Chaptwr 23: Stain

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Izuku sat in a dark alleyway with Shigiraki and Kuroguri. Izuku had a black mask and his hair down.

Shigiraki was in his villain outfit and so was Kuroguri.

"So you know the plan?" Shigiraki asked Izuku making sure he knew what to do.

"I made the plan idiot."

Izuku walked out the Alleyway and started to walk. He was the most normal looking out of the three and his dark clothes could easily be noticed as a fashion statement.

He didn't have walk to far till he saw an alleyway with two people in it.

He turned down the alleyway and say the man he was looking for with a minor league hero lying there.

"He's dead isn't he?" Izuku asked calmly.

"Get lost. This isn't a place for a kid," Stain said starting to walk away.

"I'm here on behalf of the League of Villains. The leader wants to speak with you," Izuku told him.

"Why can't he come him or herself? Why do they need a kid to come get me," he stopped waking away.

"My position in the league does not need to be revealed to someone who's not in the league. Just speak with our leader and you'll be free to go," Izuku explained.

Police lights started to light up the alleyway. Stain started to panic. Izuku was blocking the exit.

"Kid, if you don't move we are both going to get caught," Stain said.

"Then come with me. I have a way out. Do you?" Izuku was manipulating Stains mind already.

"Fine! I'll go talk to your leader," Stain agreed.

Izuku smiled and lifted his phone up.

"I got him," he said.

All of a sudden, one of Kuroguri's portals appeared.

"Go through that portal," Izuku command.

Stain did as he was told and rushed into the portal while Izuku followed.

The portal was already closed up whenever the police got to the alleyway, but they knew this was the work of stain, and they saw the portal at the last second.

They appeared in the league meeting hall. It was an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. An easy meeting spot to go to and not get seen.

"Welcome Stain, we have been expecting you," Shigiraki said sitting in the middle of the rest of the people in the league.

"Are you the leader this kid was telling me about?" Stain asked.

"No, but I am his eyes and ears," Shigiraki told him.

Izuku stood behind Stain and was giving the say so about Stain's situation.

Izuku had one the highest say so in the league.

"So tell me, why kill some heroes? Why not all of them?" Shigiraki asked.

"There are a lot of fake heroes. They don't deserve the title of hero. They do it for the pay and fame. Nothing more, nothing less. They don't care about the public. I only kill those. There are some heroes I respect. All might is the definition of a true hero. He doesn't do it for the money. He truly acts for the people," Stain monologued.

The name All Might made Izuku gag.

"Why do you act the way you do? What is the point of the league?" Stain asked in return.

"The society is corrupted with fake heroes. We want a society that doesn't just rely on quirks. You shouldn't rely on a quirk to determine your rank in this world. We want the hero world to crumble."

Izuku smiled. Quirkless people were treated like dirt. He read about it. He could just imagine how he would have grown up if he was discriminated for being quirkless.

"Our idles are different then. There needs to be true heroes out there, but wiping them all out would be more problematic then anything else," Stain told them.

"We we're going to ask you to join the league, but I see that there's no way to convince you that our idles are better," Shigiraki's raspy voice let out.

"You are correct," Stain said.

Izuku knew that he would be killing him, but to not make it look suspicious he needed to wait.

"Breach, take him to a clear area. Even though he's not with us, we aren't truly his enemies," Shigiraki commanded, making up a villain name for Izuku.

"Yes sir," Izuku said hating every second he had to act like Shigiraki was a higher up rank than him.

Kuroguri crated a portal that lead to a different empty alleyway in Hosu City.

"You should be far away from the police. This is Still Hosu so you can go back to what you were doing in your life," Izuku said about to walk back into the portal.

"Kid, how old are you?" Stain asked, stopping him.

"16." Izuku's red eyes looked into Stain's sending chills down his back.

"You don't seem like the person to be a villain."

"I've been a villain for all my life. I don't think I'm changing my profession," he smiled behind his mask.

"Just don't throw away your life to being a villain. I know you have potential to create an incredible future."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Goodbye Stain," Izuku waved goodbye walking back into the portal.

Once the portal closed, Izuku ripped off his mask.

"Breach? Why ?" Izuku asked.

"Even though I hate to admit it, your the brain of the league. I have no clue what we would do without your hacking and research skills. Therefore Breach as in security breach."

Izuku thought about the name. It did have a nice ring to it to him. He never picked out a villain name for himself because he never went out, but he was older and becoming more of a threat to be reckoned with.

"Breach," he said hearing the ring it had to it. "Shigiraki, I actually liked something you created."

Shigiraki shrugged off the insult.

Kuroguri warped everyone else back to the base.

"We should plan an attack in a few days. It'll distract the heroes as I go in and get rid of Stain," Izuku suggested.

"You just make the plan. We will follow it," Dabi insured.

And just like that, the villain: Breach was born.

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