Chapter 48: Overhaul vs Breach

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Izuku picked up Eri and followed Overhaul out the room.

Using his quirk, Overhaul changed the hall and made it near impossible to go through.

Izuku felt Eri shake in his arms. He wanted to save her but he was being controlled to be obedient.

"What about Toga and Twice?" Izuku asked trying to sooth Eri.

"They are fighting with others so we have time to get away," Overhaul replied.

"So your putting my family in danger in order to get away?" Izuku was starting to get angry.

"They are doing a job."

"A job that they could off avoided." Izuku stopped dead in his tracks with Eri still in his hands.

"Izuku, now isn't the time to be disobedient," Overhaul started to raise his voice.

Izuku could see both sides of him come out. It was both Breach and Izuku.
"I won't let Eri stay with you," he spoke up.

"I'm guessing you're not taking my offer I made a day ago?" Overhaul asked.

"You are correct. The league is my family and I can't leave them."

He held on tight to Eri. He didn't want Overhaul's blood filled hands to get near her.

"Izuku, it's Eri or both of you. I won't have an ending where she leaves me."

"Well I guess it's time for you to see that ending. I'm not letting her go with you." Izuku moved his hair behind his ears to show of the waterfall ruby earring. "And by the way, the name's Breach."

Izuku jetted ahead of Overhaul, advoudung the changes in the hallways that he was creating.

"Hold on Eri," Izuku said sprinting with her in hand.
She grabbed onto his black dress shirt and closed her eyes. She could hear his heart beat sounding like he's been running for a hour.

Her nerves started to grow causing her horn starting to grow as well Izuku didn't notice it, he just kept running.

He ran into a large facility that was connected to the building they were in.

"We- should be far enough- from him," Izuku said placing Eri on the ground.

"Izuku, I thought you said you can't be the prince that saves me?" Eri asked him.

"I can't," he spoke. "But I can try." A soft smile grew upon his face.

"Stop there!" Izuku heard a voice shout.

He turned around and saw the tall blonde teen from when Eri first escaped.

"Hello there," Izuku said in a creepy manner having breach come out.

Mirio knew the plan; save Eri and capture Bre-Izuku alive.

"You can surrender peacefully or we can do this the hard way!" Mirio shouted to the two.

"Izuku?" Eri spoke but she saw the evil glare in Izuku eyes. This wasn't the boy who cared for her.

"Technically, it's not my call. I just follow orders," He smiled.

Overhaul had caught up with them and changed the layout of the room.

Parts of the floor and rose while others fell and crumbled. It looked nothing like it did before.

"Aren't you two on the same side?" Mirio asked noticing the disgusted look on Izuku's face towards Overhaul.

"You see, I can answer that-" Izuku started to say.

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