Chapter 15: orders

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Time skip

A few days before the sports festival was going to happen, Izuku was summoned to his father.

"Izuku, do you think he summoned you to talk about the sports festival?" Toga asked laying in Izuku's bed watching him hack Endever's bank account.

"He probably going to say something like 'You better kick some butt my son. You better show those heroes what it means to be a quirkless villain'" Dabi mocked All for one, leaning against the wall, also watching Izuku.

"Dabi, I think you mean a 'quirkless hero'," Izuku corrected. "I'm still undercover, remember."

Dabi rolled his eyes. "I was joking around. Also how can your school not figure out that their is at least a traitor among them? Like how?"

"The principal has his suspicions and being the perfect golden boy to him, I suspect it as well, but nothing else was said about it," Izuku said typing in code.

"Izuku, how are you so good with hacking? It's all random numbers and letters," Toga asked.

Izuku laughed. "There is actually a meaning with each so called random number and letter. You just need to know them."

"Yes, cause that explains it so well."

The three of them laughed. "You two are the best non-siblings I could ask for," Izuku smiled.

"I love and care for you two more than my blood siblings," Dabi said.

"You basically disowned those people. Of course you care about us more," Toga pointed out.

"Yes but if I was a normal person who actually cared about them, I would still love and care for you two more."

"Awww, Dabi," the other two said.

"Here," Izuku said tossing a card to Dabi. "You can use it without being traced. You would think that his password would be something complex and well thought out and not ShotoTodorokiismygreatestcreation."

"How? Just how?" Toga asked shocked by the length of the password.

"The man only sees him as the perfect child after 3 failed attempts."

"Me being failed attempt number 1," Dabi piped in.

"I don't know if I should laugh," Toga said.


"Ok good. Cause I wouldn't be able to hold it in," Toga giggled.

Izuku looked down at his watch. "I got to go. My meeting with him is in a few minutes."

"Good luck Izuku!" Toga cheered still laughing about Dabi.

"I'll be back."

Izuku left the room and headed downstairs. He was in casual clothes with his hair tied back.

"Kuroguri, can you give me a ride to my father?" Izuku asked politely.

Kuroguri put down the glass he was cleaning. "Of course Izuku. The sports festival is coming up isn't it?" He asked.

"Yep. He's probably going to talk to me about it," Izuku told him.

"Alright then, I'll send you over now."

Kuroguri created a warp gate in front of Izuku and he walked through.

"Father, I'm here!" He announced walking into the new building.

"Izuku, my son, I need to speak with you and it's very important," All for one told his son.

Izuku walked up to his father. "Is it about the sports festival?"

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