Chapter 55: saying goodbye

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"No. Absolutely not," Aizawa said getting out the orange juice for the group's breakfast.

"Please. It'll bring me closure. It'll close off the villain side of me," Izuku told him cooking eggs.

"Look I agreed to let those two off the hook and I'm in charge of you for the time being," Aizawa sighed putting the juice on the kitchen table.

"Look. It's either allow me to see him and watch over the conversation at all times or I sneak out and hack the systems to see him by my lonesome."

Izuku was going to see All for one no matter what. He felt the need to close that chapter of his life.

"What would be said during the time you would talk to him?" Aizawa asked starting to feed the cats.

Izuku took the eggs out the pan and turned off the stove. "Something along the facts that he doesn't control me and I have to the power to do what I want with my life."

"If you do go, there will be government officials and pro heroes watching the whole time. Got it?"

Izuku looked over to him. "So is that a yes?"

"It's not a no."

Izuku just smiled. "Thank you Mr. Aizawa, for everything."

"What do you mean for everything, kid?"

Izuku grabbed a few plates and brought them to the table. "You and Shoto worked nonstop to get me back and break that control the quirk had on me. You and Mic had to put up with Breach and trust me, he would have killed the you and Mic in a second if he had the chance."

"I believe it. You killed Kouda and Stain and if you weren't caught then more would have been added to that count."

Izuku looked down to the floor. "I was ordered to kill Stain. Me and Toga killed Kouda. It was fear that control me over that."

"Look kid. Im not blaming you for anything you did. Your father is All for one and he used you to infiltrate the hero system. You just did what you needed to do to make him proud. Plus you did save me during USJ," Aizawa chuckled at the end.


"Go wake your villain siblings and boyfriend up and tell them breakfast is ready," Aizawa told him.

"Yes sir." Izuku ran to the room that Toga and Dabi were in.

He opened the door and flicked on the lights. "Wake up losers. Breakfast is ready!"


The following day, Aizawa commanded a group of heroes and police officers to raid the league of Villains base. Izuku, Toga, and Dabi helped them by giving them information about everyone who was strong in power within the league.

Aizawa ignored the insults flying at him by Shigiraki. He mostly yelled out the situation being unfair and how the three teens were traitors to the league.

'How the tables have turned then,' Aizawa thought whenever Shigiraki told him that.

Everyone major in the league was arrested while the not to important ones were left to roam the streets for the time being. They would get caught eventually.

Izuku looked himself in the mirror in his room. He had put back on his villain clothes including all the jewelry. He was still getting used to the fact that this wasn't his life anymore.

"Don't tell me your going back to Breach again?" Todoroki asked standing in the doorframe watching him.

"Stop staring you creep!" Izuku laughed grabbing a pillow off his bed and throwing it at him.

Todoroki caught the pillow and threw in back on the bed.

"Also, I wouldn't go back in a million years."

Todoroki smiled to his boyfriend. "Why do you need to be in that outfit anyway? Why can't you say 'Dad I'm not a villain anymore, deal with it,'" Todoroki chuckled.

"Easier said than done. The man would kill me if he could if I said it like that. Plus," Izuku smirked holding up his mask, "I'm a sassy brat and I like to mess with people."

"Does he know about how your hair changed to white whenever it had full control of you?" He asked.

"No clue but, I'll just play it off."


Izuku opened the door to his father's cell. He had his mask on and made sure Breach was the one fronting.

"Izuku, my son, how did you get in?" All for one asked slightly shocked to see his son walking in.

"Father, are you underestimating my abilities as a hacker and villain?" Izuku let out a chuckle. "I'm disappointed in you."

"What order are you under?" The tied down villain asked.

"Be the pre-UA Izuku," he replied.

All for one smiled. "Break into this end and release me from these restraints."



Izuku took his mask off and threw it to the corner of the room.

"I said no!" He raised his voice slightly.

"Izuku Midoriya! This is an order! Release me!" All for one fumed.

"Try all you want but that quirk that you placed on me is gone. I'm not your puppy that you train anymore!" Izuku yelled.

"How did you do such a thing?! Removing that quirk was basically impossible!"

"Cause I have friends and a loving boyfriend that worked nonstop to get me back! You knew I didn't want this life anymore and that scared you. I know all the leagues weak points. I know everything about everyone. I have every aspect of a perfect villain. You sent me out to the field. I was a damn perfect spy giving you all the information you wanted, but what was that doing for me? I was making friends. I even learned to love someone and for them to actually love me back! You could never show me such a think!" Izuku hissed the last part. He wasn't going to lie but speaking up for the first time to his father felt good. Real good.

"Your mother loved you."

"My mother died! I know nothing about her. You burned her out of my mind. I was your child. Your responsibility!"

All for one was chocked up on what to say. His son was calling him out in everything.

"I'm done with this,"  Izuku rolled his eyes.

"What's going on with everyone?" All for one asked.

"Shigiraki and majority of the League got arrested. Dabi and Toga made a deal with the pro heroes and are in a special program at UA. The league of Villains is no more."

"And you?"

"Goodbye father."


"Goodbye breach."


"Goodbye villain life."

Izuku walked out the room leaving All for one yelling his name.

All the adults looked to the teen who was slightly crying. Aizawa walked up to Izuku and pulled him into a hug.

Izuku broke down in his grasp. He knew he was never truly loved by his father. Toga and Dabi were the only ones who showed him sibling love. Aizawa was showing him true parental love.

And Todoroki.

Todoroki showed him what love as a whole looked like. He made Izuku feel like he was worthy of being something other than a villain.

"Mr. Aizawa?" Izuku peeped out.

"Yes problem child?"

"Thank you for saving me."


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