21 | Denial

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"Remus, are you alright?"

You stopped walking when you noticed your friend had stopped walking with you. His eyes were on you, but there was something glistening in them that you could not fathom. It was warm, and it was directed to you, but you did not know what it was.

Remus smiled as he stared at you, sending blood rushed towards your face. You gestured him to follow you, and he nodded, murmuring something under his breath that was inaudible to your ears.


You frowned, not catching his words. Remus shook his head, starting to walk along with you, a genuine smile was painted on his face. You could feel there was something he was hiding from you, but you did not ask anything, as it was obvious that he did not want you to know.

"Before you meet Snape, did you really believe in soulmates?"

He hesitated, worried if he was offending you with his question. But upon seeing your smile, he breathed of relief, knowing that you had no problems to talk about your exceptional bond with your soulmate.

"I have always believed in it. When I first learned about it, I was over the moon. I knew that there was someone waiting for me, somewhere in this world, and even if I did not know who he was, I have learned to love him right from the start."

You revealed, smiling weakly as you realised how foolish were you to fall in love with your soulmate when you were younger, only to be rejected once you finally found him. But you knew Remus did not think it was imprudent, as he understood your point of view.

"I almost lost faith in my soulmate."

Remus said, and you raised your eyebrows, waiting for his next words. His smile only widen, seeing how invested you were to hear his story.

"I went through many difficult years alone, thinking that I did not deserve a soulmate. So unlike you, I never fell in love with my soulmate because I was convinced that the universe will never blessed me with one."

There was pain hidden in his voice, but you could hear it, no matter how hard he tried to mask it with a smile on his face. He was carrying his burden alone for so long, and your heart was aching for him, wishing that he would get the happiness that he deserved.

"But you were wrong, Remus. You deserve a soulmate. We all do."

Your words sent warmth wrapped around his heart. He chuckled under his breath, realising how kind your heart was, and you were too pure to be tainted by this corrupted world.

"I was wrong. I finally found her when I was at the lowest point of my life, where I thought giving up was the only way."

You could tell from the way he was talking, that Remus fell head over heels for his soulmate, and you wondered how wonderful it would be if Severus was in love with you just like how you were in love with him.

"I fell in love with her at the first sight, actually."

Your smile turned into a grin when your friend chuckled heartily, his eyes were gleaming as he talked about his soulmate. There was no doubt that Remus was smitten with her.

"But she is in love with another so there is no point of thinking about it."

He quickly added, a tight smile was growing on his face. You did not know what to say, as it hurt you as well to know that you were in the same situation as him, if not worse.

"You're right. As for me, I just wish that someday Severus will look at me and sees forever in me."

You bit the inside of your cheeks, your heart was bleeding with love, as your eyes were filled with tears. Remus put his hand on your back, comforting you with a smile. He walked you back to your room, watching as you close the door and he was left alone again.

Souls | Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now