Chapter 6: 1-A

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The first day of school soon came by.

Izuku go dressed in the uniform. He looked himself in the mirror in his room.

"I look stupid," he mumbled to himself.

"It could be worse," Toga chimed in. Izuku looked to the blonde who was staring at him.

"You know that I don't like jackets like this," he said pointing at the buttoned jacket.

The uniform consisted of green like pants, a white button up dress shirt and a red tie having the blazer like jacket on top. "I look like a proper nerd."

Toga giggled at Izuku's comment. "Can I try to fix it? I promise I will not cut you. I'm actually going to make it more you."

" I'm keeping my earrings on."

Toga walked up to the male. She unbuttoned the jacket first. She took off the annoying tie that clashed with his eyes and didn't look right.

"It's not a lot different, but it's more you."

Izuku looked back to the mirror. It honestly looked way better.

"Thanks Toga," he praised her.

A tint of red crawled to her cheeks. "You're welcome Izuku."

Izuku walked over to his desk and grabbed his bag. It wasn't a backpack but a satchel.

"I'm heading out now. Wish me luck."

"Don't forget your glasses, just in case," Toga told him.

"They are in my bag already. Thanks Toga."

He waved and made his way down stairs.

"Good luck Izuku," Kuroguri told him as he washed glasses for the bar.

"Don't get caught," Shigaraki mumbled.

"Wow. You're saying something nice to me," Izuku said shocked.

"Tsk. Don't get used to it."

"Too late. Already am."

Izuku ran out the building before Shigaraki could come back with anything.

He walked to the train station and from there to school.

Once he was at the school he walked inside and pulled out his phone.

"Class 1-A." He read out loud.

"Midoryia!" He heard a girl's voice said.

He turned and saw the girl he met at the entrance exam.

"Urakaka? Am I right? I'm bad with names," he chuckled putting on his act.

"That's right. I can't believe you made it in!" She congratulated him.

"Congrats to you making it too. I'm in class 1-A," he told her.


Izuku smiled a little. The girl was so sweet and nice to him.

The two found the classroom finally after walking for a few minutes.

The door was tall and had 1-A on the door in large text.

They walked in and was greeted with a blue hair male who seemed to enforce the school rules extremely.

"Why are you not in the correct uniform?!" He shouted at Izuku. "Why are so many people not wearing the uniform correctly?!"

"Calm down glasses. The normal uniform just isn't my style. Plus the tie doesn't go with my eyes," he said thinking about what Toga told him.

"Izuku," a monotone voice called him.

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