Chapter 34: a change in heart

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"I'm not going to go through personal stuff. My identity is still a mystery to everyone who's not in the league," Izuku started with.

"I'm not that dumb. Plus, you said your smart so your not going to make stupid moves," Bakugo huffed.

Izuku let in a deep breath and started to share his story to Bakugo.

"I grew up within the league. I've known everyone here since birth. There's someone in the league that caused me to be here," Izuku paused. "He also happens to be the most feared villain of all time."

"All for one?" Bakugo made sure.

"Yes. He's the true reason why I'm here. It's a rare moment when I actually see him so I don't count him in my close family that I have here," he spoke honestly. "The two idiots that tied you down last night are the ones I'm closest with."

"You mean knife girl and crispy skin," Bakugo joked.

Izuku let out a laugh to Bakugo's way of nicknaming people. "I'm so using that whenever I hang out with them," he laughed.

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Alright back to my story. Those two have been with me through thick and thin. They saved me from going full panic from my PTSD."

"You have PTSD?" Bakugo asked.

"Doesn't everyone in some way? And yes. It's from this room actually," Izuku explained taking a glance around the room. "I've spent countless of months in this room as punishments."

"M-Months?! Who would do that to a person?!" Bakugo raised his voice.

"All for one. He wants me to take over the league one day, but in all honesty, I'm not sure if I want to be a villain."

"What's your kill count?" Bakugo asked.

"2. I killed stain and I was one of the people who killed that student a while back. I didn't enjoy it but I didn't hate it."

"Of course you didn't hate it. It seems like that's all you know from the people around you," Bakugo said calmly.

"But I killed those people. I was ordered to kill Stain by All for one and me and Toga killed that kid because-" he stopped talking. He didn't know if Bakugo had seen the videos from that night. "Reasons."

"Look, I don't know what goes on here and I'm certainly not joining you guys. I'm going to be the #1 hero, but if you want to stay here, think of the future. People will fear you for your whole life."

"And if I leave the league is going to hunt me down and kill me. They already have a replacement for me and he finds any way to get me out of the picture," Izuku explained.

"Are you happy here?"

"When I'm with Toga and Dabi," he answered truthfully.  "And when I'm messing with Shigiraki. It's hilarious to make him mad."

"Are you by polar or something?" Bakugo asked him.

Izuku thought about it. His emotions did change on a whim sometimes. "Probably. We all got mental issues here."

"Agree with you on that last part," Bakugo smirked.

"Bakugo, if I were to leave here and start a new life, where would I go? What would I do?"

Bakugo thought about it for a second. "Depending on how old you are, which I know your probably not going to say, is what you would do. If your a teen, you can come with me to UA and the adults could sort things out and if your older, you can still do the same but who knows the outcomes."

"Would I be arrested?" Izuku asked.

"I don't know."

Izuku let out a sigh. "Thanks Bakugo. I had a personal mission to break down your mind until you joined but I really hope that you get out of this place. Do me a favor," Izuku told him walking out the room again.

"What do you want?"

"Take me with you."


"Toga, Dabi I need to talk to you," Izuku told both of them during their daily hang out time in Izuku's room.

"Is it about the blonde boy downstairs?" Toga questioned.

"No, it's actually about me," he replied nervously.

"Look Izuku, we already know that your gay, or bi.... Well.... You're just not straight," Dabi pointed out.

"I came out a long time ago idiots. It's not that," Izuku paused. "I don't think I want to be a part of the League anymore."

The two other people's jaw dropped.

"Why Zuzu?"

"Yea, why?"

"You both know how I'm basically mentally and physically abused by my father and Shigiraki. I don't get the same joy from crime as you two do. I don't want to be a hero, cause they are rude and spoiled, but I don't want to be a feared villain for my whole life. I just want to be Izuku Midoriya."

"But what about us?" Toga asked.

"I love both of you. You guys are the siblings that I've never had. I don't want anything to happen to you two, but I just can't stay here," Izuku slipped out a few tears.

"How do you want to leave then?" Dabi asked. "We will help and support you along the way. We are stuck in this life but you can still break free."

"My phone. Shoto called and left a voicemail. He said he would find me and Bakugo and that he loved me," Izuku smiled at the last part.

"What happened to playing with his feelings?" Dabi joked.

"It's not my fault that I actually grew into a relationship I am happy in," Izuku joked with him.

"Isn't that how it works?" Toga added in.

"I'm confused!" Izuku put in.

"If your confused, think about us two! You're smart, we're dumb!"

"Life is difficult," Izuku threw himself on his bed.

"Agree!" Dabi and Toga said at the same time.

Izuku pulled out his phone and went to the text message app.

"I'm going to send the leagues address. You guys should be able to relocate. It won't be that hard. It's just father that's."

"We understand Izuku. Send the message and go fill in Bakugo with whatever you need to say to him. I'll go give advice to Twice that if the heroes show up, that he should make a beat up clone of you," Dabi said.

"Thank you. I'll never forget you two as long as I shall live," Izuku smiled.

"Anything for you Zuzu."

Izuku took a deep breath and typed in each letter and number into the text box.

"Here goes nothing."


"Mr. Aizawa! Izuku just texted me! It's an address."

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