Chater 43: Eri

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"Izuku, you and me have to go to this other group's hideout," Shigiraki told him throwing his overcoat on.

"Yes sir. Should I put on my villain attire?" Izuku asked.

"Yes. Now be quick, I need something from them and being late surly doesn't look good for our image."

Izuku nodded and ran to his closest. He through in his black pants and button up dress shirt. Nothing about his villain clothes changed. He just added the mask that Toga and Dabi gave him back when All for one was arrested.

Izuku ran down the stairs being ready to leave at any moment.

Shigiraki put on his own face mask and singled Izuku to leave. Izuku kept his flowing white hair down to hide his ruby earring. He would tie it back when they got to their destination.

As the two boys walked a few strange men wearing mask started to walk with them. Izuku kept his guard up not knowing if the men surrounding them were trustworthy.

Shigiraki noticed the teen tense slightly. "Stand down Izu. They are not going to hurt us if they are smart."

Izuku listened but couldn't help to keep his guard up around the strange people.

The group walked into a dark alleyway and into the back entrance of a building.

The group led Shigiraki and Izuku to a meeting room sort of say.

"The boss will be here in a moment," one of the men spoke.

"Set here and wait," another spoke. Shigiraki sat on the couch first and looked to the spot next to him letting Izuku know he could sit.

They waited a couple minutes before another man walked in. He had a black dress shirt with matching pants with a white tie around his neck. His white gloves surged as a barrier between him and the the germ filled world. His mask looked like a crow mask with a long beak.

"I'm glad you've accepted my invitation," Overhaul said sitting down across from the two.

"This is simply business talk between the heads of two powerful villain groups," Shigiraki corrected.

Overall's yellow eyes shifted to Izuku who just sat there quite.

"Why is a kid here?" He asked.

"Izuku here is All for Ones biological son. He went through a rebellion stage but he's finally back to being the perfect villain," Shigiraki crackled.

"How old are you kid?" The other villain asked.


"That's quite young to be a villain."

"I can kill everyone in this room in less than a second, including you," he threatened.

"I believe you. I've done my research on everyone in the league. I wanted to speak to Shigiraki alone however," Overhaul spoke.

"Is there anywhere specific you would like me to go?" Izuku asked politely.

"How are you with kids?"

Izuku followed one of the gang members to a quiet part of the building.

Izuku could smell many different scents, including blood and death.

"Here's the room. I'll come back whenever Shigiraki calls for you," the man said.


Izuku knocked on the door and slowly opened it.

He noticed a small girl sitting in the corner messing with one of the bandages on her arm.

She had long wavy white hair and a small horn on her forehead.

Izuku noticed her starting to shake with fear as she watched in horror him come inside. He shut the door and removed his mask.

"Hi," he softly spoke.

"H-Hi," the small girl peeped out.

"What's your name?" He asked her showing his soft side that was still there.


"That's a beautiful name. My name is Izuku," he softly smiled. "Do you mind if I sit over here?" He asked motioning to the floor.

"N-No," she quivered out.

Izuku slowly sat down on the floor careful not to scare the girl even more than she was.

"How old are you Eri?"

"6, I think " she spoke softly.

"Eri, I know that your not going to believe me but I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I'll ask you permission in everything I do. I'm not saying to put all your trust in me, but not to be so scared," he told her.

"B-But, one of the bad men brought you here," she shivered out.

"Do you have scars on your arms and legs?" He asked her. She just nodded her head trying not to remember all the things that were done to her.

"I'm going to show you my scars if that's alright," he told her.

"You have scars too?" She asked.

"I have dozens on my legs, stomach, back, shoulders and arms."

The girls eyes just widened. Izuku unbuttoned 3 buttons from the top of his shirt and slid it to revel a few of the many scars plastered on his chest.

Eri's eyes widened. "You're like me?" She asked.

Izuku didn't know what the people here were doing to her, but he just had to assume.

"In a way, I guess," he told her. Izuku was starting to feel some sort of connection with the child in front of him. He wanted to protect her.

"Can I play with your hair?" Eri asked Izuku.

"Sure. Do you want me to go there or you come here?"

"Can you come to me?" The small girl asked.

Izuku nodded and stood up and slowly walked to her, sitting whenever he was close enough.

Eri smiled as she bounced to her feet and walked to Izuku.

Her shaky hands went up to his wavy white hair. "We look alike," the girl giggled.

"Is it because we both have red eyes and white hair?" Izuku asked pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah!" She giggled again.

"Want to know a secret?" He asked her as he felt the strands of his hair being pulled.

"What is it?"

"I used to have green and black hair but recently it turned white all on its own."

Eri gasped with wonder. It was a first time in a while that she was enjoying life.

A little while later the door slammed open scaring Eri easily but not Izuku. He's been through worse.

It was Overhaul himself with a few of his men.

"Shigiraki will tell you the deal we made," he said straight forward.

Overhaul shot a glare at Eri resulting her running to the corner of the room again.

"Did the girl annoy you?" He asked Izuku.

"No sir. She was polite and very friendly," Izuku responded standing up to his feet.

"That's good to hear. Shigiraki is waiting for you in the room where you two first got here," Overhaul told him.

"Yes sir. Thank you," Izuku nodded as he started to walk out the room.

"I'll see you soon," overhall whispered to him as Izuku passed near him.

Happy Halloween!

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