1 | Hogwarts

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Your feet felt heavy as you walked towards the headmaster's office, nervous to see him for the first time as the new professor in Hogwarts. You were supposed to replace Professor Flitwick, since he had decided to retire early and live his life out of the school. No words could describe how overjoyed you were to finally be able to live the life you wanted, to teach your favourite subject, but now as you were in the school ground, your nerves were killing you.

"Smile, Y/N. Smile!"

You muttered to yourself, taking a deep breath as you looked around the halls, admiring the building. It was not the most beautiful building you have ever seen, but the place sent warmth wrapped around your heart, and somehow you felt like you were finally home.

It was odd, really, to feel as if you were home in such a place that was not familiar. You did not go to Hogwarts, but you heard amazing stories about the school and it was an honour to be there, and soon you would be one of the prestigious teachers. You could not wait to make it as your home, and you internally scoffed at the sound of the word. 

Home, how you longed to feel home anywhere but near your parents' house. Truth to be told, one of the reasons you accepted this job was to get out of their house, escaping their cruel grasp over your life and avoiding their caustic words which would sent you into despair every day.

You were the only child, but that did not make your parents favour you. They thought of you as an unlucky child in their home, and they could not wait for the day when you met your soulmate so they could pass your bad luck to your husband. They said they were tired of bearing it for years, and they just wanted someone else to take you as their burden. 

To have magic in your blood was not something that you could be proud of, as they thought of you as a curse. You tried to do everything to make them love you more, you mastered all spells that you mother was capable of and you managed to do better than her and yet you were never her dream daughter. You excelled in every subject to make your father proud, you behaved as an obedient child but still they had something against you, thinking that you were an unfortunate child.

Suddenly, your nerves were replaced with sadness as their words rang through your head that you were just a burden. They even doubted your fate to find a soulmate in your life.  

Most of your friends found their soulmates when they were in school, and you could still remember how excited they were when they told you the stories of them discovering their long awaited soulmates. It was an alluring experience, and they were all so eager to tell you about it.

They said it was a breath taking moment when they touched their soulmates' skin, and they could see the future flashed before their eyes, exposing to them of how much they were meant to be together. It was a feeling that was beyond words, and you always imagined what it would be like once you met the one for you. 

You wanted to experience it yourself. You wanted to know how happy you would be when you met your soulmate, and you wanted to know if your soulmate was happy to finally see you too.

Perhaps your soulmate could love you and appreciate you, seeing you in a way that others failed to see. Your heart warmed at the thought, and you smiled, a kaleidoscope of feelings swarmed your chest as you continued to walk towards Dumbledore's office, shaking your nerves away.

Just as your head was filled with happy thoughts of meeting your soulmate, who you believed to be a lovely person, you bumped into a tall figure, wincing as you fell on the ground.

Great, your first time here and you were already lying on the floor.

You groaned and stood up on your feet, glancing at the man in dark robes, who was glaring daggers at you, there was not even a hint of smile on his face. You were expecting him to say something but he did not, as he kept his stone cold expression on you, keeping his head up proudly as he looked down at you.

He was eyeing you and you knew he was judging you silently. It was as if he was reading you, and by heaven, you despised the feeling. You were judged enough in your whole life and you did not need a stranger to do the same when you were able to make a good impression. Chewing on your bottom lip, the silence was thick and you cringed internally.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you."

You started, realising that he was not going to say anything. You were new there, hence you wanted to give the best impression. Sending him a smile, you extended your hand towards him, thinking that you were going to make your first friend there.

"I'm Y/N, the new teacher—"  

Your words were cut short as he walked away from you, ignoring you completely when you were trying to introduce yourself. You gasped, watching him as the man walked away, not even once did he look back at you.

"I think that's kind of rude." 

You mumbled under your breath, your eyes landed on your extended hand which he did not take to have your friendship with him. Sighing, you dropped your hand to your side and continued to walk towards the headmaster's office, not feeling as joyful as before after you bumped into the mysterious man, who seemed to be a teacher too. You hoped other teachers here were more welcoming than him, or else you would not be able to work.  

You wished things would be better once you started teaching here.

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