Chapter 40: another prospective

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Aizawa, All Might, Nezu, Todoroki, and Bakugo all sat around a table.

Izuku was being watched by other pro heroes that worked at the school.

"Look if this is about getting me therapy, I don't want it," Bakugo slouched in his chair.

Aizawa just sighed. "Firstly, I recommend it. Secondly, I need you to tell us about your time at the league."

No one else other than the teachers and Todoroki knew about Izuku being alive and being Breach.

Bakugo let out a breath. "The villain wanted to recruit me and I told him no. He wanted out though, so he planned me and the needs escape."

"Young Bakugo, we need you to share the details," All Might told him.

"Can't the villain tell you himself? He's the one who betrayed us and killed Deku!" He raised his voice.

Bakugo felt his temper rising and started to do the breathing exercises that Kirishima had taught him.

After a final steady breath, Bakugo began to explain everything.

"I was put into a soundproof room. I was tied down to a chair with quirk restraints. The morning after, Breach came in and told me to ask him questions. I didn't understand his game but I asked about Deku."

Todoroki didn't tense up about Bakugo caring for his boyfriend at the time. He would have down the same in his situation.

"He was acting like a real villain after the fact. He tried to twist my mind by saying how not all villains are bad. Then he mentioned about being born into it. He left the room but came back in a few moments later a completely different. It was like the walls that he had up were shattered. He also told me that he had killed that mute kid that was in our class. He was 1 of two people that had did it."

The adults and Todoroki connected the dots.

"So if he was born and grew up within the league," Todoroki started to say.

"And he grew up only knowing the villain side of things," Nezu continued.

"Then that would be why felt such and way and want to spy on us," Aizawa finished.

Bakugo looked confused. "What do you mean spy? Did the maniac hack UA systems or something?" Aizawa looked over to Nezu and just have a nod.

"We found out Breach's real identity," Aizawa started to say.

"And it's Izuku," Todoroki finished.

Bakugo stood up from the table and ran his fingers through his hair.

"That's impossible. The nerd was standing next to me the whole time that they made us hang out with the rest of the league. The nerd and the villain were two different people. That son of a biscuit killed Izuku!!" Bakugo fumed.

"Bakugo, calm down. We are handling the situation but you need to understand something," Aizawa stood up and wakes towards the teen.

Bakugo had small tears form in the corners of his eyes and was fighting a mental breakdown.

"Izuku is the son of All for One. He was quirkless but during the attack his father gave him a quirk that makes 2 people control him; his father and Shigiraki. He's in the interrogation room at UA but we can't get any information without a snarky response," Aizawa summed up.

Bakugo just stood dumbfounded. "This is a lot to process."

"I know, but we will get the problem child out of his situation."


Izuku just sat there bored out of his mind. He wanted to hack or read. He really just wanted to do anything.

"Can I have my phone at least?" He called out to the camera. There was no response. "I'll take that as a definite no."

He started to play with the chains that connected him to the table.

"Izuku," he heard someone whisper. He looked around the room to see if anyone was talking to him.

"Who said my name?" He asked the camera. The heroes watching him at the time just looked at the poor boy like he was going crazy. No one had said his name.

"Izuku, it's Shigiraki. I'm talking through the quirk that master gave you," the voice came back again.

'Handy man! My least favorite person in the world! When are you guys breaking me out? I'm so bored!' Izuku thought hoping that he was able to communicate through thought and not voice.

"If you give me a second brat I'll tell you the plan!" Shigiraki yelled into Izuku's mind. He just replied with a chuckle. "In a few minutes, Kuroguri is going to send over a portal to your location. What's your status?"

'Currently, I'm chained to a table. Can't really do much about that unless you use your quirk,' Izuku thought.

"Fine. Just be ready," Shigiraki concluded.

Izuku just continued to play with the chains that connected him to the table.

"Can you guys tell me when Todoroki and Aizawa gets back?" Izuku spoke towards the camera.

A buzz sounded inside the room and a voice started to speak. "They will be here in a minute," someone told him.

"Well tell me when. I kinda like talking to them," he smiled.

The hero who was talking sighed and went to turn the speaker off, but they accidentally didn't.

"I still can't believe a student is the son of the most dangerous villain out there," one spoke.

"And just to think it was Shouta's student," another said.

"What was All for one's real name again?"

"That's the thing, no one knows. I wonder if the kid knows?"

Izuku was getting pissed off that they were trash talking him and his father.

"Hey idiots! Of course I know my father's real name! How stupid can you be and before you ask for it I'm not going to say!" He yelled at them.

"Crap, I forgot to turn off the P.A."

Izuku made a dumbfounded face to the mirror.  "Yeah, ya did."

"What's going on in here?" Izuku heard Aizawa speak to the heroes in the room.

'Shigi, now is the best time to get me out of here,' Izuku singled.

"You are impatient brat, but fine. Give us a few seconds," Shigiraki replied.

Izuku wanted to play around with the heroes.

He looked to the mirror and put both his hands up like he was surrendering. He gave an innocent look to the now confused heroes.

A purple portal then formed behind him and his two open hands turned into a single finger on each hand sticking up. A creepy smiled joined in on the action.

Shigiraki jumped through and quickly disintegrated the cuffs and chains. He jumped back through before he could get caught.

"I thank you for your hospitality towards me but I think it's time I go. Later losers," Izuku spoke before getting up from his chair and disappeared in the portal. The portal closed as soon as Izuku was out of the room.

The heroes that had watched what just happened were dumbfounded. "How did he communicate to the league?!" All might raised his voice.

"It's probably the quirk that he was given," Aizawa concluded.

"What do you mean Shouta? Those were quirk canceling cuffs!" Present Mic panicked.

"Mr. Aizawa realized that his quirk was the only thing that would turn off that Izuku. It's not a normal quirk," Todoroki spoke for Aizawa. He and watched his boyfriend get taken again but he knew he was at least alive. He just needed to find a way to get his Izuku back and not the villain version of him.

A.N: you guys have no clue how long I've had that exit planned out! I'm quite proud of it.

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