Chapter 36: time with the leauge

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Izuku was dragging the clone that Twice had made of him.

"This is going to be weird," the real Izuku said putting his voice modifying mask.

"I'm the clone and I feel the same way," the fake Izuku replied.

"Sorry in advance. Your probably going to go through rough things."

"No biggie. Just don't destroy me sooner than you need," the fake Izuku warned.

"Thanks for the warning," he paused. "Here goes nothing."

Breach kicked the door open causing Bakugo to just a little in his seat.

Breach threw down Izuku on the floor. "Get against the wall!" He shouted.

The clone was covered in cuts and bruises all around his body.

"What the hell Breach!" Bakugo yelled.

"Come in Bakugo, we've already discussed this. Being a villain is what I know best."

"What about-"

"The League will love to hear that you two have accepted our invitation to join. Now as I remove Bakugo's restraints Izuku, you stay against that wall. Shigiraki might have done the damage to you but I'm technically in charge of both of you," Breach cut him off.

Breach walked up to Bakugo who was fuming with anger. Breach slowly took of the restraints and lossened the quirk restraints enough for Bakugo to pull them off.

"You damn nerd! You agreed!" Bakugo yelled going to pin him against the wall.

Before he was able to do so, the clone was able to reverse the positions making him pin Bakugo to the wall.

"Don't ever do that! Got it?" The clone spat before letting go of him.

'Yep. That's something I would do,' the real Izuku smiled under the mask.

"Let's go up you two. Everyone is waiting."


"So the brat said you two decided to join us?" Shigiraki raspy voice called out to the group that walked in from the hall.

"They told me themselves and if I find out they lied," Breach started to talk walking towards Toga. "I'll kill them." Izuku pulled one of Toga's knives that she always kept with her.

Bakugo was confused by the villain's change in attitude. Was this a scam of sorts?

"Breach, when can I see that pretty face of yours again? I sure miss it," Toga giggled putting her hand on the side of his face.

"Don't worry, you'll see it soon," Breach brought his empty hand to hers.

"Are you two a thing or something?" Bakugo crossed his arms.

"Sadly no, Breach here isn't into girls," Toga pouted taking her hand away from Breach's face.

Shigiraki rolled his eyes at the two teens. "Breach, are you going to train those two? Master wants to meet them, but you know how he likes his league's members."

"Izuku, you know how to hack already right?" Breach asked.

"Yes. I do it on my spare time," he said.

"That's great. Kuroguri, do you mind setting two rooms up for them?" He asked looking to the purple mist on the other side of the bar.

"Of course. I'll get them set up before everyone turns in for the night," Kuroguri replied.

"Thanks mom!"

"Don't call me that."

The villain teens laughed at Kuroguri's quick response.

"Deku did you actually give in already?" Bakugo whispered to the Izuku standing next to him.

"Breach told me a little of the plan. We just have to go along with his acting skills," Izuku whispered back.

"What are you two whispering about?" Shigiraki caught them talking.

"I haven't seen the nerd since the camp and we've been through hell since then. I may not be his biggest fan but I still want to check on him," Bakugo huffed crossing his arms. He noticed that the quirk restraints on him and been loosened.

"Tsk. I don't like you two," Shigiraki said annoyed.

"Shigi, you don't like anyone," Breach pointed out playing with the knife still in his hand.

"Whatever," he took a sip from his glass that he was drinking.

"I'm starving!!" Toga complained, leaning on Breach.

"What's for dinner anyway?" Breach asked.

"I was going to go get some takeout somewhere," Dabi replied walking down the stairs and walking into the bar room.

"Really now. Is it fried chicken?" Breach chuckled. Toga joined in on the laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Shigiraki asked.

"No reason!" Toga and Breach replied at the same time.

"Ignore those two," Dabi sighed. "I'm going to head out and get it."

"With what money? It's not like we run a five star restaurant here," Breach joked.

"You know how. I'll order the food, threaten them to give it to me, aka robbing them, and when the whole thing is done, I'll just burn down the place," Dabi explained.

"You're just going to burn down the place?!!!" Bakugo yelled.

"Sparky, shut up! That's how we do things around here. Better start getting used to it," Breach told him.

All of a sudden Shigiraki's phone started to ring. When he pulled it out his eyes widened. "It's master."

"Well answer it!" Breach command him.

Shigiraki answered the call and put it on speaker for the league to hear. "Master," Shigiraki answered.

"Shigiraki, have Kuroguri make a portal to my location.  I'm coming over. I want to meet the new recruits."

Bakugo felt a shiver go down his spine. He would be face to face with All for one.

Breach also felt a little panicked. He didn't want his father to find out he was leaving till after the fact.

Toga noticed the fear in Breach's eyes and she started to become uneasy.

"Yes sir. Kuroguri, send one over to him."

"Right away!"

A large portal appeared and walked in the tall man with a large mask. Bakugo was scared even though he didn't show it on his face.

"Breach, are these the new recruits?" All for one asked.

"Yes sir. They are still not trained but they have agreed to join," Breach told him.

Al for one looked the boys up and down. "What's your names again. An old man like me has such a short memory."

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, call me Izuku," the clone stated.

"Katsuki Bakugo," he huffed.

"You're the one with a short temper, huh?"

"So what I have a short temper?!" Bakugo fumed.

"Easy kid or I'll be the one to train you and trust me, you don't want that. Right Breach?"

The villain stiffened and the looked down. "Yes sir."

Bakugo couldn't help but notice the unusual expressions from the villain that wanted out. 'Didn't he say that he had connections with All for One?"

A knock sounded at the door and confused everyone in the room.

"Pizza delivery!"

The wall was blasted and stood the #1 hero standing proudly. "I am here!"

'Stupid All Might is going to get me out of here,' Breach thought.

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