Chapter 28: Study sessions

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"Welcome to my home everyone," Momo announced meeting majority of the class at the front gates of her mansion.

Izuku's eyes widened, as well as every other poor student in the class. 'How is someone this rich!?' They all thought.

The whole class, minus Bakugo, Kirishima, and Mineta (because ew) was there. Kirishima had asked Bakugo to tutor him before the rest of the class decided to do a study session together.

Everyone walked inside to a room with a large table.

"Izuku, Iida, Todoroki, and Tsyu, get everyone started and I'll be right back. The chefs wanted me to let them know whenever everyone arrived.

Everyone sat down and started to get their notes out.

Todoroki and Izuku ended up sitting next to each other. They didn't tell the class about their relationship...yet.

"What's wrong Izu?" Todoroki whispered in his ear calling him by his nickname.

"It's nothing. It's just a big place. Kinda feel out of place," Izuku spoke.

It then clicked. 'He lives with his aunts and uncles. Who knows where they work?'

"Alright. Let's get started on math. Ribbit."

Everyone agreed and pulled out their math notes and started to help each other.


Izuku felt bored. Everyone was focusing on the subjects they had trouble in. Unfortunately for Izuku, he had finished memorizing his hero history notes.

He sighed as he started to doodle in his notebook. He started to draw out his mother's wedding ring. He didn't realize how in detail he was drawing it until Todoroki said something.

"I didn't know you could draw."

Izuku stiffened at the sudden sentence.

"It's my mother's wedding ring. I keep it in my room since my father wanted to throw it out," he replied.

"Hey love birds, if you're going to talk then go in a different room. Some of us are trying to work!" Mina shouted. She was clearly on edge from all the school work.

"Sorry Mina," Izuku apologized.

"How did you know we were dating?" Todoroki innocently asked.

The whole room gasped as Izuku face palmed himself.

"She was saying that as a joke Shoto," Izuku explained.

"So I just accidentally outed us?"


The whole room went silent until the girls started to squeal.

"I'm so happy for you two!!!!" Mina shouted jumping up from her chair.

"Yeah dude. That's so cool how you two are going out," Kaminari added.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with your studies, I am happy for you two as well," Iida agreed.

The whole room filled with the rest of the classes support.

"Momo, where's the rest room?" Izuku asked.

"Todoroki, you know your way around. You can go show him," she told them.

The two boys got up from the table and walked out the room.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" Jiro asked.

"Of course I did."

"They are going to kiss huh?" Kaminari asked.

"Definitely," the rest of the class replied before going back to their work.


The two boys seemed to make random turns throughout the stretching amount of halls.

"Shoto, how do you know your way around here so well?" Izuku asked skipping beside him.

"My father wanted me and Momo to get together, but certain factors came up that we couldn't be together."

"Your gay and so is she?"

"How do you know?"

Izuku skipped ahead of Todoroki and stopped in front of him. He raised his hand and placed it on Todoroki's cheek.

"You seem to forget how intelligent I am. I see and know things that you can't even start to understand," he said with a soft smile.

"The restroom is right here," Todoroki told him showing him the closed door in the hall.

"Do you want to know a secret?" Izuku smiled.

"W-What is it?" Todoroki stumbled on his words.

"I just wanted to get out that room. I was getting bored," Izuku wanted to spice things up. The more he acted like an amazing boyfriend, the more it would break Todoroki when he found out the truth about him.

Even though Todoroki was taller than Izuku, Izuku placed both hands on Todoroki's cheek.

"Since you didn't ask permission on the beach, I think it's only fair that I get to do this."

Izuku stood on his toes and pulled Todoroki's face towards his.

This was Izuku's first kiss and definitely Todoroki's first as well, but they both seemed like they knew what they were doing.

Todoroki felt the sparks that his brother talks about whenever you kiss someone you love. Love? Did Todoroki feel that towards Izuku. He had thought he had figured out his feelings already, it seems like it was just the first step.

On the other hand, Izuku didn't want to feel those sparks. He didn't want to have any real feels to the half and half boy. He didn't want to actually have feelings towards him, but he felt it. He felt the growing desire to protect him. To hold him close and never let go. He felt that sparks and deep down inside...he was enjoying the kiss.

The two broke apart from what seem like forever.

"That was, um, wow," Todoroki stumbled out with the obvious blush plastered on his face.

"Was that your first too?" Izuku asked with the same blush on his face.

"Yeah, but I enjoyed it," Todoroki smiled. He felt the walls inside him slowly break down. Izuku was helping him. We was becoming free from his father's prison over him.

"Let's get back to the others before they start thinking we did something more," Izuku winked.

"What do you mean?"

Izuku looked at Todoroki confused. "Shoto, you are too innocent for this world."

"Thank you?"

Izuku playfully rolled his eyes and they made their way back to the room with the others.

"I'm telling you, I can see the word in English and know what it means, but I can't pronounce in to save my life!" Kaminari exclaimed to the whole table. (Real problem that I faced with Spanish)

"Kaminari, at least try," Momo spoke softly to calm him down.

"I am trying! What can't you guys see?! Izuku, tell them learning a different language is hard!"

"Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que tu veux dire. Apprendre une nouvelle langue est assez simple." (I have no idea what you mean. Learning a new language is quite simple)

Izuku just smiled after finishing speaking.

"You didn't tell moi that you knew French," Aoyama spoke.

"I learned it out of spike. I know a few languages cause I was bored," Izuku told him.

"You surprise me so much, Izu," Todoroki smiled.

"You two make me sick with your relationship. I want a boyfriend!" Mina complained.

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