Chapter 33: Breach

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Izuku woke up early and washed up before putting on his villain attire. He wanted Bakugo to believe that Breach and Izuku were two different people.

Whenever he got back to his room after taking a shower, he tied up his hair and had his dark black hair mostly showing. He slipped on his black dress pants and black dress shirt. He slipped on his choker, rings and normal earrings. He finished it off with adding his now signature large ruby earring.

A knock sounded at his door when he finished getting ready. "Come in." The door creaked open and Toga walked in. "Morning Toga," she smiled.

"Morning," she yawned. "Dabi and I did some shopping and got this for you." She tossed a black mask to him. It looked norma to him.

"Thanks but why? I have a black mask already."

"It has a voice modification device sewed into it. I'm not sure the science in it but it works," she explained.

He walked up to her and gave her a warm hug. "Thanks Toga," he told her.

She wrapped her arms around Izuku and hugged him back. "No problem Zuzu."

She felt a small pressure on her head but it didn't click until Izuku let go and walked to the door.

"Did you just kiss my head?" She turned to him.

"Maybe?" He winked before he walked out the door.

"Oh. My. Gosh. IZUKU MIDORIYA JUST KISSED ME!!!" Izuku heard her scream out! He laughed as he walked towards the room Bakugo was in.


He slipped the new mask on his face and said a simple sentence. He heard how his voice deepened and he sounded very threatening.

He smiled underneath the mask and unlocked the door.

The door creaked open and he saw the blonde sitting there. He noticed Bakugo winced due to the sudden light filling the room.

"Watch the eyes," Izuku warned as he flipped the light switch on.

The bright light shined in Bakugo's eyes. "Crap!" He growled.

"I warned you," Izuku chuckled.

"Who the hell are you?!" Bakugo growled at him.

"Didn't Dabi and Toga tell you last night?" He asked. Bakugo stayed silent. "Fine then. I'm Breach. Nice to meet you Katsuki Bakugo."

"How the hell do you know my first name?"

"Bakugo, I'm a hacker. I know a lot of I watched the sports festival," Izuku replied honestly. "So I'm going to give you time for you to ask questions. Use this time wisely. I'm not answering stupid questions."

Bakugo was shocked. The villain in front of him was letting him ask questions. 'What is his game?' He thought to himself.

"Were is Izuku? The other boy you guys kidnapped," Bakugo asked.

Izuku was honestly surprised. 'He's asking about me?'

"He's in another room. I'm wanting to recruit him to work along side me. I've seen his grades. I'm quite impressed," Izuku answered.

"What about me?"

"I want you to join us as well. Your attitude and anger is what makes a villain so great! I don't have that anger or bloodlust, but I have my reasons why I'm here. You would just be an amazing villain. Everything from attitude to your quirk. The sports festival was absolutely breathtaking," he smiled through his eyes.

"Yea, No.  I'm not joining you guys. I don't have the villain mind like you guys," Bakugo spat back.

"Am I hurting you?" Izuku asked calmly.


"Am I causing you any harm?"


"Exactly! I'm a villain, one of the highest attorney here in fact, and I'm just having a civil conversation with you. I'm not attacking you with a knife or any other weapon. I'm not yelling at you or acting like I'm a god above you. I'm a simple human being have a conversation with a first year in high school," Izuku spoke.

Bakugo went wide eyed. He was right. Why was the villain who kidnapped him not causing him harm?

"I'll go talk to Izuku about the situation. I'll leave you here to think about our short but important conversation."

Izuku turned to walk out the room.

"Breach!" Bakugo called out.


"You're being nice to me even though you're a villain. Why?"

"Some of us are born into a role and this is mine. That's all I'm saying," he replied opening the door and walked out of the room.

He shut the door and removed his mask. He leaned against the wall knowing that he was the only one near the noise canceling room.

"He's the second person to ask me that," Izuku muttered to himself. The quiet of the hall started to make him panic a little bringing his PTSD into play. "I need noise," he started to panic.

He pulled out his phone and say that there was a miss call from Todoroki.

Izuku looked down confused to it. 'Sho, if I was truly kidnapped they would have taken my phone.'

There was a voice mail from him too. He clicked play and brought the phone to his ear.

"Izu, I know the villains probably took your phone, but I'm panicking that you're gone. I promise, I will find where they took you and Bakugo, mostly you, and I will save you from them. I love you so much and I will save you! Please stay safe my love."

Izuku felt a tear fall down his face. He felt his heart ache from the message. He heard the pain in Todoroki's voice. He had thought that he was just playing with his feelings.

Izuku was cunning but he felt broken from everything going on around him.

Izuku looked up to the ceiling. "Mom, what do I do?" He asked.

Izuku then glanced back at the door. His classmate was sitting in that room, questioning if he was to join the villain side.

"Why am I doing this?" He asked himself. "I'm I really doing this just because of father or am I doing this for myself?"

Izuku then looked down to the mask in his hand. "What about Toga and Dabi?" He was doing this for his family. His family was keeping him safe, but who did he consider his family?

He put back on his mask and walked back into the room, surprising Bakugo.

"Did the nerd given in or give up already?" Bakugo huffed.

"I need you to listen to what I say. I'm not here right now as a villain but as someone who just needs to vent. Can you do that for me?" He asked Bakugo.

"Do I have a choice?" He chuckled thinking that he was forced to do this.

"You do actually. I don't need to tell you anything, but I need to decide something for myself and no one else here will give me the advice I'm looking for."

Bakugo was confused at the villain's words. 'Is this dude by polar or something?!'

Bakugo just sighed. "I'm all ears."

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