Cgapter 18: after

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Izuku looked down to his now bloody hands. None of the blood was his. It was his former classmates Kouda's.

It was the middle of the night in a dark alleyway. Toga wiped the blood of her knife.

"Izuku are you okay?" She asked him. It was his first kill. Who knew how he would handle it.

He continued to look down at his hands. He didn't know how to feel. Part of him hated every single second of it, but the other part seemed to love it.

He closed his hand, putting on a sickening grin. Toga felt a chill go down her back seeing the boy grin in such away.

"I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it," he finally answered.

"We should get back to the base. I texted Dabi what we were doing and hopefully he lied to Kuroguri. Just imagine what he will be like once he figured out we killed someone."

They had already got ride of all the evidence of the crime they had committed.

"Let's get going. It's the middle of the night and the trains probably stopped running for the night," Toga shrugged hearing the trains had probably stopped running. "Don't be like that. If you don't want to walk all the way back we can spend the night at the park or something, but we need to get back to the base before the festival starts."

Toga smiled.

"Okay, let's go then!" She skipped away. Izuku just smiled as he left the crime scene. He couldn't wait to hear what they would saw whenever the public figured out that a UA student was dead.


"You two are in major trouble!" Kuroguri shouted at Toga and Izuku once they walked through the door. "You spent the night at god knows where and you committed a crime. Not just any crime but you two killed a UA student!"

"Sorry guys, but you can't get anything past the mom of the league," Dabi shrugged in the corner.

"It was that or risk my and everyone else's safety in the league. He could have blabbed that I wasn't sick to everyone else," Izuku explained.

"Just to clean up properly. The festival is going to be live in a little while. I'll have someone bring up food to you. Just do what you need to do," Kuroguri gave up.

Izuku and Toga ran up the stairs and into each of their rooms, grabbing clothes for the day.

"I call this bathroom," Izuku stuck out his tongue to Toga, who had tried to run to the sam bathroom since it was the closest one.

Izuku shut the door and started to wash up, getting rid of the dry blood that was still on him.


"Notebooks, check, pencils, check, glasses, check. I think I got everything I need," Izuku said waiting for the festival to go live on his computer. 

He put up his wet hair and slide on his glasses.

He sat back in his chair and ate his breakfast sandwich that Davi brought to his room.

"Good morning, everyone to this year's annual UA sports festival! I'm this years host: pro hero Present Mic. I'm joined with fellow pro hero Eraserhead!" The program started.

Izuku didn't really pay much attention to the introductions of all the first year class introductions.

He did watch class 1-A walk into the field missing 2 students. He smiled seeing their sad and confused faces even though they were faking smiles.

Izuku knew too much about faking a smile.

"This year, we are starting out with a complex obstacle course! Students will race on a path trying to beat the other students! They will have to hurry cause we are only allowing a certain number to move on to the next round!"

"Present Mic, you're so loud," Aizawa said with his mic on.

"But I had to explain what was going on to the crowd and people watching at home!"

"You also don't need to use your loud voice for that. We have mics for a reason."

Izuku laughed at the two going back and forth. Soon the rules were explained to the students and the race started.

Izuku observed the students carefully. Todoroki and Bakugo were head by far compared to everyone else.

Bakugo seemed to go all out start to finish. Todoroki however, was only using half his power. He was only using the ice side.

"That idiot is stupid. It's his quirk not his father's," Izuku mumbled.

The camera panned to the other students who were making their way through the course.

"Bakugo's quirk needs him to sweat in order to make these explosions. He definitely has anger issues and a short temper. I'm going to keep my eye on him," Izuku let out writing down information he was learning about the students.

The first round came to an end and the second round started.  Students had to work as teams to get other teams point worth headbands.

Izuku noticed how everyone went for the largest number.

"It's smarter to get headbands that get you to the qualifying level. You don't need to get first," he rolled his eyes.

The second round ended leaving only a small group of students left for the 3rd and final round.

"We are going to be taking a hour and a half break for lunch and for our students to prepare for battle!" Present Mic announced.

"Also, this is unrelated to the sports festival, but we do have a student missing. His parents called the school this morning to report that he had never made it home from his after school job. The boy's name is Kouda, Kouji. He's very shy and likes to talk to animals. We are displaying his photo now," Aizawa said as a picture of Kouda appeared on the screen. "If anyone has any information about his whereabouts, please contact the local police. Now we'll be back in 1 and a half hours."

Izuku took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead.

"So they noticed he's missing already," Izuku stated. "This is going to be an interesting couple of days."

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