Chapter 31: when villains attack

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The camp was close to finishing up. It's been a few days since the classes arrived and started to train their quirks.

Izuku analyzed all the students, keeping his notes in a notebook that he had been given by Aizawa.

Izuku made sure that Kouta didn't blab his secrets to the adults and gave a bright smile and wave to the kid whenever he would pass near him.

Instead of filling with anger, the kid would fill with fear. It was as clear as day on his face, but none of the adults realized it in detail.

"Shoto!!!" Izuku through himself on Todoroki's lap as the boys just sat around in the room they were assigned.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"Give me attention!" Izuku demand. Even though Izuku told the league not to tell him when they were attacking, he could feel their presence and had a gut feeling that today was the day that they were attacking.

"But I do give you attention," Todoroki replied wanting to mess with Izuku.

"Please! You guys have been training all day everyday since we've been here while I just write notes about you guys," Izuku pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

Todoroki smiled in defeat as he started to play with Izuku's hair, giving him the attention that he craved.

'I don't want to leave this moment,' they both thought for different reasons.


Izuku had taken extra notes on Bakugo since he was the one he picked to convert to the dark side. He noticed how Bakugo's temper ran. He wanted to have fun and mess with his emotions whenever they got back to the base.

Both class 1-A and class 1-B were standing in front of a path were they had to scare each other on. The adults called it "A test of courage."

While class 1-B went hide in the forest to scare the other class, Izuku could feel the sensation that something was about to happen.

"Sho, something doesn't feel right," he told him.

Todoroki looked down to his boyfriend. "I have a similar feeling."

After a few rounds of students went out to the forest, a dog started to fill the area. Izuku recognized the quirk in a second.

Blue flames covered an area of trees surrounded the students.

"What the heck-" Todoroki exclaimed seeing the flames. The students started to to panic.

"Kouta. He's not here!" His aunt shouted out. "Izuku!"

"I'll go get him! I'll be careful!" He shouted.

Todoroki looked panicked. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm the only one who knows were he is. I'll be fine I promise, but I need to hurry," Izuku planted a kiss on Todoroki's lips knowing it was probably the last.

When they broke apart, Izuku dashed to where the kid would be at.


"You killed my parents!" Kouta yelled at the large man who was ahead of him at his hideout.

"So you're the kid they called to whenever those weak heroes called for when they were crushed," the man laughed.

"Muscular! That's not how we treat a 6 year old!" Izuku shouted standing behind the two.

"Come on Izuku. I killed his parents back in the day," the villain growled.

Tears were poring from Kouta's eyes not from sadness but in fear.

"I said no! He's just a kid. He's done nothing to affect the world."

"Not yet."

"And how do you know? How do you know that he's going to grow up and become a powerful hero just like his parents? How do you know if the kid has trauma from what you did? How do you know anything about him?"

Muscular just stood there.

"Also, my authority towers all but my father's. So you disobeying me has serious consequences," he smirked sending chills towards him.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't do it again," the villain apologized.

"Come hear. I need to tell you something that the kid can't hear," Izuku command.

When Muscular bent down, Izuku hit the side of his neck causing the large man to crumble to the ground.

"Well that takes care of him. I never really liked him," Izuku chuckled.

Kouta just stood there in shock. "I thought you were a villain?"

"I don't hurt those who don't deserve it. Plus, not every bone in my body is evil. Come on, your aunt is worried and you've probably realized that villains are attacking," Izuku told him.

"You're confusing."

Izuku rolled his eyes, "Look kid, I'm offering you a safe path back to your aunt. Those villains won't hurt me. I'll bring you to your aunt and you'll never have to deal with me again."

"Is anyone going to die?" Kouta asked straight forward.

"No one shouldn't, but I didn't plan this attack. I have no idea what they are going to happen," Izuku sighed. "Truthfully, I hope no one does. Blood is already on my hands but I don't want it anymore."

Kouta noticed the change in Izuku's personality. Instead of the aragonite individual he was nights before, he was caring. He noticed how Izuku pointed out that he's done wrong.

"Izuku, why are you a villain?" Kouta asked waking towards him.

"Sometimes, being born already puts you in a role of life. I was just..." he paused. "Come on. There's things I need to do."

Izuku bent down offering to carry Kouta. Kouta was hesitant at first, but jumped on his back.

"Hold on!" Izuku warned as he started sprint down the mountain.

About half way back to the safe point, a blonde girl with space buns jumped out the trees.

"Toga!" Izuku stopped before Toga's blood lust took over and tried to stab him.

"Zuzu! Aren't you excited that your mission is finally over?" She smiled but it dropped once she saw Kouta on his back. "Do I need to kill him?"

Izuku felt Kouta shiver in fear on his back. "No. He found out the truth a few days ago and hasn't spoke a word."

"So your trusting a 5 year old?"

"He's 6 and yes. I'll find you know who after I bring him to the safe spot," he told her.

"Okay! I'm going get blood!"

Toga disappeared back into the forest and Izuku let out the breath he was holding.

"She was joking about wanting to kill me, right?" Kouta asked Izuku.

"I wish she was. Her blood lust is crazy whenever she's on a mission."

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