Chapter 26: internships are over

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The students of UA slowly made their way to their classrooms.

They were all drained from their internships. Everyone was tired except for Izuku.

Izuku walked to his desk and took out his notebook for class.

Slowly, the rest of the students walked in and went to their own seats.

"Did you guys here about that new villain that appeared?" Mina asked sitting on her desk waiting for Mr. Aizawa to walk in.

"Me and Iida are the ones that saw him. The news didn't share that it was students," Todoroki admitted.

"He was strange. He acted like him and Stain had conflict with each other, but Stain clearly didn't have hatred towards him," Iida added on.

"Did he see you two there?" Izuku asked knowing the answer.

"He actually walked right next to us!" Iida said shocked.

"Damn! You two are lucky then," Izuku replied.

"I'm glad you two are safe. He could of killed you guys," Uraraka told them.

"Do you guys think this villain was the one killed Kouda?" Mina asked.

The whole class stiffened. They were still sensitive on the topic...except Izuku who just acted like it.

"It's not impossible," Iida said.

"Didn't the dude have a giant earring?" Izuku asked.

"That and he had a ton of rings," Iida replied.

"And black hair," Todoroki added.

"Sounds like if you pass next to him with a medal detector then you'll find him," Kaminari joked.

"Sounds about right," Izuku laughed.

The rest of the class let out a giggle.

Aizawa walked in after the fact and the class had started for the day.


"Shoto, can I talk with you?" Izuku ran to Todoroki whenever lunch time came around.

Todoroki blushed as Izuku actually used his first name.

"What is it Izuku?" He asked as the two walked to the lunch room.

Izuku stopped and grabbed Todoroki's wrist. "Can we talk in private?" Izuku forced a blush to creep up on his face.

"Y-Yeah," Todoroki stumbled on his words.

The two of them walked to the nearest restroom and made sure no one was in it.

Izuku noticed it was the same bathroom that Todoroki saw the bruise on his chest.

"So what is it you want to tell me?" Todoroki asked, feeling his heart beat faster.

In al truth, Todoroki felt the growing affection for Izuku right when he first met him on the beach a while back.

"I know you have a crush on me," Izuku let out.

Todoroki turned bright red in embarrassment. "Was I that obvious?" He asked.

"N-No. it's just me being too observant for my own good," Izuku chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

"So- um," Todoroki didn't know what to say back to his crush.

"I've thought it through during your week of your internship. In truth, I think your cute and- well- I think I like you too. I've never had this feeling before and I'm not sure how to...."

"Express it?"

Izuku looked up to Todoroki. "Yes. I don't know how to express it."

Todoroki smiled hearing Izuku tell him that he liked him back. It felt like a weight that was being lifted off his chest.

"We don't have to say anything official yet. How about we go on a date. Get to know each other better first," Todoroki suggested.

"I think that'll be great. I'll plan the location. Can you pick the day?"

"Yeah. My father's training schedule is brutal but I'll find a way out of it."

"You really hate your father don't you?"

"More than anything."


"Now that your internships are done, your final exams are coming up," Aizawa announced. "It's best to do well on these exams because it will effect if you will be able to attend the summer camp me and Class 1-B's teacher created."

Izuku perked hearing about the summer camp.

He raised his hand and Aizawa called on him.

"What is the summer camp going to consist of?" He asked.

"All information about the summer camp are classified. You won't know until it comes time to go to it," Aizawa replied.

Izuku nodded and started to think of a plan.

"Going back to exams," he continued grabbing everyone's attention again. "If you fail any part of this exam, you will need to take summer classes."

Students groaned hearing this.

"I'll start planning the study session!" Mina shouted.

"Mina, can you wait till after class to yell," Aizawa told her annoyed.

"Sorry Mr.Aizawa," she apologized.

"Now, back to lessons with content on the exam."


"Me and Shoto Todoroki have a date," Izuku told Dabi and Toga as they sat around in Izuku's room.

"I still can't believe your going through with that," Toga laughed.

"I never back away from a chance on having fun. Also, it helps with my acting skills," Izuku jointed in on the laugher.

"Just don't hurt my dear old little brother," Dabi said sarcastically.

The three went silent until they bursted out in laughter once again.

"That's literally the funniest thing you've ever said!" Izuku between laughs.

"Is not! I'm a pretty funny guy!" Dabi tried defending himself.

"Na, Zuzu is right," Toga struggled to catch her breath.

Once the three finally retained their composure, Dabi spoke. "So were is this 'romantic' date going to take place?"

Izuku thought about it. "I was thinking about a nice walk on the beach and probably a picnic."

"Can I plan your outfit?" Toga asked.

Izuku shrugged his shoulders, "Sure, why not."

Toga lips curled her lips into a smile. "I'm going to start planning it right now!"

"Slow your roll. Shoto is picking the date. I picked the location, he picks the day."

"Ugh. Fine!"

"Before I forget, I need to tell the rest of the league about the class summer camp Aizawa told us about today. Everything is classified so I'll need to work around it," Izuku paused.

"You're smart, you'll overcome it," Dabi encouraged.

"Yeah! You got this Zuzu!" Toga added.

"Thanks you two. I totally feel better."

Dabi went wide eyed. "You mean me and Toga actually gave you needed encouragement?!"

"Nope. I know I got this but I'll gladly take the encouragement," Izuku smiled, earning himself getting a pillow thrown in his face.

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