Chapter 22: Talks

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"So let me get this straight, your father doesn't want you to take part in an internship. Why, may I ask?" Aizawa spoke with Izuku on the day the students had to turn in their chosen place to do their internship.

Izuku sighed. "My father doesn't want me out there with the Stain killing heroes left and right. He's afraid that Stain is going to attack and with me being quirkless, I'm an easy target."

Izuku didn't want to deal with trying to uphold his image with a pro hero. Internships would last a whole week. That's a whole week the league wouldn't have his brain.

Aizawa ran his hand through his dark hair, pulling his bangs out his face, temporarily.

"Your father controls your life huh?"

"Yeah. I'm his only child and my mother died a long time ago. He's just protective of me," Izuku let out.

The rest of the class had left the classroom, already heading home.

Aizawa could tell Izuku was hiding something. A student in the hero course should be fighting tooth and nail to get experience.

"Kid, is there someone going on at home you need to talk about. If something is going on, you need to tell us," Aizawa assured him.

Izuku gave a soft smile. "Mr. Aizawa, I promise you, other than the overprotective father everything is fine."

"Alright. I'll talk to Nezu about it. Just stay safe and study for your exams," Aizawa gave in.

"Thank you Mr. Aizawa. I'll study for every moment. The week will not go to waste!" Izuku told him.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes sir. I'll see you after the internships!"

Izuku grabbed his bag and left the classroom. He was planning on meeting up with Stain out in the field. He wanted to know and understand why he was killing heroes from himself not the public word.

"There you are Izuku, you sure took a while talking to Mr. Aizawa," Izuku jumped, not expecting to see anyone waiting for him.

"Todoroki, you scared me," Izuku said catching the breath he let out.

"Sorry." He apologized.

Izuku looked up to his tall classmate. "Why did you wait for me?"

With that question, Todoroki turned bright red.

'This kid has a crush on me. Great,' Izuku concluded.

"N-No reason. Just wanted to wait for you. Being a good friend," he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Right," Izuku half smiled.

"Do you want to wake to the train station together?" Todoroki asked.

"Don't you take a train to get where you live anyway?" Izuku asked him.

"Yeah, I do."

"Then we are going to the same place regardless on if you asked me or not," Izuku laughed.

Todoroki turned brighter red.

"Come on then, you need to get ready for your internship."

Izuku grabbed Todoroki's wrist and started to drag him out the school.

"What do you mean 'you'? Don't you mean we?" Todoroki asked.

Izuku let go of his wrist and started to walk normally.

"Nope. My father isn't letting me. He's extremely overprotective, but he's my father and he cares about me, so I can't complain to much about how he limits me."

"What do you mean? What else doesn't he let you do?" Todoroki asked wanting to get to know Izuku better.

"I've been homeschooled all my life. Mostly me teaching myself. My only friends were my cousins that would come over often. Crap, you would think they live with us. I want to go places but because of him wanting to keep me safe, I just sit there in my room," Izuku ranted. His hand shot over his mouth, realizing he was saying such things about his father, but deep down he knew he was telling the truth. He wanted to go out. All for one was just holding him back and you don't piss off the most dangerous villain in Japan or even the world.

"Looks like both our fathers suck," Todoroki replied with.

Flashbacks to the day they met on the beach flashed though Izuku's head.

"Figures. You have an abusive father while mine is overprotective," he laughed.

"Izuku," Todoroki said.

"That's my name," Izuku laughed.

"Call me Shoto. It'll make me feel better. You make us call you by your first name and it feels weird to have you call me by my family name."

Izuku knew that it was just a step in Todoroki's plan to get closer to him.

"Okay, Shoto," Izuku smiled.

A soft smile grew on Todoroki's face.

The two boys made small talk the rest of the way to the train stations where the two parted ways.


"Zuzu!" Tugs practically jumped into Izuku.

"Hello Toga," he smiled grabbing her wrist and removing the knife she was hiding in her hand.

"How did you know?!?" She whined.

"You always find an opportunity to cut me," Izuku smiled.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Welcome back brat," Shigiraki mumbled playing with his glass at the bar.

"What the hell is wrong with the Shigiraki I know but don't love? He never says welcome back to me," Izuku sarcastically said shocked.

"I can be nice when I want to. Plus we have a mission together next week, so I have to learn to tolerate you."

Izuku tilted his head. "We have a mission together?"

"Yes, you, me and Kuroguri are going to bring Stain here and try to make him join."

"And what if he doesn't. Our ideologies are two different things."

"We kill him."

Izuku smiled. He wanted to feel the rush of killing someone again.

"When is this mission, may I ask?"

"When it turns dark in a few days. We need to hunt him down first," Shigiraki said.

"He's in Hosu City. He'll be there till next week," Izuku let out.

"How do you know?"

Izuku sighed and rolled his eyes. People need to learn to listen to what he says. He says what he knows is true.

"I've studied his patterns for the past few days. He stays in one location for about a week. The first report of him in Hosu was this morning. We have 7 days to find him, talk to him, and if needed, get rid of him."

The whole league was in shock. No matter how many times he would do it, Izuku's skills in research was unbelievable.

"Now. I'm going change out of this uniform. I need to get my villain clothes ready for a trip to Hosu."

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