Chapter 11: peace

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It was now Sunday, three days after Izuku was put into the cell.

Kuroguri would only warp in food but he wasn't allowed to talk to Izuku.

Izuku seemed like he was going out of his mind. He would lose a part of himself.

The door slowly opened and revealed the only person that would calm him down after a period of time in the cell, his mother figure, Kuroguri.

"Izuku. Your father said you can come out now," Kuroguri softly said acting like he was talking to a child.

"It'll be loud. Too much noise," Izuku complained holding his hands over his ears.

"I'll bring you up to your room and we can do whatever you want."

"Can I go to the beach? The one I cleaned is usually empty," Izuku whimpered.

"Of course but Toga is going to have to go with you since she can change her appearance easily."

"Okay." Izuku let his get away from his ears accepting the voice he was hearing.

Izuku stood up and walked over to Kuroguri.

"Let's get you washed up before you go. You've been in there for a few days."

"It felt like months."

"Believe it or not, that was the shortest amount of time you were in there," Kuroguri told him.

"Every second feels like a minute. A minute feels like a hour. So on and so forth."

Izuku was shaking a little from having his mind being tortured.

Kuroguri hated to see when Izuku went into the cell. The longest Izuku had been in that room was for 4 months. Izuku was never the same after that.

He could never stay in complete silence or it'll bring back in memories of the room. A form of PTSD came with that room.

The two walked straight to the bathroom.

"You start to wash up. I'll grab some fresh clothes for you."

Kuroguri left the room and left Izuku standing there. He turned to see himself in the mirror.

His green hair that was once fluffy was flat and looked a mess. His eyes were red from crying so much in that room.

"I look like a mess," he chuckled to himself. He flinched at the sound of his echo. "I need to get out of here."

The knock on the door made him jump again.

"I got your clothes Izuku. Come downstairs when you're done."

Izuku opened the door and grabbed the clothes that were being handed to him.

He put the clothes on the counter and started to undress to take a shower.

Izuku walked down stairs, hair dripping wet, needing to get away for a little bit.

He walked into the bar.

Toga and Dabi both knew how Izuku would be like after time in the silent cell.

"Hi Izuku," Toga softly said not being her loud self.

"Hi Toga. Hi Dabi. Where's Shigiraki?" Izuku asked not seeing him in the room.

"I think he's going for a walk or something," she replied.

"Okay." He didn't make his normal type of comments towards Shigiraki. He didn't feel like it.

"Kuroguri said you wanted to walk to the beach?" Toga asked Izuku.

He just nodded. "Do you need to use your quirk to change or anything?" He asked quietly.

"I'm just going to put normal clothes on and let my hair down. I look like a totally different person. Give me a second. I'll be right back." Toga ran to the back room and ran up the stairs.

"Dabi, what time is it?"

Dabi pulled out his phone and checked the time. "11:00 in the morning."

Izuku just nodded.

Kuroguri walked over to Izuku and handed him a phone.

"A lot of people message you. I'm guessing they are from UA."

Izuku took the phone from Kuroguri and unlocked it.

He saw the many notifications from his friends in the class, mostly Todoroki and Uraraka.

"What's the story father told the school? I don't want to give a different story and compromise the mission," Izuku said straightforward.

"He said that you were kept home for mental health purposes."

Izuku nodded. He read some of the messages that were sent. They were mostly asking if he was okay and what not.

He then went to the call log and cleared out the voicemail box knowing it was full of the same things. Before he closed out the app, he saw that there was a call that was answered while he was in the room.

"Who answered my phone and talked to Uraraka?"

"That would be me," Toga said running back into the room. She was wearing a t-shirt and some shorts.

That combined with her blonde hair flowing down truly made her look completely different.

"Okay. At least someone smart out of the league answered and not Shigiraki."

Toga grabbed Izuku's hand. "Let's go before the handy man gets back and ruins the mood," she told him.

"Make sure to eat something later!" Kuroguri told the two as they walked out.

They walked together to the beach quietly. Izuku wasn't in the mood to talk. He was already getting overwhelmed by all the noise.

Toga saw the panicked face on Izuku. She stopped walking winch he stopped too.

She put her hands over his ears blocking out most the the noise. "You're okay. You aren't in that room anymore."

Izuku gave a soft smile. "Thank you. For everything."

Izuku pulled her into a hug. She removed her hands and hugged him back.

"Let's get to the beach before handy man comes out and finds us," she laughed.


The two walked towards the beach. Toga went on about all the drama that went down in the league while he was in the room.

Once they finally got to the beach Izuku ran to the water. He listened to the peaceful sounds of the waves crashing onto the sand. It was one if the only noises that he didn't mind.

"You already, looked relaxed," Toga noticed.

They stayed there for most of the day and went to get food when they could.

Izuku felt relaxed. He hated that room.

Every time he would be punished by his father like that, he would question to himself.

Does father even love me? Am I truly a villain?

Questions that he couldn't answer. Questions that would need time to answer.

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