Chapter 56: an ending

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2 years later

Izuku sat next to Todoroki with their diplomas in hand. It was finally time for them to graduate high school and go off into the world.

Izuku looked to the stage and saw his adoptive parents sitting on the stage with his adopted little sister, Aizawa, Hizashi, and Eri.

Iida was making some speech about how the rest of their lives will be determined by the choices they make but Izuku wasn't really listening. He had made his choice in life already.

"Izuku, are we still good about going to dinner after the ceremony. My siblings just texted me to ask," Todoroki whispered to his boyfriend.

"Yeah, pops had this dinner planned out for months. You'd be shocked how long he's been preparing for this day," he laughed talking about Hizashi.

"Are Dabi and Toga coming too?"

"Not sure. Toga has been pretty busy working at the blood bank and Dabi with his self defense classes. The two of them are never free," Izuku told him.

Toga and Dabi finished the villain rehabilitation program at UA and were making a successful life for themselves. They moved out of the Aizawa household but they always came to visit. Dabi was living with his fiancée pro hero Hawks and was planning on getting married soon. Dabi still never told Shoto that he was Toyua. He thought it would be best if he never told him.

Toyua was weak, running away from his problems, but Dabi was strong, confident, but most importantly, caring.

Izuku groaned a little as the ceremony seemed to last for hours.

"How long does it take to freaking graduate," Izuku whined.

"I love Tenya but he can get carried away," Uraraka admitted. The two of them grew closer as the school years went on.

Whenever Izuku came back to UA, he admitted everything he done. He wanted to start fresh. He was not longer Izuku Midoriya, but Izuku Aizawa. He still went by Izuku though.

Finally Iida speech ended and the closing ceremonies started. Izuku just had a smile on his face. He didn't think he would even go to high school but there he was, with the love of his life, graduating together.

"Now, would all graduates move your tassels from the side it's on to the other," Nezu spoke into the microphone.

The murmurs of the students started to become louder with anticipation.

"I know pronounce you, students of year 3, UA graduates. Congratulations!"

Caps flew into the hair while majority everyone bounded onto their feet hugging their friends.

Izuku and Todoroki hugged each other and looked into each other's eyes.

Todoroki went down to kiss Izuku. Izuku stood on his toes to meet Todoroki in the middle.

The two couldn't be happier in the moment, but Todoroki had something planned that would make the day even better.


"And then poor Shoto couldn't find his right shoe!" Natsu laughed out to the group.

Todoroki wanted to hide away from embarrassment from his brother.

Fuyumi, Natsu, their mother, Hizashi, Aizawa, Eri and the two lovebirds were all sitting at a restaurant celebrating their graduation.

Endever eventually came out to the public about the crimes he committed on his family trying to change, but he was sent to jail for a short amount of time.

The group went on about sharing embarrassing memories of Shoto and Izuku.

"Did we miss the party?" Toga smiled walking to the table with Dabi and Hawks right behind her

"Guys!" Izuku smiled. "I thought you three had work?"

"And miss your graduating? What kind of siblings would miss such an important day!" Toga gasped. The adults welcomed the ex-villains plus the hero to the table and they went on sharing stories.

Shoto sat there nervously. Izuku felt his leg bounce from under the table. "Shoto, are you okay?" He asked concerned for his boyfriend.

"Yeah, I am," he replied. "Natsu, Mr. Aizawa, can I speak to you outside for a moment?"

"Sure thing," they both said. The three men got up from the table and walked away.

"So, Eri how old are you now?" Toga asked playing around with the child.

"I'm 7 years old!" Eri smiled.

"What?! No. I think you're...3," Dabi joked with her.

"No I'm not Uncle Dabi!" Eri giggled.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be fighting off any boys that try to steal your heart," Dabi continued to joke with her.

"Ewww," she giggled.

Izuku smiled at his siblings. They had come from nothing but now they were living happily.

"So Izuku, what's the plan for your future? Are you going into the hero field?" Rei, Shoto's mother, asked.

"No ma'am. I may not be a villain anymore, but some of the hero society is messed up. I don't want any part of it. I want to help out the people with troubled backgrounds grow into a better version of themselves," he replied.

Rei just smiled. Izuku didn't know she was smiling at the even that was about to happen.

"Izuku Aizawa," Shoto spoke getting Izuku's attention.

Izuku turned in his chair and noticed Shoto standing beside him.

"Izuku, I know we've only been together for our high school years, but those 3 years let me realize so much. I learned how to love another that's not my siblings or mother. I'm not good with words and you know that but I hope this can share what I'm trying to say." Todoroki bent down on one knee and opened a small velvet box that had a shiny grey ring in it.

Izuku gasps at what was happening to him. Tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Izuku Aizawa, I love you and I will never stop no matter what. I want to be with you for the rest of my life so please will you do me the greatest honor in becoming my husband?"

"Yes!! I do Shoto! Oh my gosh! Yes!" He repeated, crying from the joy.

The whole table started to clap and cheer which resulted in the rest of the restaurant joining in.

Izuku leaned up and kissed Todoroki deeply.

"I love you!" Izuku spoke.

"I love you too."

A few years later

Izuku got the last of his papers organized on his desk waiting for the bell to ring. He looked down to his wedding ring and gave it a small kiss.

Shoto became a hero and worked with cases that best suited him. He would always come home with a smile and new story to tell Izuku.

The bell rung and Izuku tied up his hair and pushed on his reading glasses. He fidgeted with the chain in his earring while waiting for his class to arrive.

A group of teens that were clearly at a low point in their lives sat in front of him. Izuku looked out onto the teens in the room and saw fragments of his old self in each and every one of them.

"Good morning class. I am Mr. Todoroki- Aizawa but call me Mr. Izuku. Welcome to the villain rehabilitation program of UA high school."

The end

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