Chapter 38: the truth shall be revealed

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As soon as the villain got close enough to Aizawa, he used his scarf to capture it.

Breach struggled against the restraints trying to breach free and go back to his family but Aizawa just tightened the scarf.

"Let me go Eraserhead!" Breach yelled at him.

"That's a dumb thing to say don't you think?" Aizawa replied reaching for the villain's mask.

Breach's eyes widened. "I won't struggle if you leave my mask on," he told him.

"And why should I believe you?"

"I want to watch the fight too, but if you remove my mask, I won't hesitate to kill you," he spat out.

Aizawa gave in a left the mask on the villain. "Why do you want to watch the fight?" He asked.

"It's my least favorite hero vs. f- All for one. Who wouldn't want to watch it?"

Aizawa noticed that he was going to say a different word, but he couldn't tell which one.

They watched as the fight continued to go on until All Might used the last bit of his power on an extreme punch that brought All for One down.

Aizawa felt the jerk on his scarf as the villain tried to run to All for One.

"I need to go to him! Let me go!" Breach cried out.

"All for one is going to get arrested and be put away for a long time. You seem young so your going somewhere else," Aizawa explained.

"League of Villains, go to secondary base," All for one wheezed out.

Kuroguri warped the group of Villains around him. Toga and Dabi looked over and say their brother being captured by the hero but they didn't know about the obedience quirk placed upon him.

"I wouldn't be happy to see him in the heroes hands," Shigiraki spoke. "He no longer feels the need to leave his family. We'll get him back."

Toga and Dabi questioned what the pale hair villain said but they made one worry look to Izuku as the portal warped them away.

Breach still was fighting to go see the villain who was being cuffed and about the be transported to the most secure jail in the country.

"FATHER!" Breach called out breaking out into tears.

"Make me proud son," was the last words Izuku heard before he passed out.


Izuku woke up sitting in a chair in a grey room. His wrists were chained to the table that was in front of him.

He let out a sigh of relief feeling the mask still on his face. "Where am I?" He mumbled out. There was an empty chair on the other side of the table. There was a one way window that looked like a mirror on his side.

"I'm guessing they are going to question me about the league?" Izuku tsked.

He noticed the camera in the upper corner of the room.

"I know you guys see me!" He yelled at the camera. "And I know you are on the other side of this mirror," he said looking straight to the mirror.


Nezu, Aizawa, All might, and Present Mic felt a chill go down their spines watching the villain call them out.

"So who's going to go in?" Nezu asked sipping on his tea.

"He yelled out to All for One calling him his father. I didn't know that he had a kid," All might pointed out.

"I'll go in," Aizawa said waking towards the door that leads to the room where the villain is.

"Aizawa, make sure to take off his mask. I want to see who this is," Nezu told him. "He did kill my chess partner."

"Yes sir." Aizawa opened the door and walked to the chair.

"Finally, I thought that you guys ran away," the villain laughed.

"I'm not here to listen to your jokes," Aizawa said straight forward.

"I know. You're here to get information out of me."

"Glad to know you understand that already."

"I would say I'm an open book but I'm not going to answer all your questions," Breach leaned back in the chair.

Aizawa huffed knowing that it was bound to happen during this time.

"How old are you?" Was Aizawa's first question.

"So your first question is my age. How hilarious," Breach joked.

"Answer the damn question!" Aizawa raised his voice.

"Fine. 16. Im the youngest in the league that I know of," he answered.

"What's your quirk?" Aizawa followed up.

"Classified." Breach answered. He remembered that his father gave him one but due to the order he gave, he couldn't tell the heroes.

"What do you mean? Is that the name of your quirk?"

"No idiot. I'm not telling you my quirk."

"What is your relation to All for one?" Aizawa asked.

"Man, you heroes are dumb. He's my biological father. I'm his son."

The group outside the room let out a breath. They had another possible All for One in their hands.

"You told me to leave the mask on you during the fight last night, but I need you to remove it now," Aizawa informed him.

"I'll make you a deal. Use your quirk on me and I'll give you an answer. I want to test something," Breach told him leaning onto the table.


Aizawa activated his quirk and his hair started to float upwards.

The quirk that All for one placed on Izuku went away and his old UA self came out.

"I'll only take it off if Shoto Todoroki is in here. Please do this for me. I need to apologize to him," Izuku said before Aizawa had blinked deactivating his quirk.

Breach's cocky self came back over him making him back to Pre UA self.

"I'll see what I can do," Aizawa said standing up from his chair.

"Come back to see me Eraserhead," Breach gave a creepy wave.

Aizawa walked out the room and to the rest of the UA staff that watched the interaction.

"So, what's the plan?" All might asked.

"You heard the boy, go get Todoroki."


Todoroki was filled with anger sitting in front of the villain that had killed his boyfriend.

Aizawa stood behind Todoroki to make sure nothing happened to anyone.

"Eraserhead, use your quirk on me again. Safety is a hero's #1 priority," Breach laughed.

Aizawa activated his quirk and the control released Izuku.

"Aizawa, warn me when you're going to blink," Izuku told him.

Aizawa just nodded.

"Okay. Here goes nothing," Izuku said. He reached up to his voice changing mask. He slowly removed it and saw the emotions change in both the teacher and the student's faces.

"I-Izuku?" Todoroki couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Hi my love."

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