meeting and had brought everyone together.

"Todoroki and Mirio accidentally ran into this kid and apparently Overhaul and Breach were the ones who claimed her to be her father and brother," Nighteye told the other pro.

"Why are children being involved in this?" The hero asked.

"Todoroki has a personal connection and understanding of Breach," Aizawa spoke up.

"And what would that connection be?"

They never went public with the fact that Izuku was breach. Everyone thought that he was just missing.

Todoroki looked over to Aizawa. They needed to speak up about it.

"Izuku Midoriya is Breach," Aizawa spoke.

"Izuku is my boyfriend. All for one is his biological father. He placed a quirk that controls Izuku on him. Only two people have the ability to use the quirk," Todoroki added on.

"Shigiraki and All for one himself," Aizawa added on.

"So the child is a threat to society and needs to be eliminated," Rock lock stated.

"No! I promised him I would save him," Todoroki raised his voice.

"But the boy is AFO son!"

"Enough!" Nighteye got everyone's attention. "Todoroki, do you have a plan to save Izuku, to get rid of this quirk?"

Todoroki let out a sigh. "Quirk restraints don't work on it and I'm pretty sure Mr. Aizawa's quirk won't work anymore on him."

"It's not a normal quirk that was placed on him," Aizawa stated.

"What if we capture him and from there we can try different things to get rid of the quirk?" Pro hero Fat Gum mentioned.

"Whenever we first captured him, Kuroguri was able to get him out," Aizawa spoke.

"Then don't have him in UA or somewhere the leagues been," Nezu sipped his tea. "He can be kept at a pros home and be monitored 24/7 till there's a way that we can get that quirk effects removed."

"He can stay at Hizashi and I's place," Aizawa volunteered.

"Alright then let's get back to the girl," Nighteye spoke getting back to the reason they were there.


Izuku tried not to flinch as Eri's screams echoed through the halls.

It was his fault that she ran. It was his fault that she got caught. It was his fault this was happening to her.

"Zuzu, are you okay?" Toga asked seeing him paler than usual.

"It's my fault she's in pain," he let out a tear. It was the first time Toga has seen him show emotions in a while.

"Do you need to talk about it?" She asked him.


Izuku moved over to her and placed his head in her lap. She started to run her fingers through his white hair.

He told her everything he did and how he couldn't control his actions.

'The old Izuku is showing,' she thought. The internal fighting within him was starting again.

Izuku ended up falling asleep in Toga's lap.  She kept playing with his hair making sure he was comfortable.

"What's going on with him?" Twice asked.

"Who knows. That quirk keeps fighting him and vise versa."

The white hair Izuku walked through the dark area. He hasn't been in this area in a while.

"You're back?" The green hair Izuku asked the obvious as he just sat on the ground.

"Why am I here? I thought I beat you?" The white hair Izuku spoke.

"Honestly, I have no clue. I'm just has confused as you."

The white hair Izuku sat down next to the other and just looked into the darkness.

"I still don't like you," the white hair one spoke. "You're weak."

"I know but I'm true with myself," the green hair Izuku smiled.

"So what do we do?"

The two Izuku's just looked off into the darkness.

"I don't know."


Izuku woke up feeling weird. He felt off.

"Zuzu, Overhaul wanted to talk to you," Toga told him as he lifted himself off her lap.


Izuku got up and started to walk to his office.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and let out a yawn.

When he got to the room he softly knocked.

"Come in," he heard Overhaul say. Izuku opened the door and walked in.

"Toga said you wanted to see me."

Overhaul stood up from his chair. "Eri is really important to me. Do you know why?"

"No sir."

"You see Eri has a quirk that we call rewind. It can rewind any living thing till it simply doesn't," he explained. "Eri is the key component of the drug that we create. In fact we have successfully created 5 quirk erasing bullets."

Izuku was shocked. "Eri, is the reason for the drug,"


"Why are you telling me this?" Izuku asked him.

"I know your the son of All for one. I don't exactly support the man but having his son on my side can make a huge difference. I want you to leave the league and join my gang," Overhaul announced to him.

"But I let Eri get away. Wouldn't that label me as untrustworthy?" He asked.

"Accidents happen and we got her back. I saw how you reacted once you saw she wasn't there through the cameras."

Izuku didn't know how to react. He wasn't prepared to get offered a position here.

"I'll give you some time to think about it. I truly just wanted you to be here but I needed to get those other here so it wouldn't look suspicious." He spoke. "You are dismissed."

Izuku gave a slight bow and walked out the room.

There was no way he would pledge his allegiance to the gang. He was part of the League since he came into the world. He smiled as he realized that he just learned the truth behind the drug that Shigiraki wanted.

"I got to tell Toga and Twice about this!"

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