Chapter 9: Izuku vs Shigiraki

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Izuku was distracted by Aizawa weakly talking.

Izuku felt the need to protect his friends, but he couldn't understand why.

The league was his family. He grew up and was raised by them so why did he feel like he should fight for the people he was lying to.

Izuku pushed his feelings aside. Shigiraki tried to kill an innocent and Izuku hates when the league kill innocents.

Izuku grabbed Shigiraki's wrist and twisted it back. Shigiraki fell back and looked shocked at Izuku.

"Tsu, Mineta, get out of here. Go to the front and get out this fight," Izuku told the other two students.

"So I see your helping your friends," Shigiraki's raspy voice seemed to crowd over.

"That's because you tried to kill them. I don't stand with killing innocents."

Izuku swung out the water and got into his fighting position.

"Problem child, your going to get yourself hurt. Remember you don't have a quirk," Aizawa weakly yelled at Izuku.

"I'm still here though. I don't have a quirk, but the name Izuku Midoriya will go down in history!" Izuku yelled proudly. "You better not hold back crusty," he told Shigiraki.

"Dont plan on it brat."

Izuku made the first move and swept Shigiraki's legs.
He jumped over it knowing that taking out his opponents legs is his first attack.

Shigiraki went in with his hand and tried to grab Izuku's arm put only managed to touch part of his shirt.

Izuku didn't pull out any weapons. It wouldn't be a fair fight to him.

The two went at it back and forth attacking each other.

"You're good kid. But you're damn annoying," Shigiraki tried to get to Izuku.

"Thanks, my father says I'm great at what I do." Izuku smiled.

"I really do hate you."

"I know."

The two went back to fighting. They both didn't back down. They had their pride getting into the way.

During the fight, the two heard the catchphrase that let them knew that someone got just gotten there.

"I am here!"

All Might was in his strong form prepared to battle.

"Kuroguri!" Shigiraki yelled.

Izuku felt himself falling. He was warped back to the front with the rest of the students who were fighting Kuroguri.

"Izuku!" The students yelled seeing him safe.

Izuku was a little bruised from the fight but it was just like a training session.

"Let's take care of this portal dude."

Uraraka whispered to Izuku that Iida was able to sneak out and run back to the school. They were just trying to buy time.

Izuku had looked back to see All might fighting the Nomu.

"I have to go save him," Izuku said to himself seeing Aizawa struggling.

"What's that Izuku?" Uraraka asked him but it was too late.

Izuku had sprinted back into the heat of the battle and to the injured teacher.

"What are you doing here?" Aizawa weakly said to Izuku who was trying to pick him up.

"These guys are strong and you are hurt while in the middle of the largest fight. I'm not going to let you die here!"

Izuku lifted Aizawa and pulled him over his back.

"I need to get you in a clear area," Izuku told him.

Izuku dragged his teacher to the opposite end of the building.

"And where do you think you're going Izuku?" A raspy voice called out to him.

"Getting him to safety." Izuku looked back and saw that Aizawa was unconscious.

Izuku threw him down and checked for a pulse. It was still there.

"I didn't know you cared about these weaklings. Just think about what your father is going to do once he finds out you individually tried to save this so called pro."

Izuku cringed. "I never agreed to killing. I've been like that since the start and you know it," Izuku spit back.

"You're a villain though. Killing is in your blood."

Izuku rolled his eyes. "I. Don't. Kill. Innocent."

"Whatever I'm not fighting you on this. You're probably going to get punished for this."

"I'm used to it. Now, I would leave before one of the other teachers shoot you with his quirk."


Izuku punched Shigiraki and pushed him back. A shot was fired and hit Shigiraki's shoulder and then another in his leg.

"Kuroguri get everyone out here. Don't want the main part of the league getting captured," Izuku said out load knowing that Kuroguri was listening.

A portal warped Shigiraki out of the building along with the rest of the league, but for the Nomu it was too late. He was captured.

Izuku went back to the injured teacher and pulled him to his back again. Izuku dragged him to the front of the building.

"Izuku! Aizawa!" Teachers and students yelled seeing the two.

Nezu and the teacher that had shot Shigiraki walked up to Izuku and Aizawa.

"Students go outside and if anyone is injured tell one of the teachers!" One of the teachers told the students.

"He's just unconscious. The main villain has a decay quirk and got his elbow," Izuku told the two.

"Give him here. We'll get him to the hospital," the teacher told Izuku taking Aizawa from him.

"Are you okay?" Nezu asked him.

"Just bruised. Noting I can't handle."

Nezu nodded.

"All Might told us that you knew about his weak form. Do you mind going help him out. He's behind the cement wall," Nezu asked Izuku.

"Yeah. No problem."

Izuku ran over to All might and saw how bloody he was from the fight. It had drained him in strength.

"Izuku, are you okay?" He asked seeing that the boy was bruised.

'Crap, you're not dead,' He thought to himself.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just bruised. Let's get you out of here and to Recovery girl," Izuku said talking about the nurse.

"Thanks, young Izuku." All Might smiled.

"No problem," he smiled in return.

'I'm so dead when I get home.'

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