Chapter 51: lets help each other

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Todoroki couldn't believe what he was hearing. That little girl that they saved had the ability to bring back his Izuku. Not Breach but the actual Izuku!

Todoroki blanked out on what Aizawa was telling him but he snapped back into reality when he heard Aizawa told him, "She can't control it."

"Don't quirks link to emotions?" Todoroki asked over the phone.

"Yes, but she thinks her quirk is a curse. Izuku is the only person she trusts fully, I think."

Todoroki let out a breath. "Will I be able to talk to her tomorrow? I think I can get through with her," he spoke.

"Aizawa! I'm hungry!" He heard someone in the background yell, but it was muffled.

"Hizashi is making you food. Give him a couple more minutes, problem child!" He heard Aizawa yell out.

"Was that Izuku?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah. Hizashi forgot to give him lunch."

"Don't you two have cats?"

"I feed them. Hizashi works his radio show whenever he's not teaching," Aizawa told him.

"Please don't let my boyfriend die," Todoroki said half joking half serious.

"If he does, it's not my fault. Now I have to go make sure food is actually being cooked."

"Thank you Mr. Aizawa."

"Any time kid."

The phone call ended and Todoroki put away his phone.

"Did they find a way to save Izuku?" Shoto's sister, Fuyumi, asked.

"Yes, but the problem is that it's the girl we saved," he spoke going back to eating his food.

"Why is that the problem Sho?" Todoroki's brother, Natsu, asked.

"I'm pretty sure she's 5 and has absolutely no control over her quirk. Didn't you listen to what I told Mr. Aizawa?"

"Shoto, we didn't want to be rude," Fuyumi apologized.

"It's okay. At least dad's not yelling for some unknown reason," Shoto slurped his soba.

"He's slowly getting better. Just give him a chance," Fuyumi spoke.

"Never in a million years!" Natsu replied.

"I'll try."


Todoroki stood on the other side of the door that separated him from the person that can bring back the old Izuku.

He let out a breath and calmed his nerves. Why was he nervous? He just had the feeling.

He knocked on the door before slowly walking in.

Eri looked up from the hospital bed and saw the teen walk in.

"Y-You're one of the prince's that saved me," she pointed out.

"Prince?" Todoroki asked confused.

"That's what Izuku called the people that would save me."

Todoroki felt his heart flutter just at the sound of Izuku caring for the child.

"Why isn't Izuku the prince?" He asked sitting in a chair on the side of the bed.

"Izuku knew he couldn't be. He tried to though! He's the one who let me run to Lemillion," she spoke sipping on her apple juice from breakfast.

"Eri," Todoroki spoke.


"Izuku used to be part of the big hero school in town," he spoke recalling all the memories.

"Izuku's just a good person stuck with the bad people."

"He is a good person. Someone casted a evil spell on him that made him forget all his happy memories and turn him into an evil monster," he tried to put it in terms she would understand.

"But he was nice to me. Is that the monster?"

"No. He has a dark side that lets the light out ever so often. You just helped the good in him come out more, but he's still under the spell."

Eri tried to understand what the boy was trying to tell her.

"I'll make you a deal Eri."

"What's a deal?"

"A deal is when we both promise to do something for each other the best we can do."


"Eri, if I help you control your quirk, so it's not a curse anymore, but a blessing, can you help remove that evil spell of of Izuku?"

"But it can kill people. What if I accidentally kill you?" She asked fighting tears from falling.

"I'll take that chance. If Izuku trusted you, then I'll trust you with my life."

Todoroki put out his hand. She was confused by the action but put her small hand into his.

Todoroki gently shook it and lowered his arm.

"I'll do my best Shoto," Eri told him.

"I'm sure you will."


"I am so lonely! I have no body! Ohhhh," Izuku sung out being bored out of his mind.

Hizashi was in his radio room recording for his show and Aizawa was at the hospital handling everything over there.

Izuku got out of the bed and walked as far as he could to the tv remote. He stretched to reach it and thought he accidentally pulled his arm out of socket, he didn't. He successfully grabbed the tv remote and turned it on.

He flipped it through the channels till he found the news channel.

He watched as the news reporter was sharing about Nighteye's death and the recent event that he was a part of.

Izuku smiled seeing how no one other than Overhaul was arrested. He flipped it to a random show and tried to make the most out of his dull situation.

He lied back down on his bed and tried to get comfortable.

In his mind, the green haired and white haired Izuku were arguing.

"The girl is fine. I can take back FULL control!" The villain side of him screamed.

"But that's not who we are!" The other yelled in return.

The real Izuku just buried his head into his pillow hoping it would quiet the screams.

He wanted to get back to his family. He wanted to go back and make fun of Shigiraki. He wanted to hang with his friends and family. He wanted to be free of the chains that was on him.

But, did his villain side want that, or did his good side want that.

Izuku was becoming something that no one would ever guess. His emotions were conflicting and confusing him. He couldn't handle it anymore.

He became an empty shell that knew how to do two things; fight and kill.

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